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Everything posted by queenofthedepths

  1. [quote name='Machines' post='111601' date='Dec 31 2007, 07:22 PM']No - I find it a bit weird . They're just referred to by their model name.[/quote] A practical reason for me to refer to mine by name is that some of them live at my parents' house and if my mum's picking me up from somewhere to go and jam with a mate, I can ask her to bring Victoria or In Flames or whatever... okaeey, so a simple description would probably work as well, but that would undermine my excuse for giving them names
  2. [quote name='dood' post='111467' date='Dec 31 2007, 01:31 PM']I also go for girl's names just seems right, to me. *insert cheap innuendo about caressing.. hanging round ya crotch,G Strings etc etc etc* lol lol[/quote] I'd have thought "fingering" and "popping" would have been far more obvious? Most of mine are girl's names, usually after someone I know - the ones I have now are In Flames, Victoria, Morgan, Ave, Sarah-Jane, Carol, Jed, Dave and one as yet un-named I got a few days ago... any suggestions? EDIT: Forgot all my other instruments! Catrin, Chloe, Stephanie, Lizzie... and I'm still probably forgetting a few Names from the past are Amanda, Hannah, Sarah, Avril, Sar'ah, Hashcake, Jessica, Greippi...
  3. I've just been reminded by my fiancée that my bass lamp is under construction and therefore counts as a half! So we're back to whole numbers at 1079
  4. [quote name='Super_Mario_Bass' post='110684' date='Dec 29 2007, 08:58 PM']without looking through 14 pages, where did the half come from lol?[/quote] Ahahaha a few people have basses under construction - I think there have been 5 so far
  5. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='110341' date='Dec 28 2007, 08:47 PM']and thats only between like 250 members[/quote] 201, in fact!
  6. [quote name='lwtait' post='110174' date='Dec 28 2007, 12:21 PM']^has beedster already included that one, though?[/quote] If anyone sells/buys a bass, they should post on here!
  7. Boil the strings (or put them in the dishwasher) - just take them off, put them all into a pan of boiling water for 20 minutes and then take 'em out to dry before putting them back again
  8. Where did the extra 2 come from? Should be 1042.5
  9. [quote name='lee4' post='109139' date='Dec 24 2007, 10:18 PM']he will get his punshment in the afterlife [/quote] You don't think this mess is punishment enough?!
  10. I just acquired a Vintage Stingray copy and I was thinking of doing this to it - now I've seen the pictures, I'm very glad I didn't...
  11. [quote name='Higgie' post='108945' date='Dec 24 2007, 03:18 PM']No, it won't do the blend thing, but it will do the splitting part no problem. Theoretically you could get another one and place it at the end of your chain to join them back up again.[/quote] Surely you could blend it back together (or split it in the first place) with a £1 splitter? I mean, you could do the whole thing with just 2 splitters but the point of the box is so you have a pedal to switch your effects and clean off and on..? I've not tried this myself, but the idea is intriguing - if that idea would work, I might be interested in the pedal
  12. I feel like I should take one of mine apart to bring the total back down to a whole number Incidentally, for those who want to know how many people it's taken to get this far, 193 bassists own 1025.5 between them, giving an average of 5.3134715025906735751295336787565
  13. Where's the "I play ERB and only tap"? Nah seriously, I don't have a normal position for my right hand - it entirely depends on what I feel like playing - the higher the frets, the closer to the neck I play, I suppose
  14. I think the jazz thread in particular has certainly attracted a variety of great posts - some of them amusing, some of them informative and a great many of them giving everyone an opportunity to listen to some excellent music... pretty much every "Off Topic" thread seems to incorporate these posts to some extent I don't mind if people make jokes about ERBs looking like aircraft carriers or ironing boards, but when it goes beyond a joke, members should exercise consideration and restraint - if they fail to do so, that's the only time mods should to step in Maybe things have changed since it was bassworld - I don't know though; I've only been here for a few months and I absolutely love basschat; I'm on here almost every day
  15. [quote name='ergon' post='107904' date='Dec 21 2007, 10:19 PM']personally i would stay fretted but home 'adapted' basses I feel deserve to stay with their creators, one of my mates has a peavy and has reipped the frets off (done quite a good job) and has given it a few scars over time, he doesn't play it but can't bear to part with it. however on this ocassion i would jump for a fretted but thats just me... i know get drunk and see how you feel after that [/quote] Well, I traded my fretless to spoo_bass coz I acquired a new one and I'm getting rid of my first ever decent bass this weekend Oh yeah and whatever you do, don't get drunk and rip holes in your bass..!
  16. [quote name='thumb4bob' post='107976' date='Dec 22 2007, 01:47 AM']2 from me and one in the planning stage before construction, does that count as a quarter?[/quote] Oh God no - let's not go there! There are plenty of basses I want to own but don't - and we're not counting them
  17. [quote name='andyonbass' post='107254' date='Dec 20 2007, 06:31 PM']+2 = [b]1005[/b] (got 1 under construction, does that count as half!)[/quote] So far we've had 4 halves, so yep! 1005.5 it is
  18. And it took 185 of us to get there! Insanitymadness
  19. That's 180 of us so far... how many will it take to get to 1000..?
  20. I used to drink a 2 litre bottle of coke to keep myself awake through 3 hour rehearsals and gigs (I had a somewhat radical sleeping pattern at this time) but now and previously to that period, I usually have a pint or 2, not so much to make any difference to my playing but because I like a drink when I go out I actually played my own 18th and had numerous drinks bought for me before we went on - meanwhile the guitarist/singer was turning into a nervous wreck coz his ex was there and he was also afraid I'd compromise my playing... in the end I think I played great and afterwards I did an entertaining show of my own with a couple of other friends... However, if it had been anyone else's special occasion I certainly wouldn't have indulged myself
  21. Oh yeah and when it's finally yours, don't forget to post on here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9991&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9991&hl=[/url]
  22. In fact, get multiple batteries and a charger! Saves loads of hassle and money buying more in the long run, especially if you're like me and end up with 9 active basses in a couple of years' time...
  23. That's 173 bassists so far... if the next 27 posters have 52 basses between them, that'll be an average of exactly 5 each!
  24. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='105749' date='Dec 18 2007, 09:17 AM']We played at a wedding about two months ago and there was a small boy - about 5 years old hanging around the stage, dancing about like they do. He caught the singer's eye and next minute, he got down and was singing to the littl'un when the boy grabbed the mike and started singing along like a good'n. We let this carry on for quite a while because he was really enjoying himself and the audience was loving it. I've found out since that he's autistic and apparently he never stops talking about it. F the money, that's what it's all about.[/quote] I've played at a local special needs school a couple of times - it's really nice to do something they really enjoy and to get them involved as well
  25. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='106157' date='Dec 18 2007, 07:56 PM']There may be some with a huge number and who are still embarrassed [/quote] Quite so, but I consider it very unlikely! Of course, there might be some who are too busy playing all of their basses to notice this thread... in any case, we shouldn't assume that basschat is representative of all bassists everywhere
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