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Everything posted by KevB

  1. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1509041949' post='3396290'] I've met a few people who don't really understand what "audition" means. Audition means, audition, not job offer [/quote] Indeed, just like some bands don't understand it's also a two way process so that even though they might want you at the end of the audition it doesn't necessarily mean you will join.
  2. Quick bump as this is being advertised elsewhere and will probably go soon.
  3. Saw them when they were still relatively new on the scene over here doing the DSOTM album (around 2004 or so?). Last time I saw them coincidentally was at same venue as OP, they did the whole of The Wall that time. Very good standard. I think some of them split away to form the British PF show a few years back.
  4. There was a shop near me that sold them as pets (glands removed apparently) along with racoons and meerkats. All clearly wholly unsuitable as pets. Shop closed down within a couple of years.
  5. Stingray, Burns Bison, Thunderbird. At least I didnt buy the T bird, I expected it wasnt the shape for me and when I tried someone's at a bass bash I knew I was right. Never had a problem with my Rick though, its the bass I've owned longest.
  6. Single ticket to see Deep Purple on what could be their last ever tour. Birmingham Arena Nov 17th. Seat is in block F, row C on arena floor, this section has been sold out for some time but I'm still selling at less than face value to a lucky basschatter (cheaper advertised seats are in poorer locations and do not include the extra charges that I have already paid). Seating plan here : [url="http://www.mapaplan.com/seating-plan/birmingham-nia-national-indoor-arena-detailed-numbers-floor-chart/birmingham-nia-national-indoor-arena-seating-plan.htm"]http://www.mapaplan....eating-plan.htm[/url] PM me if interested.
  7. Dave, having grown up in West Yorkshire I try to make it a rule not to gig any further north than Chesterfield.
  8. I also used to enjoy doing Schools Out occasionally when in an open mic house band. I was also in a band where, like the OP, we did a lot of the modern indie of the time like Chelsea Dagger etc. Singer was adamant that Ace of Spades would go down well, I tried to talk him out of it. Went down like a lead baloon every gig with one exception that at one gig 4 (yes FOUR) people danced to it (2 couples) who were obviously rock fans and totally at odds with 90% of others at the venue. Singer insisted that this was evidence it had 'gone down well'. Next gig we did it some people actually walked out.
  9. Def going for that 'allotment-worn' look.
  10. Greg Lake's xmas song is excellent. Saw Mostly Autumn do a belting version of it a year or two ago.
  11. Relf (RIP) was never the strongest of vocalists, various health problems including asthma which must be tough on singers.
  12. I tried to get my mate to come with me to see him at Hyde Park (my mate was actually a bigger fan than me) but in the end we didn't go so now I'll never get the chance. Always seemed a good guy, very enjoyable documentary they showed years ago about him. Great songwriter and performer. Sadly missed.
  13. B side of Mary is 'Little Woman Love' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Woman_Love
  14. Ok. I know the one he fitted to my 4003 bass fitted fine and works how it should. By pure chance his place was a fairly short drive from me so he offered to fit it for a few quid extra while i nipped off for a coffee.
  15. Try rickysounds.co.uk if he is still operating. I got the classic tone push pull pot from him.
  16. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1506695180' post='3380502'] Try touching each pole piece on the pickup with a metallic object eg small srewdriver with the bass plugged in and amp volume pretty pow but audible.You will get a distintive 'thump' at each polepiece.Does the 'A' thump sound quieter than the other 3?If so,the pickup is at fault. [/quote] Sorry, should have mentioned I'd already done that early doors, all the pole pieces are generating a magnetic field. No noticeably quieter 'thump' just a noticeably quieter open A string response on every set of strings in last 12-18 months!
  17. I've completely changed strings at least once, possibly twice, since I noticed this and I've wound the strings pretty much as I've always done on my other basses which don't show the problem. The whole 'raised A' thing may just be coincidence but you can get them, from Seymour Duncan as it happens but they are pricey: [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Seymour-Duncan-Antiquity-Precision-Bass-Pickup-Set-Raised-A/1X1D?origin=product-ads&utm_campaign=*PLA+Shop+-+All+Products&utm_medium=vertical_search&network=google&adgroup=**All+Products&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=89473d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=40987389974&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhI7jocrK1gIVjr3tCh18ZwoREAYYAiABEgKM3_D_BwE"]http://www.gear4musi...AiABEgKM3_D_BwE[/url] Looks the whole raised A thing harks back to compensating for poor output old amps anyway. I guess I could try flipping them but haven't got a lot of time, might just be easier buying a new set and getting a tech to shove'em in and take it from there. The custom shop 62's look interesting but again not cheap. Will think about it. Cheers for the responses.
  18. I'm sure they werent like this when i bought my bass but recently I've noticed that the open A string is noticeably low in output to the extent it was getting lost in the mix at gigs, compared for eg with A fretted at fret 5 on E string. I've changed strings and I've tried adjusting the overall action and the angle and height of the pickup covering the A string but to no real effect. I notice that you can get P pickups with specifically 'raised A' pole pieces so I'm suspecting this is not a unique issue? So, if it looks like the pickups themselves may have gone suboptimal are there any current recommendations for decent P pickups? Are quarter pounders still rated as highly as once was for the money? I'm not looking to spend a fortune on bespoke Pu's but it's a good quality USA Fender (50th anniv model from 2001) so I'd like something decent.
  19. Communications are notoriously sh*te in most bands sadly. The last band i was in had a couple (at least) occasions where a forthcoming confirmed gig was mentioned at a gig while we were packing down and it was the first I'd known of it. Singer always swore blind that i 'had been texted about it' but curiously when I checked the band web site the gig in question was not on the list of forthcoming gigs nor could I ever find the text in question. Band before that I set up a Google shared calendar for them because their comms were so sh*t, only to realise that lat least 2 of the other 3 pretty much never bothered looking at it.
  20. In truth probably half the bands I've been associated with have been overrated, but only by the other people in them rather than any actual member of the public
  21. I recall Vince calling in at the old Sun afternoon jams in Beeston a couple of times. In fact he played immediately before I got up with another bunch of players one week so I suppose I can say he was my support act The Spondon thing sounds interesting, might try and get over one month if I can. Always easier squeezing in a couple of hours on a wet Sunday afternoon than making it out on weekday evenings. If Paul, Neil and Ray make it we can have a Basschat venting session!
  22. I'd rather have the pressure of trying to haul myself up to the level of other better players in a band than the pressure of trying to carry a bunch of folks who really arent quite up to it.
  23. Christ on a bike that Hastings thing is just so wrong on so many levels I don't have words. Thankfully the clip is only a couple of mins long.
  24. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1505802094' post='3374331'] The band, 5 Hiils Out, found a replacement and is carrying on I'm glad to say. It was all amicable and they put a nice 'obituary' for me on their Facebook page. I'll have more spare time to come and see you now John! [/quote] Just as well i got to see you in the band. To be fair to your band leader I would have thought that festivals would be a pretty staple market for 5 Hills Out kind of material so if you don't want to play them it's probably best to move on.
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