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Everything posted by queenofthedepths

  1. [quote name='Linus27' post='425062' date='Mar 4 2009, 01:44 PM']We need somebody to take the Oasis and Radiohead CD's to the charity shop. I know we won't get much but it might pay for the bus home [/quote] [quote name='cheddatom' post='425074' date='Mar 4 2009, 01:56 PM']You'd get serious cash for Radiohead CDs. I have taken offence at your comment.[/quote] You lot clearly have no idea what "charity" means!
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='424173' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:58 PM']Anyone who rates Oasis over Radiohead has probably been punched in the head too many times.[/quote] On the contrary - they're in dire need of more punches!
  3. I reckon Hitler was overrated.
  4. How does that actually work, then? I have the wax problem but I don't see how ear plugs prevent it building up?!
  5. I'm moving back to Wales some time between May and July, so my band are in need of a new bassist starting then (or sooner if you desperately want to). We've got songs written and gigs booked, but still writing and booking more! So if you're into rock and want to get out and play some gigs in Bristol, you can either contact [url="http://www.myspace.com/bristolthereckless"]The Reckless on myspazz [/url]or me on here. Also, please do direct any questions at this thread!
  6. Did you find a band in the end, Kev? I suppose you'll be leaving Bristol in the summer?
  7. AIDSelicious... got any suggestions for triple stands that actually hold the basses in place at the bottom?
  8. [quote name='yorick' post='336174' date='Nov 25 2008, 12:42 PM']How about one of the Warwick Rockstands. Mine holds three basses. Unless you're using a Thunderbirdor or a vee shaped bass, it should be ok. Plus it folds down!!! Hope it helps [/quote] [quote name='tauzero' post='340242' date='Nov 29 2008, 01:51 AM']I've got a couple of those, one Rockstand and one equivalent (IIRC). They don't actually work that well. Good for acoustic guitars, OK for electrics with flat body sides and a constant radius bottom (eg. Les Paul), crap as soon as you introduce an asymmetric body (Warwick) or chamfered/shaped body edge (Warwick, Fender) or body with non-constant radius bottom (Fender). You [i]can[/i] use them with Warwicks but not if you don't want to spend two minutes making sure it's positioned exactly right on the stand.[/quote] Are we referring to these: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Rockstand-RS20880-3-guitar-stand-NEW_W0QQitemZ250305284654QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item250305284654&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Rockstand-RS...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] Or these: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-guitar-Warwick-Rockstand_W0QQitemZ320137770524QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item320137770524&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Electric-guitar-Warw...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url] ? You'd think a stand made by Warwick would hold a Warwick or a very common bass like a Fender (I'm assuming you only mean a Jazz, right?)... oh well, I don't think either of the basses I want to put on there will have such a problem, anyway.
  9. [quote name='tauzero' post='335599' date='Nov 24 2008, 04:04 PM']Have you put the cradles on properly? Mine's fine as long as you push the cradle pivot well in with the cradle upside down, then turn it right way up. There's a projection on the pivot which needs to go through both walls of the stand tube IYSWIM.[/quote] Yeah, and it was fine at first, but before long they got mangled and now they don't fit in properly. It'd be fine for most people, I'm sure, but when you're as ham-fisted as me (or some of my friends, namely the perpetrators of this destruction...), you need something that's not gonna break so easily!
  10. Ah, so that looks like a failure, then... if I see them anywhere I'll ask exactly how wide they are. In the meantime, does anyone have a recommendation for something sturdy and big enough?
  11. [quote name='Finbar' post='333847' date='Nov 21 2008, 02:09 PM']I asked in Soundcontrol and apparently my Conklin wouldn't fit in a Hercules stand. If you find that it does, or find another solution, then let me know![/quote] ...damn... was it definitely one of these bigger ones you looked at? You'd think a stand specifically for basses with wide necks would be able to just about accommodate 2.5 inches! I'll probably end up taking it in to try one out somewhere and I'll certainly let you know if it fits or not! [quote name='tauzero' post='333867' date='Nov 21 2008, 02:33 PM']I use one of the £4-50 goose neck stands from [url="http://www.themusicking.co.uk"]The Music King[/url]. I've got a 7-string and a 6-string one sat in a couple of them at the moment. Must get round to buying another four or five. Only thing to watch out for is losing the plastic stopper/mushroom things at the end of the neck rest, as the rubber cushioning then falls off.[/quote] I've got a triple one of those - I used to have a single one but it takes up too much space for one bass! My problem with these is not the neck rest but the cradle that keeps falling off - one of them snapped off completely and is replaced with a pillow, one falls out nearly every time I pick the bass up, and the other is fairly unreliable too! It's not worth replacing for home storage, but I really want something very sturdy for gigs, where I can switch basses without having to worry about my stand falling apart!
  12. Does anyone know if these are ideal for heavier basses? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hercules_stands_gs_454_b.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/hercules_stands_gs_454_b.htm[/url] I want to use it for a heavy 7-string and a 5 (not at the same time...), and presumably the cheaper one won't take the weight. Or is it just to do with the width of the neck? I'm pretty sure my classical guitar isn't significantly wider than a 4-string bass?!
  13. If you don't think you'll play it, why not tell him to sell it on here? I'm sure there's someone else who'll take care of it and get more use out of it.
  14. First time you ever picked up a bass and you can play that? That's pretty damned impressive dude. I can see you're really enthusiastic!!! There are lots of other great songs to learn on bass that are about that hard, but the easiest stuff to learn is music you've heard lots before. So what are your favourite bands?
  15. I wouldn't lend a guitar to someone if I thought he'd lean it against an amp and snap off the headstock!!!
  16. I use Guitar Pro to do this, as well as many other things!
  17. I use a 5-string fretless and a 4-string fretted, in different tunings. If absolutely necessary, one can double for the other. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='227825' date='Jun 27 2008, 09:35 AM']showing-off cocks[/quote] That kind of gig, is it? :brow: Actually, forget I asked!!!
  18. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ALife4Sale-Life-For-Sale-Ian-Usher_W0QQitemZ250255442325QQihZ015QQcategoryZ149260QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Anyone wanna bid on this anyway?[/url]
  19. If you're thinking about getting a 6, you should get a 6!
  20. One S in "trus"?
  21. It does sound amazingly good and of course it looks incredible, but why not just take a regular bass and put the keyboard on a stand?!
  22. [quote name='Zach' post='225744' date='Jun 24 2008, 11:06 AM']unfortunately though, a bass is just too big to take on a boat, since they always make good use of the somewhat limited space.[/quote] Even an Ashbory?
  23. Hey wait; nobody's mentioned Scott Walker?!
  24. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='225637' date='Jun 24 2008, 09:07 AM']Tell you what.. wish I hadn't bothered trying to sort something out.. all it's done is upset the apple cart with the 2 guitarists now hardly speaking to me (it seems) and the rest of us who do want to gig kind of just shrugging our shoulders and saying 'wtf??'[/quote] The sooner you get rid of them, the better. If you find decent replacements quickly, you could still be playing a gig that summer. Find a very good replacement very quickly and you could still play that gig at the end of July. The aforementioned guitarist in my first band was seriously ill before our third gig so we got a mate to fill in and he learned the songs with just one day's notice and even took a solo! Oh, I miss those days. Does nobody else wanna form a sh*t band?
  25. Powerslave by Iron Maiden - I'm not a huge fan of the band but playing this is loads of fun!
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