Hardly gigged at all in months, hence few posts from me recently as they are mostly in the 'how was your last gig' section. Gone from being persuaded a few years back to join a 3 piece to do bike festivals in the summer along with my already existing band (who werent gigging much either) to being nudged into dropping the main band in favour of the trio which got quite busy then the pandemic hit and we've never really picked it back up. Main singer/gtr had a financial issue and late last year said after next months gigs he'd been advised by his accountant to keep a low profile so couldn't see it carrying on. I then worked out my priorities and decided I'd be jacking it in then as well.
Subsequently the PA gear that the singer/gtr sold off has been replaced by new gear. I believe he unexpectedly came into some new money from a bereavement and he's constantly posting on his FB page about the solo gigs he's doing (he's always done this as a sideline but said he was getting very bored of it and preferred the trio). The drummer has now joined a second band as he wasnt happy with the low number of gigs, despite him saying how many gigs he could find for us, we've hardly done any biker stuff apart from 1 venue. It's become totally disfunctional and not remotely the set up I was originally asked to join (I was personally approached, didn't audition for it or was looking for it).
In truth my personal circumstances have changed a lot since I joined the band (met a wonderful lady last year and things have got very serious very quickly, we're not kids so time is of the essence) and I really don't have the time for the band just now and won't be looking for a new band once I stick to my original plan and leave at the end of July.
I think the other 2 guys will probably bring in a replacement and keep the band going in some form whilst predominantly doing their other stuff. The trio has become a sideshow and I'm not bothered about it anymore, time to move on. I will probably be moving over 200 miles away in the next year or two so no point commiting to any local bands at this point, maybe look around for something once I'm settled elsewhere with my partner.