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Everything posted by KevB

  1. There are always plenty of bass combos on ebay to suit most pockets. You can pick up something second hand that will last you a good few years for the same money as a starter kit from a shop that you'll outgrow in less than a year if you're serious about it. A few that caught my eye by reputable manufacturers are here: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-BC75-Bass-Combo-Amp_W0QQitemZ270222914513QQihZ017QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-BC75-Bass-Comb...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Trace-Elliot-GP7SM-130-Bass-Combo_W0QQitemZ250228896357QQihZ015QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Trace-Elliot-GP7SM-1...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Rumble-100-combo-bass-amplifier-AS-NEW_W0QQitemZ170203918265QQihZ007QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Rumble-100-co...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  2. If you can download a copy of GuitarPro from somewhere I'm pretty sure I have the file for All My Loving, it would enable you to transpose the bassline into the new key and allow you to double check you were still playing the right notes in the new key.
  3. If not already in a permanent band you could try to find a local pub that does jam sessions, you can usually get to play 2 or 3 tunes with often more than competent musicians and the backline gear is often provided as well.
  4. Tried picking up guitar about 10 yrs ago, couldn't get on with it at all and gave up, probably ought to give it another go some time. So I guess I'm pure bass. Unless you count bass pedals which is really like playing single-finger keyboard with your foot so maybe 'instrument' might be a bit of a stretch on that one...
  5. Sounds similar to Tull in their mid 70's countryside folk rock period. Good basswork that man...
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='157162' date='Mar 14 2008, 07:53 AM'][i]Crossroads[/i] is a funny one for me. For some reason the only version which sounds "right" to me is the Cream version where, at the V, Jack Bruce goes E / F# / C# / A. Whenever I hear [i]Crossroads[/i] played as a straight boogie or shuffle it irritates the hell out of me. Completely irrational, of course. No version is "better" than any other ... it's just a matter of what floats your boat.[/quote] There are some distinctly dodgy notes in the live Cream vs. I first tried to learn it note for note, went slightly mad as a result and then decided to try to get most of the general 'feel' of that version without it being a carbon copy (which I was probably always technically incapable of). It's a few years back but IIRC the guitarist I was playing with used to moan that he didn't know where I was, probably due to that odd turnround (sometimes he goes E-F#, other times E-D). I think JB also puts in occasional short D based runs where it would be expected to be staying on A throughout that section which I think throws a curve for some guitarists. This probably all sounds gibberish, i'd better go learn it again...get the padded cell ready.
  7. Some info here about the history of what I assume is probably *the* original baritone type: [url="http://theband.hiof.no/articles/fender_bass_vi.html"]http://theband.hiof.no/articles/fender_bass_vi.html[/url]
  8. If some sort of total vote is to be counted I'll put in Chris Squier five times as he looked like he was being neglected a bit until the last few posts Against the rules? Oh all right then... Squier Lee Jamerson Burnel Pastorius
  9. Living In The Past....er, ask your grandad. My Generation - where would it be without *that* early bass break?
  10. I could practically smell the rust...at least the chap who organised the jam session made a point of letting the audience know I was on the look out for a new band which was very decent of him. They're always a bit cliquey these things from past experience but I'll give it a few more sessions in the coming weeks and see if I get any work from it. As they are on Sundays I expect there will be one I won't be at in the next few weeks The only slightly annoying thing was that on a couple of occasions guitarists who turned up then filled in as bass players. I have no qualms about this if it wasn't for the fact I actually knew the songs they were being very approximate with and even out of practice could have made a better job of (and I'm not a hot player by any shakes) but I was hanging around like a spare part. It's all about *who* you know at these things. At least I got to play 3 songs after a 3 hour wait.
  11. Yes, I think someone should patrol the room with a big ugly stick* for those times when the cacophony gets a bit out of hand... *pretty much any Warwick should do.
  12. Would anyone be interested in my beaten up old stingray that has had a Nordstrand PU and John East pre fitted so people can A-B it against either modern rays or all original old ones? Also didn't spot any short scale Gibsons or Epi's - surely someone's got an SG or clone of one kicking about? I'd quite like a go on one.
  13. Re Carole Kaye I suspect there's not much love lost between some of the people who took part in the documentary and KC so it might have been diplomacy on the part of the producers not to open that can of worms again. It would have added nothing to the story they were telling anyway.
  14. I think it was a different prog but there was something on late on BBC4 Sat night which was about the Motown Funk Bros (Jamerson et al) which was quite good. OOps , edit, just seen the other thread about that very prog!
  15. Is there a list available yet of gear that will [b]definitely[/b] be there? From memory it is not a big room and if there are 50 precisions there it seems a bit pointless to me. If we can generate a list so that possible 'gaps' can be filled in rather than lots of duplication on the day it would make more sense to me - thoughts anyone?
  16. As for Lfalex, I have a 2004 USA S1 jazz. Picked up on eBay with SKB hard case for under £400 last year, became my main gigging bass while the band were still together, no complaints at all. The S1 switch started sticking a bit recently from lack of use but a quick spray with oil seems to have sorted it.
  17. Re putting a badass III on a USA Jazz, very easy though not sure on mine if it made a massive difference to either tone or sustain. It sounded pretty good as it was but a cheap BAIII came up on ebay so I put one on. Before After Only slight negative thing is as I've not been playing regularly recently I've noticed the S1 button starting to stick - any recommended solvents/lubricants anyone? i think its just the spring loaded mechanism that's sticking but don't want to start dismantling it yet.
  18. Yep, basically as has been said - studio tracks may contain genuine electric bass guitar parts provided by session players, but not all. AFAIK all live work was done with just the 4 members plus occasional guests on the odd song and none of them were bass players, so Manzarak was playing bass with his left hand on the live stuff. I think he sometimes used foot pedals a bit when he had both hands busy, pretty good musician actually. Krieger's a better guitarist than most people think as well.
  19. It's a hatchett job by the woman exec brought in to PR's parent company. Didn't think the take up of DAB radio was as fast as expected so they are pulling out of DAB and reinvesting in FM - how short sighted can you get? So the money will just go on Capital Gold for Londeners only. There's an outside chance that Virgin may fill the vacated slot with their (currently only available to London) classic rock station, which I've never heard.
  20. KevB


