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Everything posted by neilb

  1. neilb


    This in yellow I think:
  2. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='183365' date='Apr 22 2008, 11:46 PM']have you got a picture of it working as a racklight? given the dodgy reviews and the fact that you're upgrading cos it's obviously not a great piece of kit...I'll offer you £20 including p&p?[/quote] See my sig.
  3. BARGAIN, even if only used as a racklight.
  4. 210TVX Great 4 ohm 2x10 cab. Peavey but de badged, cos I am a snob!! Collection only from Chelmsford or Harlow in Essex. £90
  5. Just to put you tottaly off, I understand this years show is being combined with the Drum Show.
  6. Bass > Preamp. Compressor in the effects loop of the preamp. Either connect tuner to the TUNER OUT on the pre (if it has one) or split the EFFECTS OUT to both the TUNER IN and the COMP IN. I tried running the signal through the tuner but it coloured my sound too much, but I do have the cheap Behry tuner.
  7. Use the SEARCH facility on the forum, there are several threads already about SX stuff.
  8. No power amp then?
  9. Mint condition, used once. £35 posted.
  10. 4 string, fretted, and a good music book................ and watch Standing In The Shadows of Motown. THEN branch out with 5ers, fretless etc etc.
  11. Ive got a "bass boner" just looking at that clutch!!
  12. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='174244' date='Apr 10 2008, 11:39 PM']OK so when did Bill Murray take up bass [/quote] Stop lifting yer cheap jokes from TB, yer git!!!!
  13. My first Trace rig ( supplied by Mark Gooday) in 1993 ish had just returned from a Wishbone Ash tour.
  14. PMd again. Offer made.
  15. Last Saturday at local hockey club Annual Presentation night. Started at 9pm after a few drinks and a nice 3 course sit down meal (all in!!!!). Guests up and dancing from second song, always girls!!! Nice. Sound good, but decided I need a bigger cab, on stage volume was a little thin with my 2 x 10 (DI'd into PA). GAS for a 4x10 now!!!!! Nice night, punters enjoyed it and we are booked for next year already. £100 each plus dinner. Cant be bad for an evenings work.......and loads of totty to bog at.
  16. Think £320 is a bit steep to be honest.
  17. I use mine as a rack light only nowadays as its tracking ability on bass notes is pretty dire.
  18. think he means 1Mb.
  19. Not directed at you particulary Rickster, but I just cant get my head around all this "make me an offer" malarky in the FOR SALE section. Where else would you put something up for sale and ask for offers? House? No Car ? No You will get minimal interest with posts like these, people who are interested wont "make an offer" that interests you. Stick a price up and then say ONO or similar.
  20. Perhaps this post should be in the "Wanted" section?
  21. My SX Precision in action again last night. And my Jazz waiting patiently in the wings....
  22. [quote name='Murph_Orpheus' post='168775' date='Apr 2 2008, 11:06 PM']Actually thats something I can never get my head around, I'm just putting together my first rack system, whats the best way to connect it all up? rack head>compressor>tuner etc? Then I gotta figure out what inputs to use to connect it all! :wacko:[/quote] I used to run this: bass>amp>FX send to tuner in>tuner out to compressor in>compressor out to FX return. However, I found that to my ears the tuner (a Behringer cheapo) was colouring my sound too much. I now go bass>amp>FX send SPLIT to tuner in AND compressor in.Compressor out to FX return. Sounds much better. Just experiment, but i think the comp sounds better on the loop if its a passive bass.
  23. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='169752' date='Apr 4 2008, 01:02 PM']Looks like Neil_B was right all along - I musn't have asked the question clearly. Please see further correspondence with Kurt below: [i]----- Original Message ----- To: 'Kurt' Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 5:38 AM Thanks for the speedy reply and info Kurt. I am actually interested in the P body shape, rather than the pickups themselves. I notice that Squier do a 5 string P–bodied bass, but it has two jazz style pickups, instead of a P and a J. Do SX do anything like that? From: Kurt [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 04 April 2008 12:42 The 5 string P is a standard SX model - sold now hope to have back by later spring [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/spb61413ts.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/spb61413ts.html[/url] Kurt[/i] I think I may hold off for one of these - unless something comes along in the meantime![/quote] Glad you found it. Orange neck or not, for silly bucks its a nice bass.
  24. Silver hardware, surely!!
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