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Everything posted by queenofthedepths

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='216369' date='Jun 10 2008, 07:01 PM']I'll not argue them but ill not take any notice of them either.[/quote] Isn't that a bit rude? You're going to ignore his argument without even telling him where he went wrong?!
  2. [quote name='geilerbass' post='216130' date='Jun 10 2008, 01:14 PM']The only thing is I find tablature very off-putting, so hopefully it's got a tab-free mode. [/quote] It does indeed - you can have tabs, notation or both at once!
  3. [quote name='dood' post='216090' date='Jun 10 2008, 12:43 PM']Set up Googleapps as per the online instructions[/quote] Sorry, you lost me there!!! Maybe I should google "Googleapps" but I'm afraid I might break the Internet!
  4. [quote name='dood' post='216075' date='Jun 10 2008, 12:29 PM']For sharing, I have set up Google Apps on my domain with the file and document sharing facilities[/quote] How do you do that?
  5. [quote name='Wooks' post='216046' date='Jun 10 2008, 11:55 AM']I totally forgot about the writing your own stuff, but I'm not up to that standard I'm still getting my head around scales and the like [/quote] That's no excuse at all!!! I was writing my own stuff the first time I picked up a bass - nobody said it had to be good... starting off writing rubbish will give you lots of practise and develop your compositional skills - your first composition will almost certainly be either crap because you have no idea what you're doing or stale and uninspired because you're constantly thinking about the theory; with the former, you have plenty of room to develop and learn from your own mistakes, but with the latter, you're disabling yourself from the beginning... so get composing, pronto! Incidentally, writing your own stuff is also a brilliant way to learn the practical applications of the theory and by using it, you're sublimating (I think? I'm not a psychologist so that could be the wrong word... I mean you're making it so that it's unconscious) it
  6. Apart from it being illegal, a great reason to pay for it is that the more money they make, the sooner they'll bring out version 6! I paid for mine Better than Ultimate Guitar is [url="http://911tabs.com"]911tabs[/url] - it has everything on Ultimate Guitar as well as pretty much every other website and the search facility is better Anyway, Guitar Pro is brilliant not just for downloading other people's tabs and learning them, but also transcribing stuff yourself and composing your own tunes (if you're in an originals band or any sort of collaboration or even just writing stuff on your own, Guitar Pro is invaluable, I think, especially if everyone else has it coz then you can show them what you've written)
  7. [quote name='P-T-P' post='215878' date='Jun 10 2008, 02:16 AM']Surely to lay claim to true artistic integrity, every time you play it should involve: 1. Only playing because you feel like playing 2. Only playing what you feel like playing 3. Only playing something entirely unique 4. Only playing as an outlet for whatever it is inside you that you feel the compulsion to express through art 5. Only playing solo 6. Only playing while abandoning all rules and conventions. Stray away from any of those and you're compromising your artistic integrity in some way, shape or form. 1 and 2 shouldn't need any explanation. 3. If you're playing something that already existed, no matter how new an angle you approach it from, you are merely an interpreter, not an artist. Even if you created the original, you're merely repeating what's already been done. You're your own greatest hits tribute band. 4. If you are playing for any other reason, then you are seeking to gain something or achieve something, be it money, kudos, applause. That is not art. 5. If you are playing with other musicians, unless you play utterly independent of what the others are playing, you are compromised as an artist. As soon as you lock into a groove with the drummer, link up with someone else's chord sequence or whatever, your work is dependent on the input of others. 6. In the purest sense, that means you're screwed as soon as you hit a note, but I'll take it as read that the medium itself, bass playing, is acceptable. What I mean is, as soon as you conciously start to use particular scales, arpeggios, keys etc. you're are effectively putting a boundary around your art. If it isn't utterly free expression, it isn't true art.