    Just a thought - closer to the actual event a list of gear that will definitely be present should be generated so there's not vast amounts of duplication, from what I recall it's quite a small room. Not sure if I'll be able to do this one or not, hopefully but I'm not playing much at present (between bands, recently moved house) and my gear hasn't changed much. I could bring a pre EB stingray (not all original) that I'm thinking of putting up for sale again if anyone's interested.
  21. KevB


    [quote name='stevebasshead' post='122344' date='Jan 17 2008, 06:05 PM']Re that Trevor Bolder one on Jean Genie - I heard an interview where he said he hated playing it live 'cos he [u]had[/u] to play the mistake...can't say I blame him! Since I've Been Lovin' You (Led Zep) - there's a squeak from the kick drum pedal (or maybe his drumstool?) Also Led Zep - wasn't there a plane flying overhead before a take and Planty can be heard saying "nah, leave it in"? Can't for the life of me remember which song but I [i]think[/i] it was off III or Physical Grafitti...[/quote] Think that's on 'Black Country Woman' from PG. Never been quite sure what that noise early on in SIBLY is, might be a pedal squeak but it sounds like a human voice too... Other odd noises, anyone tried listening to Paperback Writer with only one of the other channels on? Can't recall if it is R or L but you can tell its all on one continuous vocal take cause you can hear Macca snuffling around in between the bits he needs to come back in and do b.vox on. Not a mistake, just a historical note as to how most recordings were done then. There's also a Beatles song that I've forgotten the title of where a bottle vibrated off the edge of a piano or something at the end and fell crashing to the floor but they kept it in as it had taken about 30 takes to even get that one.
  22. Check out their album 'Novella' as well for some tasty squiresque lines and tone. Definitley a rick.
  23. My US Jazz came in an SKB molded case like this: [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/42256/"]http://www.dv247.com/invt/42256/[/url] Seems pretty solid, not sure if they are available cheaper than this though.
  24. Maplins seem to have those cases in the sale every year, I have 3 now, very useful. Maybe it's time for number 4...
  25. It's also anonymous bidders, less obvious when shill bidding is taking place. Not that I have nay proof that's what's going on here.
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