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Everything posted by tauzero

  1. [quote name='dazco' post='123637' date='Jan 20 2008, 05:12 AM']What I would like from you boys is 200 songs where the Bass is a lot less difficult than guitar.[/quote] Everything by U2. That must be 100+. But you'll be better off leaving.
  2. [quote name='Phaedrus' post='123026' date='Jan 18 2008, 06:35 PM']Now he reckons he's almost complete: Ibanez Steve Vai signature 7-string Ibanez JS1000 Joe Satriani signature Schecter Synnyster signature Epiphone Zakk Wylde signature Epiphone acoustic[/quote] Hasn't anyone signed his Epiphone acoustic yet?
  3. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' post='123143' date='Jan 18 2008, 09:22 PM']Andy's playing with The Smiths was a thing of beauty. To me it was as important a part of their sound as Johnny Marr's guitar playing.[/quote] The only trouble is that listening to his bass playing also means subjecting oneself to Morrissey, so I'm afraid I won't ever get to appreciate it...
  4. [quote name='mcgraham' post='123206' date='Jan 18 2008, 11:52 PM']Just to play devils advocate, even for a moment, I quite like the look of the headless model. However, the [i]instant[/i] you start to look at the design you realise how totally impractical it is. How on earth is it supposed to stand up without knocking the tuners out of position, and your strings out of tune with them? Even if they were locking, who wants their bass resting entirely on their tuning heads?[/quote] To quote from the4 specifications (you did all read the specifications, didn't you?): "Including Warwick "User Kit", 1 extra EMP string set, 1 Ltd. Edition Signature Sheet, 1 Body Chest Bow, 1 Bass stand" The words "bass" and "stand" may provide a clue. As there's some sort of brass socket right on the midline of the body at the end between the tuners, possibly said bass stand consists of a short stick on a base, which plugs into said socket in a Freudian fashion. I initially wondered if it was so you could emulate the Dean Pace fretless-onna-stick with it. I must say, when I first saw the Nobby (or photos of it, anyway), years ago, it struck me that it was an ingenious way of minimising the need for special parts. Trouble is, as Warwick are doing a reissue, they can't really rework it to reduce the splay on the tuners and inset them into the body (like more spaced-out Steinberger ones), or do anything about that horrible sticky-out strap bar. Perhaps it's time they did a headless Thumb, like they originally intended... Oddly, I can't see links to any basses other than the rather nice-looking Star Bass (2 links to that), the Nobby, and the Streamer LX (2 links to that), although there's some 6-strings on the photo at the top that I assume there should be links to too.
  5. [quote name='simon1964' post='122233' date='Jan 17 2008, 03:24 PM']I had a go on one of these on the Ashdown stand at the London guitar show last year. They look and play great - I'm just not sure I could live with that headstock![/quote] No sign of them in the Brum Sound Control. I can see the logic of the headstock, but I'm sure they could have achieved it more elegantly (cf. the Parker Fly).
  6. [url="http://www.upce.org.uk/"]http://www.upce.org.uk/[/url] The FAQ for the uk.people.consumers.ebay newsgroup. The first section is about the newsgroup itself, so is probably of little interest to most forum members, but the latter parts cover buying and selling.
  7. [quote name='BassManKev' post='123220' date='Jan 19 2008, 12:34 AM']how heavy is it?? any chance this could get itself to bristol??[/quote] The combo is 44kg according to the only specs I could find, and of course there's the amp sleeve too - around 45kg anyway. I could deliver it to Bristol for £50 - if you know of a courier who would take it without it having to be wrapped, that would be fine by me. As Overwater#1 has pointed out, it's up on ebay now - we really need the room (sadly, the room freed up isn't allowed to be filled up with more basses...)
  8. tauzero

    Ive got my 9

    [quote name='OldGit' post='118829' date='Jan 11 2008, 08:14 PM']You'll need a brace .. Fretted and fretless[/quote] A twin-neck would be simpler, don't have to swap basses between songs then.
  9. [quote name='chris_b' post='122720' date='Jan 18 2008, 10:54 AM']A long, long time ago (in the middle of the "Troubles") I was playing in a Working Man's Club band. We did a gig in an Irish club in Neasden and at the end we said good night. The manager rushed up hissing... "Play the Anthem"... so we duly started... he came running back shouting this time, "Stop! Not that one you eejits!!" Not thinking, we had started "God Save The Queen"!![/quote] It could have been worse, you could have played "The Sash".
  10. Are they webbing with a big neoprene pad, or webbing with a length of neoprene inserted? The implication in the Strap's description is that it'll boing up and down, which I'm not sure is what I'd want. Also, does the grippiness of the neoprene help with neck dive at all?
  11. tauzero

    Markbass ?

