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Posts posted by RandomBass

  1. I'm now a BB414 owner courtesy of 4StringFortress (thanks Ben).

    What a fabulous instrument. I had a RBX a few years ago and really liked that, but went all Fender (and look-alikes).

    The BB arrived Friday - and I gigged it that very same evening, with flats. So that's a totally new and unknown instrument, with strings I'm not used to. What an idiot I am.

    Well, it turned out to be perfect. Got some roundwounds to put on it (thanks again Ben!). But god it sounds so good with these flats :) I may leave them on there a little longer.

    Very nice indeed.



  2. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1351273859' post='1849641']
    Thanks very much guys! This has really helped.

    Not being able to test them, I'm going for the Little Bastard that is on special offer. Can always get hold of an OTB later should I want some serious wattage.

    Ah! There you have it.
    I'd been wondering about a special cab for the LB, and here's my answer. These are not imported to Norway, so I'd never seen one.

    On the Ashdown site both the LB 112 and the LB 212 are under Legacy, and under Dual Tube one can find the VS series.

    I notice the VS models weigh quite more than the LB, and have a "road-ready" description. They seem a lot cheaper though.
    LB 112: 09 kg
    VS-112: 17 kg
    LB 212: 14 kg
    VS-212: 31 kg

    Q: would the LB 112 do as well? There are some left in UK shops.

    Q: would the VS series do as well? (I already just ordered a super cheap VS 112 for a friend of mine, but ... well ... ya know ... GAS)


    I recently enquired about a pre-owned LB212, and the owner kindly weighed it for me. It came in at a fraction under 28kg, which is twice the advertised weight. Be wary if weight is a deciding factor.

  3. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1343395733' post='1750125']
    ive tried this too in the past but i just could not get my head around the whole lefthand/righthand independence thing in much the same way that i cant play bass and sing at the same time...although some might say i just cant play bass full stop :lol:

    Some would say I can't do either, full stop....

  4. Sorry this feedback is a bit late, but back in May 2012 Jay popped over to mine to try out one of my BF Compacts - and he went home with it! Thoroughly nice young man, and a pleasure to deal with.

  5. [quote name='Jones_Stuff' timestamp='1351038811' post='1846622']
    Hi Geoff,

    I have a Squier Jazz neck (38mm nut, [s]21[/s] 20 frets) from a [url="http://www.dv247.com/assets/products/40756_l.jpg"]deluxe precision special[/url] availible if you're still looking for something. Straight as an arrow and fast to play. Would be about £35 shipped. Let me know if you're interested, I can send you some pictures and more details.


    Hiya, yes sounds interesting. Couple of questions though...

    Does this model have a painted headstock? If so, what colour?

    What is the mm width of the heel of the neck (where the screws join it to the body)?

    And what are the centres between the fixing holes in the neck? Should be pretty standard but just need to make sure :)

    If you could PM some pictures, would be great thanks.



  6. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1350860796' post='1844504']
    Hmm, Ashdown in this months BGM say they test every unit that comes in from the Far East too....
    Yeah I read that too. Poor show if they have to test everything that is shipped over from their off-shore manufacturing facility. Is the QC really that bad that they cannot rely on checks done at the factory?

  7. All very delightful and desirable instruments, and well out of my price range. However, it will have to be a birth year decision, so the '65 gets my vote. It also has a certain mojo about it, with 47 years of wear. Just like me ;) lol

    If I'm still around and on here in 20 years or so, I will post my 2009 Highway One Jazz and someone will say "that's my birth year!"
    Do I feel old? :)



  8. I've always liked the style and simplicity of the Precision body, but prefer the neck of the Jazz. I have an SX P bass copy, and have been toying with the idea of getting hold of a cheapo Jazz neck for it, to see how they work together.

    Well, without having a cheapo Jazz neck available I took the weird decision to take the neck from my Highway One Jazz and try it on the the SX P body. Luckily it was a direct fit - the neck holes lined up for a perfect fit: If it hadn't I would have left it rather than mess with the neck.

    Scale length is perfect, and the intonation is fine at the 12th fret without any saddle adjustment. The neck is slightly narrower (60mm compared to 62mm of the SX).

    What a nice combination. The benefits of the P bass simplicity with the slim J neck.

    I think I will have a look around for a suitable J neck to fit permanently to the SX body, as I want the fender neck back on the H1 Jazz body asap.

    Anyone used third-party necks, such as Warmoth etc? Any recommendations? I'm after a 38mm nut width, slim, pref with nut and pre-drilled tuner holes. I'm happy drilling my own pilot holes as necessary.



  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1350473664' post='1839271']
    Am I the only person who saw this topic title and throught: [color=#800000][i][b]"So here it is, Merry Xmax, everybody's having fun[/b][/i][/color]"?
    oh great. That reminds me I will need to brush up on that song again soon. Grrrr

  10. I think the semi-parametric EQ is brilliant, and worked really well on the Mibass I had. Also, the input felt more senistive than usual for Ashdown so didn't need such a high setting on the input knob to get that tiny meter needle moving.

    What I did find is that the Mibass pre-amp went into clipping before it had a chance to drive the power amp sufficiently. By using the FX return as an input from a booster, and thus just using the power amp section, I was able to get a much louder output from the Mibass. It's as if the preamp output was not correctly matched to the power amp input requirements.

    Perhaps it was the particular one I had that didn't cut the mustard, and all the others are fine.

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