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Everything posted by KevB

  1. I recall Giblin selling a fair bit of gear off through eBay and most of it was posted just like any other seller would, it wasn't all full of 'I'm really well known , look at all these people I've played with' BS, he just came across as a really decent bloke and giving as much info about each piece of kit as possible. Still couldn't actually afford any of his basses though
  2. To make a proper comparison you need to have the SAME pair of amp and cab, one pair as separate units and the other together as a combo. Anything else is too apples v oranges to be a real valid test.
  3. Depends on your guitarist, if they don't have a particularly big or dirty sound a bit extra on the riff can actually rescue an otherwise 'thin' sounding version, played it loads of times in jams with various people and once or twice I've noticed a look of panic come over thme when I leave them to play it solo. It's just a question of not over egging it. I usually double up with an A an octave up so it's not too low a register, fits fine. Can also help a novice drummer keep the rhythm too.
  4. Bands usually try to big themselves up a bit to test potential new recruits. I'd put money on them not being absolutely 100% the same as the originals on every song so don't get intimidated. If they are the usual 2 sets 45 min per set band they won't be doing every song on that list so ask them what a full actual recent set list was and concentrate on those songs first. I've joined bands in the past that get me to learn a 'set' only to find they hardly play 3 or 4 off the list any more! Looks a good set, I'd hapily dep for them myself!
  5. I once bought a bass via the net, brand new and soon realised it wasn't my cup of tea (it was a model that wasn't kept in any local music stores) but I never considered sending it back. It was bought by me in good faith and it wasn't faulty, my decision. I sold it on at a loss and put it down to experience. Not what the OP wants to hear but that's what was best for my peace of mind.
  6. [quote name='MSL' post='915142' date='Aug 4 2010, 05:03 PM']Play.com have it on sale, bit expensive though. [url="http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/15784637/Road-Noise/Product.html"]Road Noise[/url][/quote] Expensive? You should have seen the prices it was going for S/H when it was out of print!
  7. It'll be Sat 16th of October for you then 2pods
  8. If you are mainly going for the cheesy weddings market how about... 'RECEPTION' Too obvious? could muck about with the spelling to make it less confusing on flyers etc. Can always expand it if you prefer a 2 name title like 'Critical Reception' - see if any partygoers get the joke...
  9. What's there not to like in JT's voice? highly underrated singer at her prime and I liked Rhino's playing on her stuff too, even some fretless if memory serves. I'm off to see Tzuke next month. Saw her a few years back and wasn't expectying her voice to still be up to much but she was spot on.
  10. I recall when it first came out Dave Lee Travis playing it to death on his show, he seemed to have a track from it practically every week. Picked it up not long after that. I was really disappointed with the next solo DF album but then that was about ten years after Nightfly!
  11. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='893506' date='Jul 13 2010, 10:34 AM']Nice bass that! Bet it plays nice ;-)[/quote] Yeah I have a special tech that looks after all that stuff for me. They're worth their weight in gold...
  12. Why do I keep expecting Graham Chapman in military uniform to come striding on telling us this is 'far too silly' ? ^_^ * * Other than he's dead of course...
  13. [quote name='OldGit' post='891232' date='Jul 10 2010, 12:32 PM']Oh the new hat looks fantastic and just right. Good choice...[/quote] Cheers Simon, now if I can just persuade the frontman/singer/guitarist to turn up for gigs not looking like he's doing the bloody barbecue we might get a bit of image sorted out!
  14. Back to the new album, just got it and am loading it into iTunes manually. Would appear there is a hidden track. I don't know what to call it as it isn't listed on the CD sleeve of course! He mentions 'Purple Yoda' so I might just call it that!
  15. Taken last night. new band to me (only 6th gig) and a chance to don my newly aquired hat. Rther a sweaty gig but people were coming up and saying how much they'd enjoyed it afterwards so must be getting a few things right...
  16. [quote name='OldGit' post='889704' date='Jul 8 2010, 05:28 PM']Cool Where? and which one?[/quote] I bought one at Derbyshire country fair from some bloke's stall, his name is printed on the inside but I can't remember it. It's pretty much identical to this; [url="http://www.hatsandcaps.co.uk/Jaxon-Hats-Buffalo-Leather-Cowboy-Hat-P119998/"]http://www.hatsandcaps.co.uk/Jaxon-Hats-Bu...oy-Hat-P119998/[/url] except mine has two small breathing holes on each side for better ventilation (good for gigging!) and it was £32. I'm sure they are all knocked up in China anyway, could have got one even cheaper from here for example; [url="http://www.higgsleathers.co.uk/index.php?CATEGORY=9&SUB=3&gclid=CI28z8rl3qICFY8A4wodVinarw"]http://www.higgsleathers.co.uk/index.php?C...CFY8A4wodVinarw[/url] I prefer to try before I buy with hats so the country fair was a good compromise, and I was goaded into by the person I was with!
  17. Good front man, it's half the battle even though you have to split the cash 5 ways. It's what my lot could do with but it'll never happen.
  18. I use a TE combo live and it had one already built in so I thought I might as well use it, usually set at about 2 o'clock position. Whether I'd actually go out and buy a pedal if I changed gear I'm not sure though.
  19. Could have been worse, they might have stuck a bass solo in it
  20. Did someone mention scat?
  21. Thought I'd missed out on a deal but then realised I'd actually paid 20% less for my hat than the equivalent one on the web site, plus I got to try it on before I bought it ^_^
  22. Well I'll no doubt get castigated for saying this (and won't give a toss frankly) but I've yet to see any of these clips from shows, demos, clinics and whatever that convince me that the bass guitar is actually a solo instrument at all. It's not really what is was first intended for. A bit of bass oriented sections of songs are fine (My Generation et al) but whole tunes featuring nothing but bass just don't do it for me (OK I can maybe make a bit of an exception for The Fish but only just). If someone is basically using something like a 6 or 7 or 8 string bass to extend the range up so it can be played like a guitar, then it's a guitar and he's playing a guitar solo (though maybe an octave lower).
  23. [quote name='Dillsfretless' post='167432' date='Apr 1 2008, 09:26 AM']Colin played on an album I have by Neal Schon and Jan Hammer. Great bassline on a track called 'wastin time' - but I doubt that anyone here has even heard it![/quote] I have that track on a 'best of Schon & Hammer' compilation CD (it does exist honest!), never knew it was Colin on bass though. Must dig it out for another listen!
  24. Having skirted the issue for some time I finally caved and bought one a couple of weeks ago and gigged it last weekend. Fortunately there were no photographers present. It's made of leather, someone in the audience said I looked like Roger Glover in the early 70's. I can live with that ^_^
  25. Still not convinced about the Behringer bashing, never had any of the several pieces of kit I've bought from them actually fail. Could it be that we hear more stories of them going wrong just because there is such a huge volume of their merchandise out there? As a percentage of total volume sold are they really less reliable? Would they still be a successful business in today's cutthroat market if all thay sold was utter useless tat? But I digress, back to the OP - I have a USA jazz and I have an Indonesian Squire P bass special. Going by rough 'as new' prices the jazz bass should be about 4 or 5 times better than the P and in truth it does feel like a better quality instrument but not to that degree.
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