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Everything posted by neilb

  1. Magnolia bought it from FarEast Guitars for £425???? Whos gonna pay £500 for one?
  2. The guard is an off the shelf job from my local music store, just needed a little dremmeling round the neck pocket area to fit. The actual build quality, body/paint finish and neck are easily on par with MIM s, infact i prefer the necks on these, look more professional than the bleachy wood effect of the Fenders. I used it for the first time at practice last night and it was a pleasure to play. The lads couldnt believe it only cost me £170 all in. Go for it, import is a breeze with this company.
  3. [quote name='Magnolia' post='60325' date='Sep 14 2007, 11:51 AM']I might have this back (im Rush_rule) This was a great bass. If you still have it at the end of the month i'll have it. I only sold the bass because of the hassle it caused when i bought it, i just wanted rid f it. If i remember correct its a 1988. Does it still have the badass on? Nick[/quote] If the pics are accurate, then no.
  4. Nice - fair price too.
  5. I kept it pressed for a couple of days to be honest. It was a cheapo plastic jobby from JHS if I recall. Perhaps your plate is made of something different if its a oldy.
  6. I recall many many years agoi when I played in a 60s covers band (yawn!) and we were playing Move It by Sir Cliff. The whole hall was up jiving away. The singer then signalled for me to stop playing so he could sing a verse sort of accapalla if you will and the whole crowd stopped moving. They all started again when I began the walking bassline again. People generally dance respond to what they feel, not what they hear. They dance to your BASSLINES to a large extent. I thoroughly enjoy being the most powerful member of the band, I can control everything from my 4 strings. As said above, just stop playing one day during a song and wait for the frustrated glances.......we are needed!!!
  7. Blimey - Ive seen reputable music shops with less basses than this!! He doesnt really need that fence, does he?
  8. I reckon it would melt at that temp mate. Sorry you had no luck with the hot water trick, worked with me. You may as well bite the bullet and get a custom plate cut. Speak to Mike at SIMS. If you send him the bent old plate, he will cut you a replica in whatever colour u like. [url="http://www.simscustom.com/html/scratchplate_files/scratchplates.html"]http://www.simscustom.com/html/scratchplat...atchplates.html[/url]
  9. neilb

    Custom Jazz

    After reading your mods etc, it beggars the question "Why the f**k did you buy a Jazz then?"
  10. [quote name='parker_muse' post='59479' date='Sep 12 2007, 07:46 PM']LOL at richey edwards comment.[/quote] Thanks Parker..........at least someone got my joke.
  11. Fender Aerodyne jazz and an SX 57 Jazz copy. The most I ever had was 4 - 2 Fender Precisions MIJs, a Status Eclipse and a Yammy 5er.
  12. Richey Edwards from the Manics.
  13. Theres some on the Bay IIRC.
  14. fwiw - for what its worth.
  15. Try soaking it (the plate, NOT the bass!!!) in a bowl of very warm water and placing it between two large heavy books. If your partner/missus is anything like mine, you will find she has a Next or River Island catalogue floating around somewhere. Leave overnight. Sprinkle with olive oil and juniper berry oil and re fit plate. Voila. (Ignore the last bit about the oils-that was theatrical license).
  16. Agreed £400 - £450
  17. Thanks all, taken your advice and bought a VT1 Purist from Dave. I hate it when fellow BCers recommend stuff..........costs me each time!!!!!! LOL Cheers Dave.
  18. can we have a link so we can take a butchers?
  19. As you know I run a Superfly into two 2x10 cabs. The sound for me is fine but it lacks warmth and growl sometimes. (To be expected I suppose as its a Class D SS amp). So...... I would like to get a valvey slightly overdriven sound and I obviously cant get it with the normal pre sets/EQ on the amp. Im thinking of a DHA Purist Bass overdrive pedal to add to my set up. Would that give me what Im after? Im a bit of a simpleton when it comes to effects, I have avoided them in the past. Any comments from users of DHA stuff (or from Dave himself!!!!) would be welcomed.
  20. To confirm what was said above, the answer from the man himself in an email to me today. I[i]n the video I used a Robin 'Freedom' Bass. I found it in a pawn shop here in the Dallas area. Robin had ended production of basses in the 80's to focus on guitars. (They're a really small custom shop in Houston). After the song started getting more popular, they contacted me and made me another, but with a rosewood fretboard--and they also started production of basses agian. Both basses have been my main axes ever since--they're amazing instruments. y'all be cool. todd pipes [/i]
  21. Fitted with with Rio Grande pickups IIRC.
  22. I think I've just wet myself.
  23. www.craftedinjapan.co.uk www.fareastguitars.co.uk www.mijfender.com
  24. 1. String change 2. Pickguard change from white to torty. 3.Bridge swap to a Gotoh 201 4.Slightly file out the nut. 5.Adjust neck a tad. 6. Changed the knobs to the normal black Jazz jobbies (not pictured). Finally a setup. Plays really nice. All in all with VAT and taxes and upgrades, cost me about £170 all in. Took 5 days from the US dealer to my door. Original pics and more info in Bulid Diaries section.
  25. Lovely bass and.............cheap as chips.
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