[/quote] I take it that the consensus definition of "artistic integrity" is being devoted to your art and not selling it short to pursue other goals? You've agreed that craftsmanship isn't the same as art, but I think it's also important to recognise that craftsmanship is completely necessary in order to express your art - if you can't play bass, how can you create music on it? 1. Some of us, when we don't feel like playing, still force ourselves to practise, in order that we don't let our craftsmanship slip and so let down our art 2. And some of the time, we also need to play something we don't like, such as some exercises or learning scales... and what if your main income is from a function band - assuming you NEED the money to live, do you rob a bank, sell your basses or get up there and play Lady in Red? You might not enjoy doing the latter, but you have to make a sacrifice for your art, and if you place your personal tastes before the need to carry on making music, I don't think you have any integrity 3. I just don't agree with that at all... I don't like Mark Ronson, but I think he's still an artist! 4. If your primary reason for playing is to make money or to be popular or whatever, you don't have artistic integrity, no... if you accept these as useful asides, great! 5. We are humans, and we work together - we also rely on a lot of other outside factors, such as our equipment and also the context in which our art is perceived... personally, I think that for the purpose of creating art, the whole world is an extension of the artist and everything has its input 6. Back to the point about making sacrifices for art, you're not doing your art any favours if you spend your whole life developing a unique musical instrument (no strings, coz basses already have them, no material construction, coz basses are already made of matter...) to play it on - as my previous point said, there are loads of outside factors which influence art, such as music theory and the invention of the basses that I use [quote name='wateroftyne' post='215901' date='Jun 10 2008, 08:29 AM']Make a choice! a ) Work 9-5 in a call centre, or Dixons, or summat b ) Tour the world, playing bass with with Take That If you choose a), you're a freak. Really.[/quote] +1 You also have no artistic integrity unless you choose to play bass! Or would someone care to disagree with that?
  8. [quote name='Tee' post='215229' date='Jun 9 2008, 09:14 AM']It also makes solos easier ^_^[/quote] One thing which is surprisingly obvious when you think about it is that by tuning down half a step, you can bend another half step! I love Bb (on 5-string) and dropped C# tuning
  9. [quote name='dood' post='214023' date='Jun 6 2008, 06:44 PM']noooo.. not even close lol... Maybe I'm not spending enough time playing my bass and too much time on my other exceptional talents! [/quote] I thought the whole point of the pink note was to combine the two!
  10. [quote name='spinynorman' post='213601' date='Jun 6 2008, 12:32 AM']I learn sections at a time and check back often with the mp3. Then you can't go too far wrong.[/quote] I play the mp3 at the same time as the tab (with the tab completely muted) so I can watch the tab whilst playing along with the song! And that way, you can listen to the actual bass line whilst following it on the tab so you can spot any mistakes
  11. [quote name='Adee' post='213567' date='Jun 5 2008, 11:20 PM']. . You can ALL get you coats ! [/quote] That's a highly insensitive remark, considering that those of us who have spent our limbs on basses can no longer wear coats!
  12. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='212951' date='Jun 5 2008, 08:59 AM']My 73P - if I put the original parts back on would be worth...............about 15 years banged up when I stabbed to death whoever stole it with a breadknife. That makes it the most valuable bass so far I think.[/quote] Crikey, I'd be annoyed if someone stole my bass with a breadknife!
  13. [quote name='WalMan' post='212195' date='Jun 3 2008, 11:27 PM']Not trying to start a war, but you have 8 basses, and you are a student. Any particular reason? Why not get one better specced bass? The most I have ever had was 3 - standard 4, f'less 4 and 8 string - but the last two despite being my first two "proper" basses went because they just never got used and were a pain to drag round to use on perhaps one number a night.[/quote] They're all very different (as stated in my sig) If I get the opportunity to join a band where I'd use my 7-string or my 5-string acoustic (probably not the same band ), I'll be glad I've not sold them to pay for a Shuker custom 5 or whatever - after just 3 and a half years of playing, I don't feel that my style is defined sufficiently that I can justify spending loads on just one bass! I need versatility coz I like to play all sorts of different basses - maybe when I'm in a band that actually makes money I'll invest in a bass that suits me better... but I'll still want these other ones around for fun! After all, fun is what this is all about (for me, at least; even though I'd love to play bass for a living, I've yet to see a penny return on my investment of time, money and love - oh well!)
