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Everything posted by queenofthedepths

  1. [quote name='matty589' post='186826' date='Apr 27 2008, 10:26 PM']I didn't realise it before, but that now sounds like my life's ambition! [/quote] It's annoying to think that he achieved that and had to take it even further - I believe most of us would be immensely satisfied with that level of success!
  2. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='186822' date='Apr 27 2008, 10:21 PM']+1 on this deffo. Flea is an amazing player but he does get far more praise because he's in a mahousive band. No one would know him if the Chili's didnt happen and he was still playing cheese funk rock in dirty Hollywood strip bars.[/quote] He's even an over-rated trumpeter! I mean there are plenty of equally-skilled players out there who just don't get the recognition
  3. Hahaha, nice post bilbo! IMO, over-rated means either: 1. The player receives more recognition than s/he deserves OR 2. The majority of people (or perhaps just bassists - how many non-musos rate Wooten for his technical skills?) perceive the player as being better than s/he actually is ...in the opinion of whoever thinks they're over-rated, anyway I say Flea is over-rated because way too many bassists say he's the best thing ever - he gets a lot of recognition for being in a famous band and for slapping ostentatiously... I think he's great, but I think the average opinion of him is higher than it should be Hope that makes sense
  4. [quote name='Platypus' post='186171' date='Apr 26 2008, 09:15 PM']On the other hand the people who are so upset with those "joining to sell stuff" could just make a mental note to ignore these ad's and let the others members make their own minds up as to whether they want to get involved or not. End of the day, restricting the for sale posts is cutting down the buying choices for other forum members. P[/quote] Absolutely - and I don't see any advantage in not having those sellers around ever... but there's no harm at all in pointing them to the introduction section as soon as they sign up!
  5. Jack White
  6. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SG-A300-Triple-Guitar-Stand-in-Black_W0QQitemZ200218960259QQihZ010QQcategoryZ22671QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SG-A300-Triple-Guita...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] I've never seen double ones before, but I've had one of these for about 2 years now, buttt in that time, one of the lower supports has snapped off (a drummer stepped on it) and the other two have become mangled so that they don't screw in properly and so they often fall out when I'm picking up a bass That said, I still keep it fully loaded (with a pillow supporting the guitar on the broken one), but I have 2 acoustic basses on there and the heads clash quite a bit... so yeah, overall I wouldn't recommend those
  7. [quote name='Wooks' post='185484' date='Apr 25 2008, 06:21 PM']I just love the wood and finish....me want one :wub:[/quote] +1 I can't imagine that bass looking out of place in any genre!!
  8. [quote name='Wooks' post='185477' date='Apr 25 2008, 06:13 PM']If it's like RKS is like the one on the website [url="http://rksguitars.com/newproducts.php?page=BA0007.5S.BUB"]RKS ABass[/url] Then that's a pretty bass, me like!![/quote] That looks delicious! But a very strange shape??
  9. Sounds cool, but what's an a-bass..?
  10. I'd like the opportunity to play something different (ideally keyboard or perhaps guitar) in a band, but I'm not very good at either so somebody of my own skill level to jam/learn together with would be great! Of course, if you happen to be a great bassist who wants to jam in a bedroom with someone of inferior ability but not have to carry your own gear, you're still welcome EDIT: I forgot to mention - you don't have to play bass! Any instrument is welcome, really; just so long as you don't expect me to be any good
  11. In my first band I did both - I think I concentrated on the bass playing, actually... I guess the trick is to write a good bass part and learn it perfectly before trying to sing over the top of it; so learn each part separately
  12. [quote name='TimmyC' post='86827' date='Nov 11 2007, 01:18 PM'][b]Jimmy Haslip Miami Studio Jaco Pastorius Big Band[/b][/quote] Why is his bass backwards?
  13. I'd just bought an 8-string and I googled it to see if anyone had any information about them - came across a thread on here and the pleasant tone of the discussion struck me so much that I decided to stay... forever!
