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Everything posted by queenofthedepths

  1. If you want an amazingly lovely and ridiculously thin neck, my old Traben Torrent has one! Not all Trabens do, though, oddly enough.
  2. Not at all; I quite agree with you. I was responding to thisnameistaken's argument, which struck me as more than a little flippant!
  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='221733' date='Jun 18 2008, 09:32 PM']Still on the writing metaphor: My girlfriend reads more than anyone I know, but always has me proof-read anything she writes and asks me for spellings. Apparently all that reading hasn't been much of a help to her writing.[/quote] I disagree completely. If she was copying out everything she read, that would probably improve her spelling. Then again, maybe not; people learn differently. We all approach things in different ways, don't we? [quote name='ianrunci' post='221755' date='Jun 18 2008, 10:07 PM']I imagine there are only two ways to improve as a player and that is to learn challenging lines or to constantly practice scales[/quote] Seriously?! I guess that proves my last point!
  4. [quote name='s0fa' post='221696' date='Jun 18 2008, 08:38 PM']I was having problems with playing my fiancé's basses (small hands ) and so bought a Daisy Rock. It plays really nicely and it's definitely small enough for me to play. I have a heartbreaker (heart shaped one) which is a bit of a pain to play sat down so I would suggest getting one of the more traditional shaped ones for her... however I would reccomend them![/quote] It's also black, so shocking pink is not a necessity! +lots on getting a normal shape one as well.
  5. Yeees, because it has EQ on it! You also might have the compressor on? If you set it to bypass/tuner, it won't affect your tone.
  6. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='221560' date='Jun 18 2008, 05:21 PM']As little as possible LOL. I'm gonna stick with the Korg for the forseeable and see how I get on. BTW the distortions I'm on after are for solo-ing, the ME did great rhythm dist sounds.[/quote] It works fine for me. I really think it's a matter of spending time (usually several days!) twiddling until you get it right. Before I sold my ODB3, I used that as the same time as the ME-50B for a deliciously heavy distorted sound, but I'm not sure that was particularly suited to soloing!
  7. [quote name='andy67' post='220878' date='Jun 17 2008, 07:32 PM']exactly what I was thinking. [/quote] Here's a better example, I think: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrj5Nfw12IA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrj5Nfw12IA[/url] She's not even playing it very well (okay, better than I could!!!), but it's a bit of fun and I enjoyed it. But maybe that's just coz I like watching girls with guitars??
  8. The little girl dancing in this towards the end is extremely cute! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A20nU0oUP-8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A20nU0oUP-8[/url]
  9. I like this one too: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWRWfD-LH40"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWRWfD-LH40[/url]
  10. Judging by the clothes I'd say that's definitely a girl. The carefully stacked tissues on the bed could belong to a teenage boy, though. That's some lovely playing; a nice comeback to the "Why do people post themselves on YouTube?" thread, I think!
  11. In the delightful genre that is metal, apparently "Evil" J. McGuire composes all the music for OTEP.
  12. [quote name='BOD2' post='220692' date='Jun 17 2008, 03:59 PM']So we are all "ars's" then ? I think you can probably be both - in your example you would be the "artist" but with craft skills allowing you to interpret your ideas. In that case I would say you would primarily be an artist.[/quote] ...and the rest of the band, interpreting my instructions to play music I've written (I can't play the stuff I write, except on bass), are craftsmen.
  13. It's probably not worth pointing out that the Latin root of the word "art" is "ars", which means "craft" I do know exactly what you mean, though. I think I'm the artist in my band, since I write nearly all the material, but art doesn't do anyone any good if a craftsman can't interpret it. Otherwise it never leaves the conceptual stage.
  14. [quote name='metaltime' post='220143' date='Jun 16 2008, 07:26 PM']I like it when he plays her leg like a bass pure class[/quote] I prefer to play right by the bridge, not over the neck like that!
  15. [quote name='cheddatom' post='219804' date='Jun 16 2008, 12:55 PM']Jhonny, can you read me out that cake recipie please? "widdly widdly wooow wooow" "um chucka um chucka do do dooooo" ..... Yeh I can see how that would make sense.[/quote] That's assuming he can read out the cake recipe more effectively than those guitar noises, though! Some people can't talk coherently at all. To give a somewhat awkward example, I can't have a conversation with a dead composer, but I can certainly listen/read some of his music. People who don't speak English can listen to my music and at least take something from it. So music is a valid form of communication for some of us! I actually had a similar sort of discussion with a couple of my friends (a guitarist and a bassist) about whether or not music is a language, resulting in the goal of creating a Bass Dictionary! We got a few words down. [quote name='cheddatom' post='219804' date='Jun 16 2008, 12:55 PM']Who cares what he meant to do? If someone messaged me with what seems to be a fair critique of my playing, i'll either reply and make it clear that i'm annoyed, or i'll reply and start a discussion, or i'll ignore it. I wouldn't post it on a messageboard along with my assumptions about who the critique was trying to impress and why.[/quote] I don't think it was a "fair" critique. I think it was rude of him. It's started an interesting discussion (you've posted, so you must think so!), so why shouldn't she have posted it?