    [quote name='Super_Mario_Bass' post='121540' date='Jan 16 2008, 04:02 PM']Tauzero, Do you visit the tambands forum? i think I've seen your band[/quote] Yes, I visit both of them, the one for old gits (not OldGits) and the one for schoolkids That would be the acoustic duo you've seen then?
  12. [quote name='colda' post='121702' date='Jan 16 2008, 07:40 PM']A very special instrument for a very special person.[/quote] If I say something like "the sort of very special person who would have gone to a very special school", am I going to get smacked round the back of the head for tastelessness?
  13. For the covers band, black. I generally wear a black waistcoat too. Barn dance band - band T-shirts (black) and black trousers (black, black), and waistcoats (not black) and hats. Kaz (aka Future Mrs Tauzero) the caller wears a black black black jacket. Other than the black common black theme, we behave rather blackly differently in the two bands - basically, in the covers band, we lug the black black gear in in T-shirts and jeans and then change (except for the one or two venues where there's no changing facility other than the bogs, when we come pre-blacked), whereas in the barn dance band, we turn up and lug the gear in the black stuff and just add waistcoats and hats to go on stage. In the duo, we just wear what we turned up in (which is appropriate to the occasion). I play a black Variax. Black. Black, like the endless night. They keep me in the cellar and feed me pins. Mother, my eyes are pies.
  14. [quote name='StiffyP' post='119901' date='Jan 14 2008, 12:49 AM']what i was thinking, is getting a daisy chain([url="http://www.diago.co.uk/images/stories/powerstation/04_diago_powerstation_daisy_chain_standard.jpg"]Picture[/url]), and plugging it into one of the 3 remaining connector cables - as a sort of alternative to having 5 of the original connector cables. would this work ? would the power be shared equally ?[/quote] Not sure whether they'd be a common live or five independently regulated lives, but each of the five must be capable of delivering at least 90mA so running a couple of 20mA effects off one socket should be fine.
  15. tauzero

    pocket pod line6

    [quote name='ped' post='118926' date='Jan 11 2008, 11:55 PM']Hmm the lil thing is about £60 odd - thought it was cheaper! Might stick to my XT pro then - maybe I can put a belt clip on it!![/quote] I'll give you £60 for your XT Pro so you can get a pocketPOD...
  16. tauzero

    Markbass ?

    [quote name='peted' post='119648' date='Jan 13 2008, 06:05 PM'][quote name='Jimbo' post='119639' date='Jan 13 2008, 05:55 PM'] My LMK and Schroeder rig is the most powerful yet lightest I have ever had. That said, a fair few people are making lightweight yet powerful heads and cabs - [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/lightweightsol.html"]Bass Gallery lightweight amps page[/url][/quote] I just did a double-take when I saw Hartke in their 'lightweight cabs' section! [/quote] I did a double-take when I saw their price for a GK MB150S. £150 more than the real world...
  17. [quote name='andy67' post='121159' date='Jan 15 2008, 10:28 PM']I used the pre amp out section of my ampeg svt 3pro effectively making it an svp bsp, it just did not work, maybe I should've used a true preamp instead of the out on the svt? but hey ho I hated it instantly and returned it!![/quote] So use the credit note to get a Bass POD Pro XT Live Board XT Pro thing and use that as the front end for your XS500. Ah. I can see a problem developing here...
  18. [quote name='OldGit' post='121330' date='Jan 16 2008, 10:22 AM']"The Who's Pete Townshend said to be keen to find out more about it."[/quote] "Will it affect how high my Strats will bounce?" he asked.
  19. +1 for Might Brite - got mine from [url="http://www.cottonpatch.co.uk/acatalog/Mighty_Bright_Craft_Lights.html"]Cottonpatch[/url] labelled as a craft light (and also have one of their rather useful A4 size magnifier sheets too, although I think a credit-card sized one would have been more useful).
  20. I find it quite remarkable that someone could accomplish fractal ugliness. It's not just ugly overall, at every level of scale it's ugly. There are no redeeming features whatsoever, no matter how much you zoom in on it.
  21. There's lots of pictures of that model [url="http://s50.photobucket.com/albums/f321/Redmusic/Romaxe%20Bass/"]here.[/url] Dammit, bidding on that would bring me pain unless I could hide it...
  22. I think [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300189654902"]this one[/url] seems a bit dodgy - there's a certain absence of photos of the headstock front.
  23. I'm a little worried that you've got all the barbecue stuff in the background, ready to burn the bass... And remember what I said about real Warwicks. Eat one and you die. That's the wenge, that is.
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