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Everything posted by tauzero

  1. My GR Bass AT212? My Antoniotsai bass? BRX's 6-string shortie? BRX's singer?
  2. But are they being bought to hang on the wall? If you play down the Tickled Trout on a Saturday, what's the maximum value of a bass that you'll take to play there? If you buy a £15k Precision, assuming you're in the weekend warrior category, are you likely to play it at the average gig?
  3. ? I don't think the dragon affects the tone.
  4. I was following our keyboard player and drummer, both of whom know it (the drummer used to be the sound engineer there). I don't think I'll have a problem finding it again.
  5. My Squier came with a defret and a MM pickup in the bridge position, which was something I was looking for. I paid slightly less for it than I would have for an unmodified VM, which seems reasonable. I may change the MM pickup, and I'll probably change the tuners to Hipshots as it's got a touch of the neck dives.
  6. Surely a Zon is more nerdy. Jazz basses are almost as common as muck (Precisions are commoner).
  7. 10 gigs on their tour in April, so ten identically named bands sharing a website and each with a set of four identically named members who all look like each of the other nine members who share their name? Probably simpler just to move one band of four members around.
  8. It's defective - it's got a headstock. Turn your name badge in immediately.
  9. Don't forget, you have a chance to be on Gardeners' World.
  10. At least you'll have a decent sized stage there.
  11. First time at Jack's Entertainment Club in Bedworth with Dirty Roses. There are two rooms there, a larger one about the size of a typical WMC function room with a large high stage and a smaller cosier one with a small low stage. The manager thought there wouldn't be a huge number of people there so put us in the smaller room. He also put the vocals and one guitar through the house PA (saved the guitarist putting his cab on the stage) though I had to use my monitors. We squeezed most of the gear onto the stage, with the mic stands and git 2's guitar rack going on the floor and git 2 positioned in the middle rather than vox git. Nice back projection screen too. All went well, and they want us back - next time in the big room with the big stage, going through the house PA with house monitors, which is nice. The house PA in the smaller room was installed very recently and includes an Allen & Heath Qu-24 desk which the manager was still getting to grips with, and I think the one in the larger room is similar. It was also a first run out for the GR Bass AT212, which acquitted itself well.
  12. And some things for more than new - Zoom MS-60B+, £125 used on Ebay, £109 new from PMT.
  13. You need to tend gardens carefully, as everything will wither without you.
  14. I keep meaning to mention that among the many unChristian things that the supposed Christian Trump does is tax dodging. Perhaps he ought to read the bible that he's flogging.
  15. A misspelling. https://www.eileenworkman.com/
  16. But different pickups of the same overall construction sound different, otherwise people wouldn't (say) stick DiMarzios in Fenders.
  17. If you applied the same criteria as for cars, no bass would be vintage. In fact, as Ps and Js are still in production, they wouldn't even be classics. https://www.differencebetween.info/difference-between-veteran-vintage-and-classic-cars
  18. For something costing more than a couple of hundred quid, I far prefer bank transfer (on collection and in person) to cash. If you're buying, you've got to get the cash out which if you want more than £500 probably means visiting an ATM more than one day, or visiting a branch to get it in person, and then you've got to carry that much cash to the seller. If you're the seller, you then have to get the cash to a bank and you might have to put it in in more than one transaction. Of course, if you keep your money in your mattress, this doesn't apply.
  19. I checked as much as I could for our band name, Dirty Roses, and there's no duplicates, although there's a band of four good ol' boys from Bama called "Them Dirty Roses" (who look to be considerably busier than we are - six gigs in nine days in six different states).
  20. I've used bank transfer when collecting basses (and motorcycles) in person, and when selling basses (and motorcycles) and they've been collected in person. In those cases, we did the transfer on collection.
  21. And electrical characteristics, as a pickup is inductive, resistive, and IIRC slightly capacitive too.
  22. The Kings of Leo?
  23. There's a couple of Spectre Sound Studio videos where Glenn demonstrates the total lack of difference in guitar pickups, while making absolutely and completely clear that he's talking about heavily distorted guitars playing metal. And yet he still gets people complaining that the pickups sound different when played without distortion, which wasn't his point. Low End Lobster does a few comparisons between different ranges of bass with different pickups, eg the Ibanez EHB series with Bart BH2s on the low end ones and Nordstrands on the top of the range (although there's now another range with Fishman pickups), and also the same basses after he's changed the pickups. Pickups will colour the sound to a greater or lesser extent - I would say that the ideal is a pickup that doesn't significantly colour the sound, so you can add colour of your own. That means it's got to put out a full range of sound pretty evenly, not be weak at the bottom or top end, because you can always take away but you can't add what isn't there. Alternatively, you get a pickup which is pre-coloured the way you want it, though that then limits the range of sounds you can get from it.
  24. I may be able to supply further evidence (not for Mixing Station but for the X-Air app on Android). When I installed it on one tablet, I omitted to give it write permissions to the filesystem. While I could save scenes and snapshots, whenever I tried to store an amended layout (Layers option), it crashed out. Very frustrating until I worked out what I'd done (or not done). So scenes are written to the mixer, as are all the settings from when you last switched it off, and layouts to the local storage.
  25. It is easy. You also won't put a twist in the string. DBEs are even easier as you don't have to cut the strings, but the bass has to be the right scale length (in fairness, basses with DBE headstocks will be the right scale length).
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