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Everything posted by queenofthedepths

  1. £2 postage, but pick-up only? That's generous... looks alright though - just very badly listed and with too few photos
  2. [quote name='gary mac' post='135835' date='Feb 7 2008, 04:07 PM']Here's a pic of my yamaha at a jaunty angle on the wall[/quote] Judging by the shape of that doorway, that's an extremely distorted photo, which means the bass must be a VERY weird shape!
  3. Sold a bass to him - great guy, no messing about and no hassle!
  4. [quote name='Shockwave' post='140688' date='Feb 14 2008, 10:41 PM']Mea's looking for a new bass player? I never knew that, Maybe i should go for it [/quote] Hey, get in line!
  5. Wow, lucky you! If you decide you don't wanna play for them, let me know I'd advise taking this opportunity to start learning things by ear - presumably they don't want you to play the bass lines exactly the same..?
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='138860' date='Feb 12 2008, 02:06 PM']I heard that the ME50 has a pause when you switch patches. It's ok on standard "stomp box mode" but when you use it in "patch mode" (which is where multi-fx come into their own) there is a gap, or a very short mute, before the next patch kicks in. This would really annoy me. The Zoom has the fastest patch switching around, apparently.[/quote] Well, I just checked and there is indeed a tiny little pause but I've never noticed it before and I actually switch between stomp box mode and patch mode quite often! So I guess that demonstrates that the pause is pretty much insignificant... [quote name='bassbloke' post='138893' date='Feb 12 2008, 02:44 PM']I own a ME50B. I used to own a Line 6 and much prefer the BOSS. + Points Plus in and go - default mode is manual, so no playing around with patches It's lovely and compact The compressor/limiter is great The chorus is good and chorus + delay and +reverb effects are very good Battery powered Very, very good tuner Built like a brick sh*thouse - Points The Phaser and Flanger in manual mode are too loud and distort The synths aren't very musical The distortions sound odd and very weedy The way the effects are distributed is a little odd For example - distortion + synth is an obvious pairing, but it can't be done, because both kinds of effects are controlled by the one pedal/control knobs Delay/Phaser + reverb or delay is another obvious pairing, but can't be done for the same reason. As with all multi FX, there are trade-offs, but where the Boss does win is the decent tuner, compressor and modulation effects[/quote] +1 on pretty much all of that - I use the distortion together with my ODB3 and together they sound awesome; to get some of the stuff to sound great it helps to twiddle a lot but that's a good thing, I suppose - you can get a lot of different sounds out of it... as for using 2 effects together, I guess that's where you have to start buying individual pedals to supplement your multi-effects! Buy the ones you like the best as individual units and use the ME for everything else
  7. I can't recommend the Boss ME-50 enough and I have seen a few on here for £100 - can't seem to find many of them now though, having done a search... here's one though: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11874&hl=boss+me"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=boss+me[/url] Multi-effects are great because they'll save you money, take up less space and open your mind like a whole new instrument!
  8. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='138769' date='Feb 12 2008, 11:52 AM']indeed. Back on topic - the more instruments you play (try and play) the better your bass playing becomes. I naturally play different things on the piano than I would on the bass - translating stuff back and forth is a good way to expand your repertoire. Although I suppose the opposite argument is that every hour you spend playing piano/drums/zither is an hour you're not practicing your bass technique. If you never practice on the bass because you are so busy playing every other instrument, obviously your chops will suffer.[/quote] But what's more important? Technique or creativity? So long as you can play the stuff you imagine in your head, who needs extra chops?
  9. I spilled a can of coke on my keyboard once and for a while I'd get a minor second every time I pressed a particular key (in other words it was playing the key next to it as well...) but after a couple of days it dried out and was fine
  10. That sounds really cool and I'm definitely gonna refer to that as "zandingo" from now on!
  11. With such wonderful pictures? Why not make them an offer??
  12. [quote name='Wil' post='136145' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:54 PM']There's also www.voodoojunkie.com. I am a member of choke but tend to prefer VJ, its a bit less busy but a bit less snobby. Not by much, mind.[/quote] Oh, I thought they were the same thing, since voodoojunkie's what I found when I googled "Choke forum" - I haven't tried signing up for Choke!
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' post='136137' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:44 PM']Cool! I do like that particular finish. Did you get this one off eBay from one of the US dealers that advertises them, or more locally?[/quote] If it was from [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Cort-Curbow-4-String-Bass-Fretless-Bartolini-PkUp_W0QQitemZ290202176637QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQ_trksidZp1638.m118.l1247QQcmdZViewItem"]here[/url], I'm very slightly tempted to go for one myself - I've bought a couple of Trabens from this shop and the guy's a pleasure to deal with
  14. [quote name='ste_m3' post='136108' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:06 PM']okay, heres the best i can do in this light... this bass is bloody gorgeous!! And the best bit? Its a Cort Curbow and cost £300 brand new... plays and sounds fantastic... im still in awe!! more to follow at the weekend when i have good light![/quote] My jaw dropped, literally! That's never happened before... I want a 5-string one!!!
  15. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='136105' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:00 PM']I'm moved to Bristol, someone introduced me to the 'Choke' forum, thats where I hooked up with the scene, by finding the metallers who turn up there and say they despise the place. Also Shockwave and his horrible pointy basses is an extremely popular and much respected forum member.[/quote] I try to sign up for that but my account never got approved by an admin!
