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Everything posted by tauzero

  1. I notice that Sound Control are doing Brand X XM5 mics for £15 (and whoever went and got the description for the website obviously didn't connect brain as it's described as a marine antenna). I have no idea how good they are (how helpful is that, eh?).
  2. White spirit. WD40. Avoid acetone, paint thinners, brake fluid, and Nitromors.
  3. Saturday night - not a bass gig for me but the duo. Me on Variax simulating acoustic 6 and 12-strings, and Kaz (plus a Digitech harmoniser) on vocals. And, er, this was a Battle of the Bands against four rock bands. So three bands go on, playing rock at the heavier end of the spectrum, then we come on. The layout of the place is stage with barrier, dancefloor area, raised rear area, and the other bands had people lining the barrier (no-one dancing). We start and there's no-one at the barrier, then three lads wander up to the barrier, then three girls, then a few more - we were quite astonished, TBH, they were actually at the barrier taking photos of us. And at least one of them has heard us before and remembers one of the covers, as he shouted "Do Cindi Lauper" just before we went into "Time after time". Kewl. And the DJs were very complimentary to us afterwards. Obviously we didn't win, but it was a really good evening. Really could do with recruiting a guitarist and drummer so I can get back onto bass and the songs can get the oomph they deserve.
  4. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='149203' date='Feb 29 2008, 09:52 PM']Probably somebody famous, but I don't know who he is. [/quote] If it's any comfort, nor did I. In fact, I don't know who most bass players are. Hadn't heard of Stuart Zender until a fortnight ago, for example.
  5. [quote name='finnbass' post='149453' date='Mar 1 2008, 02:35 PM']That's why they are frequently referred to as 'Parcelfarce' [/quote] "Parcelforce - we can lose an elephant and break an anvil"
  6. This should be a laugh - not a bass gig for me, it's the acoustic (assuming a Variax playing acoustic patches is an "acoustic") duo against whatever grunge/metal/emo/screamo bands are in heat 2. Palace, Tamworth, Saturday 1st March, doors open 7, first band 7.30, we're on fourth.
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='148981' date='Feb 29 2008, 02:56 PM']Anyway I don't believe that's a Gibson Thunderbird in there "Popular "reverse" design - first introduced in 1963 - offers a balanced comfortable feel." Balanced?[/quote] Perfectly balanced. However, the act of removing it from the box seriously affects the balance and causes the Thunderbird to be the only bass model in history that gets dinged headstocks from the floor and dents near the rear strap peg from low ceilings.
  8. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140210854817"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140210854817[/url] I used to have one, sold it on ebay - but that was quite some time ago, so it's not surprising he hasn't seen one. Might have had this had I not got the Hohner Jack 5 at around the time the auction for this would have started... Might be a bit overpriced though. The desirability of headlesses seems to wax and wane even more wildly than that of Warwicks, and the bodiless headlesses seem to fetch more than this type. EDIT: forgot to mention that it's evident from the gallery photo that Norfolk was very seriously affected by the earthquake.
  9. [quote name='wmsheep' post='148714' date='Feb 29 2008, 12:03 AM']WOW, that neck is dated 3 days too early for me to be interested (but wouldnt it be so cool to have a bass dated on the day you were born!!)[/quote] Indeed. I was thinking of this one for me: [attachment=6062:double_bass.jpg] Might be a bit too new though. Shall have to check the date...
  10. [quote name='andy67' post='148560' date='Feb 28 2008, 07:06 PM']could this just be a coincidence that they live in the exact same place![/quote] Um, yes. I've bought and sold things on ebay with other people in Tamworth, which isn't a huge place. If it was him selling it, I'd have thought he'd have done it via his ebay shop and with it cleaned up and sorted out, and any shill bidding would be done inwards. Looks more like he wants to pick up a Linn in need of a service, sort it out, and sell it on for a few bob more.
  11. Best option - lightweight practice amp and a long extension lead...
  12. [quote name='pete.young' post='148355' date='Feb 28 2008, 12:33 PM']Our drummer uses sticks called 'Hot Rods' or 'Lightning Rods' or somesuch, they look like a bundle of very think sticks.[/quote] Think? Is that a cross between thick and thin? Or is it simply an unnatural pastime for a drummer?
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' post='147396' date='Feb 26 2008, 07:47 PM']The Washburn 8-string looked quite interesting until I looked at the photo of the back... Even worse than the one I'm currently stripping for a refin.[/quote] He is very honest about that though: "I see brand new guitars being sold for ridiculous prices because they 've been given a "distressed" finish. "Distressed"? This baby is bloody panic-stricken."
  14. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='147928' date='Feb 27 2008, 04:16 PM']Remember: [b]"The smiley face EQ is your enemy"[/b][/quote] I HEART the smiley face EQ. The love that dare not speak its name...
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' post='146225' date='Feb 24 2008, 09:56 PM']Prompted by the 101 pages of Japanese bass porn I now have serious GAS for a [url="http://www.fernandes.co.jp/home.html"]Fernandes[/url] In particular one of their Nomad Basses (called PIE-ZO in Japan)[/quote] I wonder who did their website... The PIE-ZOs are [url="http://www.fernandes.co.jp/products/zo.html"]here[/url]. I was just reflecting on how with a 25.5" scale (as they have), they're pretty much Ashborys, so if they did a fretless one then that might be an Ashbory alternative, strung up with [s]rubber bands[/s] Ashbory strings. So I had a look down the PIE-ZOs and found: PIE-ZO FL (FLET LESS) However, at $500, I don't think I'll be after one any time soon...
