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Everything posted by KevB

  1. Considering the new Moog taurus will go for nearly $2K maybe not as much as you'd think; [url="http://cgi.ebay.ca/DIGIKICK-FOOTAR-MIDI-BASS-PEDALS-for-amazing-effects_W0QQitemZ300278066020QQcmdZViewItemQQptZKeyboards_MIDI?hash=item300278066020&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1215%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.ca/DIGIKICK-FOOTAR-MIDI-BA...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] I emailed them about a UK distributor as the delivery to the UK would be hefty no doubt. Still no word about anyone selling direct from UK yet though.
  2. I rather like the look of this; [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CZQGxJm6xkc"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CZQGxJm6xkc[/url] The production model looks a bit sexier. Unfortunately there isn't a UK distributor yet.
  3. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='342065' date='Dec 1 2008, 04:41 PM']1. We only play covers. 2. We work our socks off. 3. Pretty blonde singer with a great voice [maybe this should be number 1!!].[/quote] I didn't realise your band was AOS, I was looking up your MySpace site the other day and realised you play gigs in the area I grew up in. If I'm up visiting relatives next time you play in Cleckheaton I'll try to drop in the Rose & Crown and say hello. I was also thinking of getting a few ideas from your set list as I'm also working with a female singer at the moment!
  4. I have no experience of the pickups but just thought I'd jump on the west bromich bandwagon and mention I've played a gig at The Stone Cross. In fact we are booked in to play again next year, if we have a band together that can cover it!
  5. PK-5 pedals are a set of 'organ pedal' type pedals similar to Moog taurus but they have no internal sounds of their own, they are just midi triggers. You need to hook them up to a sound module of some type to get the sounds you need. I use mine with a JV1080 unit which had a number of expansion cards fited giving me a lot of synth, keyboard and orchestral patches as well as other general stuff. I wouldn't use them for quick, complicated basslines though - remember you are basically playing standing on one leg. The sound module isn't in the shot but this is an old photo of my pedals from a gig;
  6. [quote name='Steve_nottm' post='342371' date='Dec 1 2008, 09:07 PM']Diamond at Sutton? been there, sounds familliar[/quote] Could be, Steve, could be! ... at least Gary was very apologetic about the whole thing and let us cut our second set short so we could all get off home!
  7. Since it actually was last night and the last gig of the band in its present form here's how it went...I won't embarass the venue but basically if you're not a tribute act of some kind there's no way you will get to play on Fri or Sat night. I've been to see a tribute on a Sunday and it was *very* quiet. The sound guy decided he'd have an easy night and though he went to the trouble of mic'ing or DI'ing all instruments into the big in house PA then promptly told us that they had to keep it quiet on Sunday so he'd only be putting vox, a bit of drums and my midi pedals through it - 'I just mic stuff up to stop bands moaning that they are not mic'd up - it's not going through the PA'. I suggested we could turn down on stage volumes so we could then mix it all properly through the PA - no response. So we trudged through a shortened set and got precisely £6 each from door takings at the end of the night - I'd spent more than that on food and drink since I'd arrived there!
  8. Max external dimensions on mine are: Width 48cm Height 74cm Depth 43cm* In reality if you have it so the back feet are against the wall you won't get basses to sit securely in it. The back feet on mine are about 10-15cm from the wall and to sit the body of a bass in comfortably at an angle the tuners are still scraping the wall a bit. Cheers Kev
  9. I don't know if it is still the case but the badass III's initially were sold with 2 sets of saddles, one pregrooved and one uncut so you had the choice.
  10. I have the very one, I'll edit this with an update giving dimensions as soon as I get home from work. Is it just total exterior h x w x d you need?
  11. I started off with 'sharkskin' type vinyl covered 715 combo but hankered for something I could use an extension speaker with. I ended up with a carpet covered 725 and an old 4X10 vinyl covered cab for £400 plus I got back what I paid for the original 715 combo. I can't see any difference in build quality at all, the green carpet covered 725 seems extremely robust but it is quite heavy...
  12. In the current recession I think you'd be looking at £150-£200 tops. People tend to go for the 725's more as they allow extension cabs to be run taking them up to 300W at 4ohms.
  13. I'm sure I've seen similar plastic tuning cylinders in Maplins in the section where they put speaker grills etc, I've never bothered measuring them but they always look very similar to what I have on my TE combo but obviously without the name imprinted; [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?moduleno=17602"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?moduleno=17602[/url] Any use?
  14. [quote name='acidbass' post='338395' date='Nov 27 2008, 01:45 PM']Just type your band's name into Myspace. How many serious bands do you know that don't have one? [/quote] That's what I thought but then I just tried finding a mate's band who already have FORTY gigs booked for 2009 and they have virtually no web presence at all, they mainly use an agent and even that web page is sparse of info - just goes to show...
  15. I was thinking of something that was free preferably, and more UK based but thanks anyway.
  16. My current band will be fizzling out shortly but some members may reform and to be fair we ought to change the name. Is there an easily accessible online directory of bands currently working? I suppose most of them should have some web presence so a check by Google or in MySpace will probably turn up most of them but would be nice if there was a single directory somewhere. Cheers Kev
  17. Never been a huge ACDC fan but the new album is pretty good, at least initially. I think it fades away a bit from the middle onwards but that's typical of most current albums. They could probably pull 3 or 4 strong singles off it, probably going to be their most successful commercial recording for some time. I saw Airbourne last week in Nottingham. They need to write more stuff but in a few albums time they are going to be able to put on a really cracking show. Currently they only do about an hour live as there isn't enough strong material to hold it together any longer but give 'em time...
  18. Interestingly (or maybe not) that original recording of JCS also features Jon 'Gus' Gustaffson in a singing only role but he's actually better known as a bass player (Love Is The Drug anyone?). Gus also worked with Ian Gillan for a while, who just happens to be singing the lead role on that recording. The bass work by Spenner is top notch all the way through (assuming it's him on all tracks) and reminds me of J Jamieson in places.
  19. I saw Fiction Plane supporting The Feeling and indeed you can tell that particular apple didn't fall far from the tree. You wonder if it's genetic or he just spent a lot of time hanging round the studio when dad was recording stuff...
  20. As agro says a good 'play along' software like Guitarpro will have you learning stuff in half the time of books, though I'm not knocking learning theory per se. Getting into a band straight off can be a daunting task. A good intermediate stage, as Bilbo pointed out, is finding a local jam session with musicians sympathetic to beginners and near beginners.
  21. I suspect he's probably played flamenco guitar at some stage, seems to be doing a fair bit of downward finger strumming in association with a busy thumbing slap style. It's actually the thumb stuff I like least, if that was taken out it would probably sound much more musical.
  22. Rock covers band; [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=384228576"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=384228576[/url] We should be playing Royal Children, Nottm City centre tomorrow (5th Nov) and Stone Cross Inn, Stone Cross, West Bromich on Friday (Nov 7th). All depends on if our drummer can make it. If he can't the singer and guitarist will just go out as an acoustic duo which means you won't get to see me. As I'm currently full of cold that's no bad thing. We will shortly be auditioning for a replacement drummer!
  23. Invite the salvation Army in for the gig and do Stop The Cavalry.
  24. I raised the subject of ric copies on the Dude Pit and got short shrift, hardly went back after that.
  25. Amazed that we got through to 4 pages before either Macca or Squier were mentioned - shame on you! OK, they are old men but their influence can't be ignored. Squier particularly inspired me to start playing even though I play nothing like him (as if!). Someone not previously noted but worthy of a mention: John Glascock (r.i.p)
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