  16. [quote name='Rich' post='135545' date='Feb 7 2008, 10:15 AM']Perhaps all those big bands have a big comfort-blanket problem..? [/quote] Or they're being sponsored to put them on display for all the musicians in the audience, causing unnecessary GAS!
  17. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' post='135341' date='Feb 6 2008, 10:14 PM']With regard to the "I'll borrow someone's bass" brigade - would you lend a stranger your pride and joy? There have been threads on this before.[/quote] I'm of the view that anyone who can play a 5-string fretless cares enough about bass not to damage it!
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='135401' date='Feb 6 2008, 11:23 PM']I's been about a month and a half since i bought these wall hangers and i just put them up today, i was quite impressed with myself (I usually buy something and it never gets put up) so here's a picture of my great achievement. Hi Not wishing to rain on your parade but here's a picture of what can happen with those wall hangers..needless to say the damage occured before I became proud owner! So take care, especially with a tort headstock![/quote] Ooooooooooh, brutal!!! I think your best bet is to put another one directly underneath so as to provide the necessary support to stop it cutting in to the bass... I've got 3 brackets for each of my wall basses (unfortunately this means I can't fit many on each wall, but unless you have a ridiculously huge collection [in which case buy a bigger room] that shouldn't be a problem), one under each horn and one just below the bridge - spreads the weight out nice and evenly!
  19. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='135123' date='Feb 6 2008, 04:19 PM']You need to be more specific - trad, dixieland, smooth jazz, free jazz, jazz funk, jazz rock, bebop, post bop, neo0classicism, fusion, world jazz, pop-jazz - the list goes on[/quote] Okaeey, so what would you call Weather Report?
  20. But the electric bass has been around for half a century now! People still play electric guitar in jazz bands, right? I'm quite interested in this idea of what jazz is exactly... about exploring new ideas and generally doing things differently? Challenging traditions and stuff? Coz to me, that kinda jazz is great - but I'm used to jazz being defined as horn sections, tiny drumkits, URBs and scat... and an unquestionable obsession with being "smooth" - whilst that's all very well in itself, I don't see how the rigidness of that formula fits in with the idea of moving music forward - would it still be jazz if the bass line was distorted or played on a keyboard? And if there was a massive percussion section instead of horns?? What stops Meshuggah from being jazz? Or Cathode Ray Tube Beef Curry? I'm not trying to pick apart jazz - I'd just like to know exactly what it is, and so I can learn the similarities of trad jazz (which I can't stand) and stuff like Weather Report (which I enjoy immensely)
  21. Even if you do take a back-up bass, it still pays to have the spare lead, strings and battery! If one bass can fail, who's to say the back-up's fine? [quote name='Rumble' post='134663' date='Feb 5 2008, 09:25 PM']1.) Should your back-up bass have at least the same number of strings as your main bass? 2.) Does playing a 4 string alter your style after playing a 5 for so long (this might not be a bad thing! )? 3.) Should you back-up bass be of the same or very similar type (i.e. jazz, P, active, passive etc..) to your main bass? All opinions gratefully received [/quote] 1. Absolutely, yes - if you intend to finish your gig on a 4-string, you shouldn't start it on a 5... otherwise it's akin to breaking your B string and not being able to replace it 2. Yeah, definitely - and it's a good thing! 3. Personally I'd want to finish the gig as I started it and how I originally planned - if I plan to finish the gig on a GWB35, technical failures should not prevent me from doing so! For this reason I was tempted to buy a second one, but since it would never ever get played at home and I'm not a pro player, I spent the money on something that'll actually get some use... so really it's a case of how consistent you want your gigs to be - I'll happily play with either a fretted or fretless 5, but if you've got a specific sound you want to hold on to, make sure your back-up will do that!
  22. [quote name='BassManKev' post='132910' date='Feb 3 2008, 10:16 AM']+ 1 more (just bought ped's trace compressor) 364[/quote] Isn't that -1 for ped though? So it's still 363, unless I've got the wrong end of the stick
  23. [quote name='ARGH' post='132418' date='Feb 2 2008, 09:44 AM']compared to a limited range Bass[/quote] Don't they all have a limited range? ERBs are of course a wonderful advancement in bass technology and I expect in a few years' time we'll be seeing more and more of them (there are already plenty of mainstream bassists playing 6ers and LOADS with 5ers - personally I predict ERBs to become more commonplace, one string at a time), but that's not to say those with less strings are gonna disappear... the live scene is far from dying out and the bass guitar is already a historical instrument - if the 4-string Fender P ever disappears, the ERB's days are probably numbered too As for pushing forward with music, it's definitely a nice idea, but there's plenty of room for new, innovative sounds alongside classic styles that'll never change
  24. [quote name='Jono' post='132190' date='Feb 1 2008, 08:36 PM']Ok - so in the vein of the 'how many basses do we own on basschat' thread - how many pedals do we own? My wife wants to know if I'm 'normal' with my collection....[/quote] Hahaha, someone had to start it... and no, you're certainly not normal! Then again, neither am I with only 3! That's 122 altogether so far
  25. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='131801' date='Feb 1 2008, 10:39 AM']I would probably use my boss ODB3[/quote] I often use this as well as the distortion on my ME-50 (together, that is) but if I were trying to imitate Opeth I'd probably just use the ME-50 on its own (never realised he used one too though!) - however, if you just want one pedal to sound like that, I can't recommend the ODB3 enough
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