  16. That looks alrightish for the money. +1 on everything Bob said, really!
  17. For anyone who hasn't heard this song before, it's hilarious: [url="http://www.sacktrick.com/chrispaulodale/mp3/IPlayBass-SackTrick.mp3"]http://www.sacktrick.com/chrispaulodale/mp...s-SackTrick.mp3[/url]
  18. I think it was playing one of these that first convinced me to get a fretless!
  19. For me, the thing to do is try something new or something I've not done for a while. Keep your playing fresh. Even if you want to play nothing but metal, learn some funk, some blues, some classical stuff! Fill out any gaps in your technique and theory. Learn stuff you've not paid much attention to before. You might find a use for it, and even if you don't, your fuller depth of knowledge should help you to move on.
  20. [quote name='Jase' post='217407' date='Jun 12 2008, 09:38 AM']There's always one! It's the drummer in my case....next gig, I'm going to secretly unplug his fan so he sweats and feels like he's done some work! :brow:[/quote] I turned my drummer's onto hot air for a little while. That's even more brutal.
  21. He's just talking about originality in general (although maybe he'll come on here and put me right!) and the way I see it, originality is hugely overvalued. Performance and personal interpretation are far more important. So what I'm getting at is that even if you're playing someone else's songs, you're still creating art through your own interpretation. Also, as bnt pointed out just above, successful original bands generally have to play the same songs over and over anyway. Repeated renditions of the same material still have entertainment value.
  22. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='216968' date='Jun 11 2008, 03:39 PM']I don't think there's anything wrong with playing familiar tunes as-such, but I think a good public performance should challenge the audience in some way too. The odd old song or cover for light relief would no doubt be welcome, but at least send them home feeling like they've heard or experienced something new. I've never gone out to see a cover band and I can't imagine I ever would. And I would honestly rather see a band made up of kids who can barely play beating the living crap out of their guitars with real vitality and belief, than see a bunch of famous, ageing rockers in a stadium with a squillion-dollar light show knocking out the hits they had in the '60s or '70s. For me, the former is going to be more entertaining. I think there's more humanity in it. I suppose it depends what you want from your music and your musicians.[/quote] I may well be going hugely off the point here, but I find Steve Lawson's thoughts on originality particularly interesting: [url="http://www.stevelawson.net/wordpress/2008/04/thoughts_and_qu/"]http://www.stevelawson.net/wordpress/2008/...houghts_and_qu/[/url]
  23. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='216789' date='Jun 11 2008, 12:41 PM']Now, if one of these tribute bands gets up and plays 'Comfortably Numb' note perfect, its a obviously a perfectly acceptable product for the market place, I acknowledge that, but how can that possibly be of equal merit to Pink Floyd doing the original? Or Porcupine Tree bringing their own slant on Prog Rock? Or IQ or Spock's Beard (I have never heard any of these by the way)?[/quote] People like familiar songs though! I like singing along to songs I've heard before, even if I wouldn't listen to them at home. Of course a cover band is never going to achieve what the original band did, but does that mean there's no place for them? Isn't that a bit like saying that you should only listen to a song once and that even cover versions which are drastically different are a bit pointless because they contain elements of the original? Anyway, I'd rather see a good cover band than a derivative originals band with little to offer artistically.
  24. The thumb rest on my semi-fretless was really big and close to the strings so it made it pretty much impossible to slap, so I threw it away. I don't like thumb rests anyway. My thumb's useful for muting the lower strings, and resting it on something would just anchor my hand to one playing position, which I wouldn't like at all. Anyway, I was under the impression that you can get carpal tunnel from resting your thumb?!
  25. [quote name='valentine' post='216442' date='Jun 10 2008, 09:32 PM']ent 30 quid for 1 hour quite expensive? like the going rate is 15/20 quid as far as i know per hour id want flea or victer wooten teaching me for 30 quid an hour haha[/quote] I think I'd prefer Steve, to be honest!
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