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Everything posted by L_Bass_Dog85

  1. Cheers! I have already subscribed. I just hope its good!
  2. Clutter. Great band. + 1 on Bob Marley and the Wailers! Edit: Rush - A Passage to Bangkok. Good, simple drum beat with the occasional fills!
  3. The F# on the E from my Ibanez gives out a nice round and slightly bright tone. The Rotosound PSDs may have something to do with it! Luke
  4. Hi, Is the pedal still available? Luke
  5. Fair do's! I'll still come though. I'll have a chat with one of my bands about gigging there once we find another drummer. Sounds like fun! Luke
  6. Anyone? I think this idea will be benificial to anybody spread out who are in need of a midway point. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Luke
  7. Hey Charic, I am up for helping out, especially if there is a kitchen I'm happy to offer my cookery skills! Luke
  8. Hi all, How many of you Suffolk BCer's to and fro Ipswich / Bury St Edmunds for rehearsals? Surely you have band members from both sides of Suffolk who would like a half way rehearsal room? I'm asking these questions as I have a cunning plan which might not surface til the latter part of next year as planning and expenses for a project will have to be taken into consideration, including opinions from this topic. As far as I am aware there are no dedicated rehearsal spaces in Stowmarket. Look forward to hear your comments. Luke
  9. Yes it is. Have you had the benefits of playing there then? Luke
  10. I can sympathise with warwickhunt. Had a gig on Guy Fawkes night last year, was called up on the Wednesday by a lead guitarist I get on with, asking if I was doing anything on the Friday night. Turned out his covers band had bailed out last minute and was scraping together other musicians. I hesitated, he said 'don't worry it'll be fine'. Had to take the Friday afternoon off just to brush up on 40 songs (!) when I got there, I discovered he plucked up a drummer on the same day as gig! Best of all, the gig was at the Pickerel in Slowmarket. Now I know why his bandmates jumped ship last minute! Never play there people! I am now in an original band with the said guitarist. Pulls the same stunt still but have learnt to say 'no'! I know every situation is different but some last minute things are never meant to be... Luke
  11. I have a [b]sale pending[/b] so early next week you can go for it! Luke
  12. Exactly! These tickets are a catch and a half! Will get round to post a piccie by tonight / tomorrow for all the sceptics... Luke
  13. Wednesday 13th July. Hope its not too soon for most people! Luke
  14. Hi all! Up for sale are two eTickets to see Primus at the O2 Academy Brixton. I bought the tickets a while ago (February!) and now can't make the gig due to other commitments. I'm only looking for [b]£50[/b] or trade for a [b]Morley Whammy Bass Pedal[/b]. They're worth it! I will upload non printable images in a couple of days, as I don't want about 50 or so people absconding with the tickets scott free. I will hunt you down like a dog! Luke NOW SOLD
  15. Any pics/sound clips on the Morley? I'm interested! Luke
  16. Still interested... Luke
  17. Aright Lloyd, how is it going? I'll be there, my band Hallow wanted to play there this year but were told we missed the slot to apply. Luke
  18. Very nice! What are the specs for both? Am interested but need a little more info please! Luke
  19. Came home too late to see JPJ in action! Waiting for BBC iPlayer to put it on then another wait for it to buffer for a century... Luke
  20. Hmm, I am not too far from you. I will take it off you for £300! Is it possible to try before buying? Luke
  21. Still here?! If you weren't 3 and a half hours away I would take this beast off you, unless you have means to meet half way... Luke
  22. Is the next one due soon? I'm willing to help out and come along! Luke
  23. I'm a culprit to sweaty hands, including everywhere else, especially performing live! Don't worry about it, use wristbands, towels etc like stated above. Also, if your self conscience about it people will notice. Carry on like you don't care and wipe down when there's time to do so. Talcum powder is another option, just not that manly! Luke
  24. Still for sale, I hope? Meet half way, cash in hand, done job! Luke
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