  14. [quote name='johnnylager' post='184549' date='Apr 24 2008, 02:54 PM']Anything that other band members do that wind you up? Breathe. It's a bad day.[/quote] Why can't they have their bad day some other time?!
  15. I tried one of these out for a couple of hours and it's pretty nice - thought of getting one myself [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG01708"]http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG01708[/url] They DO do them a bit more like the 335: [url="http://www.zzounds.com/item--IBAASB140"]http://www.zzounds.com/item--IBAASB140[/url] but I can't find anywhere those ones are for sale...
  16. I've played at a local special school a couple of times, with the kids joining in on a few nursery rhymes... it is quite strange, but very rewarding to see them enjoying themselves
  17. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='184361' date='Apr 24 2008, 10:50 AM']I know on this and many other forums folk are always going/ranting on about 'what winds me up, makes me angry, pisses me off' etc. Nobody can make you angry. You have a choice. If you just react without thinking you're disempowering yourself. And that really pisses me off. [/quote] How about a list of things which we find to be unacceptable and would like to see less of? My drummer can't sit still for a few minutes whilst I show the guitarists something I've written and very quickly gets bored and starts drowning us out
  18. [quote name='FJ1200' post='184299' date='Apr 24 2008, 08:53 AM']I get irritated over the Pick/Slap/Fingers/thumb debate and what is proper playing. I can't do slap and sometimes I use a pick. Does that mean I'm not playing properly? You can do stuff and get sounds with a pick that you can't any other way, same with fingers and slap. Surely playing is playing whether you use the above, your elbows, toes, nose, the cat or even a bow (I've seen a violin bow used a few times - sounded amazing). If it's good enough for Jimi... Surely it's about the sound you're after and how you feel most comfortable playing and what works for you? Just MHO anyway. Sorry - didn't mean to rant. BTW - seen WS several times and I preferred Neil Murray. And Colin is one of my favourite players - ever.[/quote] Absolutely - if you can get a cool sound out of it, do it... and if playing above the 12th fret is inappropriate for bass, why are the frets there? IMO, if the sound comes from a bass guitar, it's real bass playing - although I might have to draw the line at playing mobile phone ringtones through the pick-ups Anyway, it just annoys me a bit when people say some playing is wrong because it's not normal! Mind you, I've yet to get my cat in on the act - I'll see what she says...
  19. [quote]I don't think they're suited well to this type of playing, although I dig 'em for [b]real bass playing[/b][/quote] I often wonder why bassists who don't think this is "real bass playing" actually bother doing it? Does it somehow make you a better bassist if you can play stuff that isn't "real bass"??
  20. Thanks for the advice, guys! I think I've sorted this out now, although I shall have to watch myself whenever I'm playing to make sure the habit doesn't come back... now that I come to think about it, it's really strange I should have that habit, considering I play violin, piano and 7-string bass (and if it counts for anything, prillar horn), none of which call for me to bend my thumb back - it seems to be an entirely 4-string bass thing
  21. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='183805' date='Apr 23 2008, 01:53 PM']Thanks for that, Athlete are easily my favorite band ever, seen them atleast 5 times! -Jake[/quote] I've only seen them once, when they were touring their first album - the second one's a bit boring for me so I haven't listened to the third... what's it like?
  22. I can hear what you mean about the vocals, Si... same goes for the backing vocals All of the other songs sound great though! Does sound a lot like Coldplay and Athlete's first albums (the best one's, IMO) - very impressive!
  23. [quote name='lwtait' post='183180' date='Apr 22 2008, 08:47 PM'][attachment=8065:DSC02059a.JPG] this is my squier black and chrome precision, that i put the fender neck i had on my jazz on, and then put seymour duncan quarter pounders in, but the quarter pounders weren't in when i took the picture[/quote] That's too cool for words - I want a bass that looks like that!
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