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Everything posted by neilb

  1. [quote name='d-basser' post='27835' date='Jul 6 2007, 11:24 AM']pics soon[/quote] How soon????
  2. The OX had his "Mini Manhattan" rig.... This is like a "mini docklands".................nice!!!
  3. neilb

    Hello !

    Bienvenue a Basschat mon ami. Votre Anglais est tres bon. Salut Neil
  4. Mackie make reliable p/amps. They do a budget line called "Juice", made by Tapco. Very good value and they go down to 2 OHMS IIRC. [url="http://www.tapcoworld.com/products/juiceseries/index.html"]http://www.tapcoworld.com/products/juiceseries/index.html[/url] [url="http://www.mackie.com/products/frseries/"]http://www.mackie.com/products/frseries/[/url] Both ranges available from Thomann.
  5. Moon the Loon and Thunderfingers. RIP both of you.
  6. The Who - Pino is ill. Im next on the list.
  7. Nice Sibob!!!
  8. Ok, bass arrived this afternoon, 6 days in all. Didnt get charged any import tax or VAT!! Nice. They will catch up with me later no doubt. First pics are the bass upon delivery. More yellow than I expected but in a strange way, I really dig the seventies vibe of the banana yellow. The set up was out the box was a bit naff, so off came the factory strings, the bridge and the white plate. Swapped the neck plate for my other "John Entwistle" etched jobby, the other resides on my Fender Aerodyne!! I then shielded the cavities, lowered the pups a tad and put on a nice new torty plate. Installed a Gotoh 201 chrome bridge, screwholes lined up perfectly......... things going toooooooo well!. Re strung with new strings (I use Roberts Yellows at £7 a pack...bargain!). Adjust string height and intonation and a bit of a tweak on the truss rod. Tune up and............ very nice I say. Looks the biz and plays nice for a dirt cheap bass. Neck a little thicker than a std jazz but still comfy. Total price £ 170 ish. Rondos service was excellent and the product well worth the money. Totally worth the risk and an enjoyable little modding project. [url="http://rondomusic.com"]Rondo Music[/url][attachment=2127:PICT0002.JPG]
  9. Looks like Ray Charles has been at that with a blunt chisel.
  10. Bass got from the states to the UK in 48 hrs. Lets see how long our chaps take to get it from Stansted Airport to Chelmsford.
  11. That seller rings a bell, he had some old Jazz for sale on numerous sites inc EBay. Seems too good a price.
  12. [quote name='WalMan' post='53229' date='Aug 31 2007, 11:23 AM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=45"]I wonder who this belonged to before[/url]? Back again on Fleabay almost immediately at a nice little [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180154023008"]Buy It Now[/url] mark up - well I suppose he is a trader. Watching with interest.[/quote] This company are always doing this, they have beaten me at the last minute on some TE stuff a while back the, surprise, its back on EBay at twice the price. Nothing illegal, just business I spose.
  13. Wherever I lay my hat.
  14. As most of us know, the Talkbass forum in the US has no end of threads on SX basses and the general consensus is that they are one of the best BUDGET basses available. However, most/all of the posters who have them are in the US cos thats where the distributer is. So, Ive taken the rather cheap plunge (now Ive sold my Artcore 140!!!!! at last) and ordered one of these: Im treating the whole exercise as a test of Rondos export service, quality of product for the money and a good old "mod" project. So far, to buy the bass and get it shipped to Blighty has cost me £109. There will be VAT and import duty I know, that will be added to my final bill. I intend to swap out the guard for a torty one, change the pups for some Wizards that Andy will make for me and exchange the bridge for a Gotoh 201. I will also consider changing the tuners if they are naff. If anyone is interested, I will post some pics etc of the upgrades as they happen. I am aiming for this type of look:
  15. Played in a band with Maccas keyboard player, cant recall name, about the time he was recording with Hamish from the Average White Band. Mid eighties?? Nice bloke. Also, Suzi Quattros keyboard player was "hired" by me for a while. LOL.
  16. More like its the power transformer then. It may be a csae that you get it repaired/diagnosed and Genz will re imburse you. GL WoT.
  17. My wife is an envelope filter in a sense....... I get the bills, she gets the rest.
  18. [quote name='nash' post='51018' date='Aug 26 2007, 07:47 PM']the bed sheet makes it play smoother. yea SD 1/4lber. how come you dont like the badass? i love the look and the sound. i have endless sustain off it.[/quote] I have no doubt they add to the sound and give great sustain, just dont really like the modern look on such a classic intsrument.Purely my opinion. Nice P anyway Nash
  19. Im sure Oxblood will have some suggestions, hes pretty well expert on amps and the best band in the world, aint you Ox?
  20. Youve stuck a bedsheet to the back of your bass and you call that a "mod"??? Joshin wiv ya matey............However, I am not a fan of Badass' on Ps, Im afraid. Bassline pickups?????
  21. Sunday bump....anyone????
  22. Sounds like an STD..........
  23. There are some importers that will deliver to your door: [url="http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk"]www.fareastguitars.co.uk[/url] [url="http://www.craftedinjapan.co.uk"]www.craftedinjapan.co.uk[/url] [url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/"]www.guitaremporium.co.uk/[/url]
  24. Four years ago I sold all my bass gear when we had our first baby. My wife told me not to, but I was insistent, thinking rightly so, we would need the money. Trace Elliot AH200 Series 6 with 1 x15" and 2 x10" cabs. Vinyl covered, pre Kaman era. MIJ 3TS Precision with maple neck MIJ black Precision maple neck Status Graphite Artist Eclipse 4 string bass in natural finish. Im absolutely kicking myself now............
  25. Yes, agreed...dont bother. I chabged to a V/B/T setup and the sound O/P was rubbish and the tonal range crap. Changed back to V/V/T. So I have a spare 250K dual pot if anyone wants one!!!
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