  16. [quote name='Rich' post='147431' date='Feb 26 2008, 08:55 PM']I ordered an Artec SE3P-A... vol, pan, stacked bass/treb and stacked mid/sweep. The plan is to fit it into my SX Jazzebel project . I'm also thinking of reviewing it for the, errm, Reviews section. 28 quid for a 3 band EQ is definitely worth checking out.[/quote] I'm feeling a stirring of interest in an Artec. One question - do they come with knobs (they don't seem to)? If not (er, two questions), does anyone know any suppliers of reasonable cheap metal knobs to suit them?
  17. I used to nail some carpet to the wall for them to use as a scratching post. Mind you, carpetted cabs hadn't been invented back then and they weren't interested in trying to use leatherette-covered gear.
  18. Just try and avoid it appearing in the "First Ding" thread...
  19. [quote name='Krysbass' post='147219' date='Feb 26 2008, 12:59 PM']I've been looking on t'internet for a 5-string under £300 over the past few days and haven't seen anything that makes me want to part with some cash. Having an inequal number of tuners either side of the headstock offends my need for symetry in this area (we're all individuals)[/quote] How do you cope with the dreadful asymmetry of your Westone's body? Study lots of five-string heads and examine the concept of symmetry from a different angle - after all, a 3-2 arrangement forms a W, which is symmetrical, so there is symmetry on a line between the E (probably) tuner and the midpoint between the D and G tuners. Alternatively, buy a Steinberger XZ-25 or a Hohner Jack Custom, both of which are headless, therefore perfect for your requirements. And no, you can't have my Jack Custom.
  20. I had a Thumb-type bolt-on that had been professionally defretted (which I replaced with a Thumb which I had professionally refretted...). Nice instrument. IIRC I paid about £150 for it and sold it for about the same.
  21. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='146972' date='Feb 25 2008, 10:53 PM']I've come to the point where anything I buy has to make me money and so therefore has to have a specific job to do. But then I am picking up my second new Status bass in three months within a week or so![/quote] I have the same mindset. The Hohner Jack Custom I've just bought is entirely consistent with that, as I wanted a headless 5-string for the microstage venues we sometimes play. Next gig is at one of these venues, last gig was too (which started me getting more earnest about my quest), and we've got at least another two this year. Mind you, it would be nice if I had a headless 5-string with a neck with a profile like the Tsai. Trouble is, they don't come off the peg that way. Come to think of it, it would be convenient if it was a double-neck too...
  22. [quote name='martthebass' post='145328' date='Feb 22 2008, 09:10 PM']Yup. I had a guy spit out his dummy at a jam night when I asked him to remove his belt when he asked to borrow my (then) brand new Sterling. I don't like dingage but I prefer it if it's my fault.[/quote] I remember many years ago when a mate of mine asked to have a play on someone's very nice Martin. Chap wanted him to take his belt off (fair enough). So Norman took his belt off, and the chap then said he still couldn't have a go as he was wearing a shirt with hard buttons on. A couple of mine have suffered mysterious scrapes to the rear of the heel when they've been sat on stage at the local open mic night. Not sure how they've happened, may even have been stand-inflicted (using A-frame stands). I now use a tripod stand with a sticky-up bit at the back and there's been no further damage. When I first got the Palatino, I took it up to the open mic night. Left it lying at the side of the drum riser. At the end of the evening, I noticed a cymbal lying on it. The drummer never used to put nuts on his cymbals and one had flown off and dropped onto the Palatino, chipping the lacquer. This all reminds me of why I like oil-finished and natural basses. They show the dings a lot less than painted or lacquered instruments.
  23. [quote name='paul, the' post='145159' date='Feb 22 2008, 04:19 PM']I have a BDI21, does anyone know if I can plug straight into a PA without a bass amp using this, if needed? Is that safe, would certain PA speakers have to be used to handle the frequencies?[/quote] I have used an ADI21 (near as dammit the same thing) with a Palatino VE-500 and a NS WAV-4 direct into a Peavey powered mixer, and also run the WAV-4 straight into the powered mixer. The PA speakers are reasonable full-range ones and handle it OK, but we don't have the volume anywhere near 11. And as I'm the only non-acoustic instrument on stage, I can't hear myself properly, so I will be using the GK 200MB in future (which has a handy DI).
  24. I was just looking for an appropriate place to post a heads-up about that very same Maplin iron what I bought this lunchtime (I only went in for contact cleaner). I can't justify a hugely expensive soldering station with the amount I do these days, so just wanted something that meant I had sufficient thermal inertia to do pots and jack sockets, but could be kept cool enough not to fry tracks off PCBs. Should be doing some playing with it soon...
  25. [quote name='99ster' post='143896' date='Feb 20 2008, 06:34 PM']Been looking for a big bag/holdall to put about 10 microphone stands in (7 of them are the small/short ones you use for mics for amps & snare drums). Any ideas / suggestions would be most appreciated![/quote] Search for "speaker stand bag" on ebay.
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