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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Eh, no-one seems interested in doing business, it would seem. I was in the market for a couple of special order DiMarzio pickups. DiMarzio themselves to be fair replied straight away to say they couldn't/wouldn't do custom shop orders internationally direct. I emailed the UK distributor (Headstock) and got hee-haw reply (not entirely surprised as they're a distributor so under no obligation to reply to a pleb like me who's not in the trade, but still they could have been helpful and pointed me to some retailers). So I went to Andertons, knowing that they sell DiMarzio pickups and asked for a quote. Well, that was 31st January. They took all the details and said they'd get back to me. I chased them a week later. They replied and said they'd chase it. I have had not a peep back, although I'm sure this is as much the distributor's fault as anyone's. So the pickups are on their way across from the States thanks to a very helpful eBay seller who I contacted on 30th Jan to speculatively enquire about the pickups I wanted (which they didn't have in at the time). In response to my speculative and rather non-committal query, they got 2 of the pickups in anyway and out of the blue got in contact with me directly to let me know they had them and they'd just gone live in his eBay store. Legend! Snagged! Sorry Andertons/Headstock - you snooze you lose!
  2. Dumbass(es) - stealing such a unique thing. Hope it gets recovered.
  3. I would shop in a shop called GTFO, it's deliciously paradoxical! I can't say I've noticed that attitude, but I'm not in that often. And don't get me started on Aberdeen - the bass selection is so small that you can be in an out of there before they've even had a chance to get their "can I help you with anything" on
  4. I guess if I was keeping it colloquial, I'd have simply said GTF (Get Tae F), but GTFO is a more commonly understood internet acronym.
  5. Close - Get The F Out (of here, I suppose).
  6. You're in the situation you're in now. Suck it up and fill/redrill the holes you need to. You've spent all this money on new tuners - don't halfass it because you're feeling a bit aggrieved. The screws will go in at a weird angle and will look like you halfassed it. At least you only have to do half the holes?
  7. Zombie thread, but my one from 2021 had its bridge in the right place (just - only just enough room to move the E saddle back - you might be in bother if you like 110s...)
  8. I have just dispensed with the three pointer off my Epiphone Les Paul, fire me the measurements and if it lines up, you can have it.
  9. Glasgow or GTFO, and even then it's merely "better than everywhere else" with a low bar to clear.
  10. I don't see how this backs up your claim. But as a non-oil painting myself, I guess I would say that.
  11. If someone's been taking too long to tune up, or is having to deal with an audience member trying to talk to them mid gig, I'll sometimes start playing this: The x2 should really ad nauseum...
  12. Identical, assuming the shielding is complete and sound.
  13. You just described 75% of the opinions expressed on BC
  14. They could have done with setting the bass up before filming...
  15. Had one of our best gigs ever last night at the Butchers Arms in Inverurie. First half was a bit quiet (although there were still folk up dancing) but in the second half it got really busy because an event finished in a nearby venue and a bunch of people came in to continue their night. Bar was packed, had to rescue a PA speaker and some lights one time and one person nearly became part of the drumset but it was a lot of fun anyway. Got a three song "one more tune". I heard we're getting some repeat custom (people who've seen us before and came down in order to see us). Loads of great feedback. Two different people came up and told me they enjoyed my playing specifically. All in all, one of the best nights we've ever had.
  16. Also, I have a special hatred for geographically based gear snobbery. That tone of mild disgust when an instrument is MIC and it was so much better when they were MIK or whatever - get lost.
  17. All basses overlap to some degree, ergo I fail to see what the problem is lest I decide that I have the same "predicament"
  18. As long as there's no gear snobbery going on, play whatever you like. Can't effing stand gear snobbery, it can get in the bin.
  19. How is the recovery from your funectomy going?
  20. Website is displaying weird - click on the little, truncated picture to reveal the full pic.
  21. Noticed the top loaded strings on the L-2500 - food for thought... http://www.bassesbyleo.com/l2500_bridge_mod.html
  22. More than one way to skin a cat with a circuit that simple which will end up being electronically identical.
  23. Thanks for sharing the song - don't be shy! Agree would really need to hear it in isolation - in the context of the song it doesn't sound "unintentional", if that makes any sense, so it makes it hard to wonder what the problem is.
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