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Posts posted by RandomBass

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1355872117' post='1904002']

    Well, you [i]say[/i] that but surely it would also depend on the type of cheese. It has to be hard cheese. For example Gruyere or Parmesan rind makes excellent nut material. But even those as apparently 'firm' as - say - Cheddar or Wensleydale are useless in the practical sense.

    well I suggest we ask those famous Luthiers, Wallace & Grommit, and be done with it... ;)

  2. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1355739862' post='1901916']
    Advantage = open notes sound like fretted notes.

    Disadvantage = they fall off in the cold....

    Coat, hat and gloves on....exiting door rapidly.... :D
    ha ha yes very good. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to come up with something along those lines. I was sorely tempted myself....

  3. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1355578321' post='1900136']
    Nope, you're correct. Currently 3 effects only.

    The G3 has recently had a version 2 firmware update that allows 6.

    Hopefully the B3 will get V2 as well

    Ah thanks for confirming that. I really like the look of the B3, but if if it's the case I can only chain 3 effects together, it's a bit of a step back compared to the B2 in that respect, which pretty much replaces an entire pedal board. Compressor is dreadful though!

  4. Thread resurrection society. My B2 is ill (one too many beers spilt on it I think), so considering an alternative - and I'm looking at individual pedals too at the moment, but that's a different topic.

    So, with the B2 I can chain 9 effects for each patch. Does the B3 do that too? It looks like it is just the equivalent of three effects pedals - but I could be wrong. Have I misread the manual? Can anyone enlighten me?



  5. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1355268610' post='1896292']
    I've been using a single Ashdown Mi12 for all of my gigs since they came out and I'm
    really happy with it-it basically took over from my Bergantino HS410.
    So a single 12 took over from your 4x10. That's quite some testament to the abilities of the Ashdown. Impressive.

  6. Back on topic if we are allowed, have a try with one of those MBE cabs if possible. Same brand as your head if that means anything, and I'm sure will sound rather good, based on your budget. Don't be swayed by the 4 Ohm thing, its meaningless - too many fall for it, assuming it will make the most of their 4 ohm head.

  7. Do you have a particular budget in mind? My first thought would be a GKE MBE212 - go for the 8 Ohm (£200 or so from Thomann while they last), I doubt you will notice the difference loudness-wise to a 4 Ohm, and it gives you the option to add another one at a later date for a lightweight vertical 4x12 stack for about £400. What's not to like? Yes I know you mentioned single cab solution, but you never know...

    And if you don't like the MBE, Thomann have e very fair and easy returns policy.

  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1354444558' post='1885932']
    Has Leona Lewis got a personality? I thought it was locked away in a tin somewhere with Andy Murray's?
    [/Terry Thomas mode on]
    I say, steady on there old bean. Are you really suggesting that there is a tin somewhere, containing the personalities of Leona and Andy?
    I'll have you know each has their own tin! ;)

  9. [quote name='voxpop' timestamp='1354196369' post='1883393']
    Bass only for me. I can't and don't want to play guitar.

    Ditto. Whenever I pick up a guitar (which is normally only to move it out of my way at a gig) I have no idea what to do with it. They are too small, cramped and with closely spaced cheese-wire running from nut to bridge.

  10. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1354101488' post='1881988']
    So last week I had my eye on a Bb1024 on ebay, hovered over the buy it now a couple of times but talked myself out of it.
    It didn't sell and last night got re-listed 70 quid cheaper.

    Did I buy it I hear you ask?

    Fcuk Yeah!
    Good man!
    I'm completely smitten with my recent BB414 purchase and makes me wish I'd bought a 1024 when I tried one last year when I had more spare cash. oh well....

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