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Everything posted by L_Bass_Dog85

  1. I see your a Suffolk lad like me. If your from Ipswich area go to cash converters and try out a Warwick Rockbass there, see how it feels. Or take a field trip to Bass Merchant in Colchester, they also do second hand equipment. Luke
  2. I use www.stringbusters.com Good service, never had a problem and always have what I am looking for. I'm a man who prefers to shop locally keeping small firms open, but they stock strings that I don't like. Did ask if they could bring stock in but they order by bulk, so they get the most 'popular'. It's a shame, but the internet prevails over local shops! Luke
  3. Hi, my name is Luke and live in sunny Stowmarket in Suffolk, and for those who don't know still, the East of England! I have been playing bass for 8 years now but been playing seriously (as in reading music etc) for about 4yrs. As of late, am in two bands both doing original material, Rusty Hallow and Alarm Clock Nation. My gear is fairly standard, but at the moment I'm looking to upgrade my amp! Got a Spector Legend 5string and an Ibanez BTB500 4String, my amp is a Peavey 115 Combo. To sum up, great basses but crap amp. Soon I will be raiding the classifieds on here for a new amp Luke
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