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Everything posted by KevB

  1. Live Bursting Out has some great between song banter from Anderson, makes the album in many ways. There's the big intro of David Palmer's lofty qualifications followed by 'Oh he's gone for a p*ss' then after the next song 'Ah, David's back...... Did you give it a good shake?' following a slightly lukewarm response from the audience introducing what would have been a new song Anderson says 'That alright....don't strain yourselves'. Wonderfully dry stuff.
  2. Had one on Friday but not had chance to report as i was busy rest of weekend. Considering I'd been on holiday for two weeks and we'd had one very short and loose rehearsal 4 days before it didn't go down too badly. In fact they kept asking for more in second set to the point we ended up doing a first 45 followed by a second 80! Some generous positive feedback from a mixture of punters and other muso's from other bands. Hopefully will be back there next year.
  3. I could probably have made it over for a couple of hours, not all 13 though! top points for commitment there fella.
  4. Yeah, though now theres loads of foam baffles on the walls and ceiling at the stage end (the red and black squares) which possibly helps push the sound out front but it makes it extremely warm performing. I still ended up putting bass through FOH or it would have been uncomfortably loud onstage. Saw you in the Lizzy trib at Tap n Tumbler. I auditioned with the rest of them for a non Lizzy side project but I turned them down without being asked to join.
  5. Only just seen this. As someone who has done minimal buying and selling here I didn't have a lot of direct dealings with Martin but was aware he'd been a moderator for a long time. My condolences to his family and friends both within our community and beyond. RIP MB1
  6. Yup, that's the one. It was an all weekend rally, we did the Sat nite slot. Decent bunch, I'd do it again if asked.
  7. Return to same biker club that we played a few weeks ago but this time they only had 1 band on each night over the weekend rally so we played inside rather than outdoors. Not quite as many people as the previous rally but a decent crowd. We took our own mixer and I took my own monitor so we had more control over the sound and it was much better than last time, I even put my backline through FOH as its a very long narrow room and the low freqs get lost quite quickly when there's people dancing at the front. We overran both sets so rather than the agreed 2 x 45 it was more like 2 x 60 and it didn't go unnoticed as we ended up with an extra 20% on top of the agreed fee at the end of the night which was a nice gesture. Due to non overlapping holidays in the band we've had to turn down a couple of gigs so next is a pub gig next month less than a week after I get back from a 2 week break so that could prove interesting if I've forgotten some of the fine detail!
  8. Saw them at Rock City in 1987 and then at Donington in 1988, that was enough for me. Felt I could tick them off the 'done' list and move on.
  9. We might put this in the next gig so I thought I'd better work out some backing...
  10. Badger spends rest of it's life dining out on its 'abducted by aliens' story...😀
  11. Yeah, another one gone sadly. Not a huge fan of the band but there's no hiding in a trio and he tied the bottom end down year on year. The trio I play with do 3 ZZ Top numbers at present and I enjoy playing them all, there's usually some dynamics in there to focus on and keep it rock solid. RIP Dustbunny.
  12. I'd wager monks being involved.
  13. I think many underestimate the difficulty in writing a really good song. The people who write it may have put a lot of work into it and are really 'too close' to be the best arbiters of it's value. That's better left to the audience IMHO.
  14. The Blues-Rock trio I was invited to join came out of one remaining member (drummer) of a local originals trio that had a following but even they used to do some covers (main person in trio passed away a few years ago and we use a completely different name for this act) but so far we have only played one of the originals from that band in the 3 or 4 gigs we've done and even that has had a mixed reception so I think we did the right thing of filling the 2 sets with mostly fairly well known covers. Some of the lesser well known stuff (to a more general audience) that I thought would go down with the target audience (bike rallies) has also been a bit mixed reception wise and will be next target to be pruned out as we learn more stuff. We did a rally at the weekend - what do you think got most people up and dancing? Alright frigging Now. Folk like what they like and you're getting paid to entertain them.
  15. It's the ones that don't replace their bass player with a doppelganger after the original one dies just as they get really big that are taking the p!ss.
  16. Wouldn't it be some form of discrimination if they were to turn you down just because your personal beliefs were different to theirs?
  17. The short answer is that, up to a point, if you don't make enough effort then don't expect your audience to either.
  18. Shame I didn't know, I had an early gig in Burton so could probably have caught your second set at least with a bit of a detour on way home. Maybe next time. Mine was a bit stressful, some tech issues which probably made me dig harder than usual and still not up to full gig fitness meant I got cramp in my fretting hand 3 songs into set 2. Had to improvise with whichever fingers would actually respond to get the notes. Band still got some positive responses afterward and we are playing there again (inside this time) next month. We were the early outdoor act (fortunately no puppet show or need for jazz odyssey) then another band took over inside later on, seemed to work well. Turned out one of the guitarists in the other band was someone I played with about 12 years ago and hadnt seen since so it was nice to catch up.
  19. The poll would have been vastly improved if it had just three choices. No F*ck no Are you insane? That just about covers it 😀
  20. Go down well at the ubiquitous Dog & Duck...
  21. I'm still going to be pretty cautious in areas of naturally high density people (shops, pubs, gigs). I have a holiday booked for end of August and it is essential I don't pick up the virus even if its a mild form (I'm double jabbed) which results in me not being allowed to fly. The main concern now is the rapid increase in cases where the person has been singly or doubly jabbed. The hope is that these cases remain mild and do not require hospitalisation or become 'long covid' situations which require some medical invervention. That puts the sort of pressure on the NHS which gets us back to last year. The govt simply can't allow further cycles of lockdowns and reopening. They are trying to cage it in expressions of 'personal responsibility' but they have pretty much now gone with a 'let it rip, herd immunity' policy and they are hoping like hell enough people are jabbed and don't get ill enough to go to hospital.
  22. KevB

    Eh up

    Hi Russ, I'm here much less frequently these days but I do recall us having a chat at one of the original Northampton gatherings before they became more regionalised. Probably back when it was Bassworld? Glad to see you have resturned to the glory of four string domination.
  23. Forgot it was NY gig he'd modded PUs can't have been much over a year later though as Gillans still in the band and they both went in 73. I do recall the interview where he said he wanted a different sound and couldn't get it from the ric so eventually moved on. Of course he wasn't in a regular band for some time after DP did mostly production stuff so I guess he had chance to dabble about without being on long tours.
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