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Everything posted by neilb

  1. I'll give Rich a week before this is in the For sale section!!!!! LOL
  2. I take it you know the chords to the song, just not the bassline your dep played? If so, why not just apply your own bassline to the song rather than sweat over working out what he played? By the way, nice song!!
  3. Most blues standards use a walking I IV V pattern, using a minor pentatonic or blues scales. I dont think theres any need to learn specific songs as they mostly are based around this.
  4. This chap seems to have it close...may be of some help. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcU2VQPC7Ag"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcU2VQPC7Ag[/url]
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='834403' date='May 11 2010, 04:56 PM']Erm Neilb thats just the chords, innit? Try dropping dave_bass5 a PM as he has been in Jam/Weller cover bands and I am certain he will know Edit: I know the octave-y bit you mean, I would guess its not slapped, just picked fast on the octaves[/quote] Yes, I guessed that wasnt what he meant when i posted.Sorry.
  6. [url="http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.php?what=tab&id=71912"]http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.ulti...ab&id=71912[/url] I take it you mean chords, rather than technique???
  7. I like the word "posse". Hi from chelmsford
  8. Are the scratchplate screws extra?
  9. IIRC, you cannot wire P pups out of phase, it does not matter which way round they are. Seems to me the problem lies in the other wiring, poss a dodgy tone cap?
  10. have you checked the fuse in the plug?
  11. pleased with mine.
  12. Deffo a fake, but I have no suspicion the seller is a scammer, just very unaware of the bass' provenance and is just going by whats on the stock.
  13. Good Love Is On The Way....John Mayer Trio.
  14. Thanks OTPJ.
  15. Yorick PMd mate
  16. I have moved on my two MIM Fenders, initially to make way for a US Standard Jazz with maple neck (what I have always dreamt of). I then could not pass up a Squier Classic Vibe Precision Bass in the new Fiesta Red for the silly sum of £190. So, here is my main gigging bass, a 2006 US Std Jazz: ..and the bargain Squier: This has fallen victim to some modding by me. It now sports a more red plate (which I prefer), a set of Wizard pups, new wiring with CTS pots, orange sprague cap switchcraft socket all connected with better quality wire. I have also removed the Hi Mass Squier bridge (for some reason I didnt like it) and installed a standard Fender bridge and cover. It awaits a new set of reverse Vintage tuners as the Squier ones are arse. I have also tweaked the neck a tad, full set up and lemon oiled the board. Frets were all excellent anyway. Sounds brill and looks really retro. No more GAS for now!!!!
  17. +1 for interparcel, good service.They sub out alot of their services to UPS.
  18. Top man, prompt payment. Buys/sells more basses than me!!! Thanks
  19. Its Randy Meisner (Ex Eagles). Here with his successor, Tim B Schmidt.
  20. I went to Dot funks last gig at the JC, great night.
  21. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='816651' date='Apr 23 2010, 08:13 PM']Regardless of genre, maybe the true innovators? We haven't really touched on the rock/metal/thrash/alternative/punk world.[/quote] I wonder why??
  22. Oh dear, why didnt this come up a week or so ago when I posted that i was after a US Precision in burst with a maple board in the WANTED section????? I have now bought the exact same bass but a Jazz.......... and I love it. We could swap but Im getting on great with the Jazz now. GL with the sale.
  23. When I read the title of this post I immeadiately put forward Peter Dennis Blandford Townshend. As I scrolled down I saw that Bassassasin had beaten me to it, and I am glad. Forget all the media hype if 6 odd years ago, Pete was and is a musical legend...a genius. His productivity over the years (not all reached the public arena) is amazing. He is, in my opinion, the Stephen Fry of the rock world...as soon as he speaks, I listen and in all cases, I am glad I did. He is a national musical treasure and it will be a sad day when he joins Keith and John.
  24. As described, complete with Wizard Thumper pup, BADASS2 bridge and pearloid white plate. Any interest? Offers around £340 please.
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