  14. [quote name='P-T-P' post='211832' date='Jun 3 2008, 02:55 PM']...which subjectively hints that you consider your opinion to be a little more than simply a personal perspective and more an absolute truth applicable to all. Hopefully that's not the case, or if it is, you'll need to practise harder at avoiding those kind of slip-ups before your plan for world domination will be a success! [/quote] A subjective opinion includes a demand for universal assent
  15. These are so useful that this ought to be pinned...
  16. Hooray, responses! Let me know when you're in Bristol, please guys - I'm in Wales for most of the summer, though... but that doesn't mean I won't be available at all
  17. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='208842' date='May 29 2008, 01:43 PM']:O:O *shock horror* I change my strings like i change underwear – almost as often anyway, but you get what I’m saying. No longer than 2 weeks without at least a good old boil up and then a fresh set at least every 8 to 10 weeks.[/quote] Each to their own - personally I love the sound of old strings (I've never ever bought new bass strings) and if I spent as much as you apparently do on strings, I'd have to either get a job or own just one bass! I'm not sure what's worse!!!
  18. Lakeland and Aggwillar
  19. [quote name='bass player spinn' post='208788' date='May 29 2008, 12:51 PM']I dunno maybe im a tightwad i still havent changed the stock strings on that base for like 8 months[/quote] I have never changed the strings on my main 4-string in nearly 3 years
  20. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='208772' date='May 29 2008, 12:35 PM']My 5 string cost £150, my 4 string cost £139. Love them both although am looking at a new 4 string as not entirely happy with the sound from my current one.[/quote] Wow, were they new?! It's stuff like this that makes me doubt I'll ever buy a "high-end" bass, unless I become a lot richer somehow
  21. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='208756' date='May 29 2008, 12:25 PM']For me I would never contemplate spending more than £300 on a bass, regardless of tone but that's because I'm a tightass...[/quote] Thank God there's someone even cheaper than me on here So far 2 of my basses have cost more than that, with the average price being somewhere under £200, I think... the quest for the perfect bass is a very different process for different people, I think [quote name='john_the_bass' post='208759' date='May 29 2008, 12:25 PM']You've all seen what vintage Fenders command these days, but I wouldn't pay that for one[/quote] Vintage Fenders are just historical artifacts though, surely? Not really worth much at all as an actual instrument... I don't mean that they're horrible basses or anything - I mean that most of their value is nothing to do with how they sound - I'm not knocking anyone's decision to play a vintage Fender!!!
  22. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='208736' date='May 29 2008, 12:10 PM']I'm assuming everybody has a limit[/quote] Therein lies the problem with the question (for me, anyway) - at the moment, I'm a student with a relatively low income, most of which I'm supposed to be spending on beer apparently... so in order to afford an expensive bass I'd probably have to sell a bunch of stuff - would I sell all 8 of my current basses, each of which has a different use? Probably - it'd certainly save some space!
  23. Crikey Moses - until reading this thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20145"]all the Fender fans on basschat[/url] had be GASing for a P, but now I've been completely put off! Thanks for saving me some money
  24. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='208683' date='May 29 2008, 10:56 AM']Mind you - and this is true - for ages when I was a kid I thought Israel had a King called King Born because they made us sing 'born is the king of Israel' at school[/quote] Why is he the king of Israel anyway? Jesus was definitely more of a socialist [quote name='bnt' post='208708' date='May 29 2008, 11:34 AM']The Japanese company got their name from a brand of Spanish guitar they were importing, [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador_Ib%C3%A1%C3%B1ez"]Salvador Ibáñez[/url]. (Ee-ba-nyeth, I think)[/quote] My mum (who speaks Spanish) insists upon pronouncing it like that
  25. Are you including aesthetic appearance and playability as well as tone? To be honest I'd be highly sceptical of anything which sounded perfect in the shop but would lose a lot of its value once I'd bought it - how can you decide that it's the perfect instrument until you've owned it for a good while and tried it in lots of different settings? That's why I aim to always buy second-hand (even if sometimes I can't...), so effectively I can try it out on very cheap rental If I had the opportunity to try out a very expensive bass for a whole year and then I had to buy it or I'd never get the chance again... I would pay as much as I could afford for the perfect bass
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