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Posts posted by deanovw

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1326530675' post='1498387'] Why not? Some people lack imagination... [/quote]

    I wouldn't say lack of imagination personally. :P

    I was pertaining to using a one off £6k bass in a local boozer. In my experience these gigs can sometimes end in some kind of beer fuelled mess. I would feel more comfortable with a mass produced instrument that can be repaired or replaced reasonably easily than a magnificent piece of furniture that I would be afraid of being damaged.

    Maybe I should try to get a better quality gig?? :D

    Edit: or should ritter offer a relic-ing service. ;)

  2. I picked my new bass up this afternoon.

    My first thoughts were how light it is compared to my Squier Jazz. Good start.

    The shop owner said it required a major set up when he took delivery of it yesterday. When I tried it in the shop the E string was miles off the fret board but it played ok.

    I got it home for a serious going over. Before I plugged it in I noticed the pick ups were all over the shop level wise and no amount of undoing the screws changed this. I removed the scratch plate and finally got the pick ups to sit level with the strings. I wound down the saddles to reduce the action and they are nearly bottoming out now. I think I will try a shim tomorrow once it has been in this environment for 24 hours. I want to take a little tension off the truss rod too. The neck is perfectly straight. Too straight for me. I like a tiny bit of relief.
    The intonation is set nicely but the G+D saddle springs have no tension and vibrate annoyingly.

    It feels great though, like a favourite pair of shoes or an old jacket. Its familiar and it really encourages you to play. I like it.

    Plugged in it sounds perfect. It is loud and clear with all the settings being usable and classic Jazz bass. I am really impressed. I didnt even feel the need to run it through my Sadowsky DI box as I do with most basses I owned.

    The relicing is too much for my taste. I like the way the lacquer is crazed but i hate the gouges and machine sanded areas. Ah well. It is a bass for playing, not looking at, and I have been playing it for a while today and really enjoyed it. Can't wait to get it into a band situation.

    Pics to come soon…...

  3. Thanks, I think I will have to try and locate genuine BOSS ones
    or purchase the flat/squashed type.

    [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1325753146' post='1486968']
    Just checked. There are two different sorts on my board. The branded ones are made by, guess... Boss!

    They;re not as low profile as the ones in the link above, but are slimmer than the Boss ones in the Dawsons link. Mine are more squared off. If you need a picture I can take one tomorrow.

  4. I think [url="http://www.studiospares.com/low-profile-03m-guitar-patch-lead-ra/invt/595980/?htxt=CqRsbJu%2FutV8PO2VUe7M5tbw0eF0%2BgiZGsyhRiL%2FA7J%2FD5ckTwx4gGk9NGxRQ2HoBcTxJmxJa8Ar%0AIS49VztZhg%3D%3D"]this[/url] will do it

    Low profile patch lead.

  5. Hi, I just got hold of an empty BOSS BCB-3 pedal board/case for three pedals.

    The patch cables i have in my bag are too big to be used in the case with the pedals side by side. No problem I thought. I will buy some slimline ones. They arrived today. They are not slim enough! bugger.

    I want these kind of patch cables.

    Can anyone help? I only need x2


  6. I have just ordered a 'shiney' new 3TSB Roadworn Jazz and I am really looking forward to getting it.

    However, the whole road worn/relic phenomenon really annoys me! I want to buy a bass in perfect condition and look after it. If things happen on the way then so be it, thats life for a working instrument. Taking a sander to a brand new bass is sacrilege, imho.

    Having said all that, the reputation for these MIM roadworn jazzes has grown so much that there must be something in it. These sound like great basses.

    If only we could buy them before they are ruined and save a few quid.......

    It should be here by the weekend, pics to follow then.


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