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Everything posted by hairyhaw

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1301447' date='Jul 12 2011, 07:14 PM']Fixed it for you...[/quote]
  2. Berlin's a good player but he doesn't half talk some absolute cockwash sometimes. He sounds like he hasn't listened to anything contemporary for about thirty years. Let's face it, I could recognise a Mick Karn bassline at three hundred metres, his style is that distinctive. Saying all fretless playing post-Jaco is irrelevant is pretty dim, but then, anyone with a tash like that must be.
  3. [quote name='ras52' post='1301129' date='Jul 12 2011, 03:12 PM']V. nice... always liked The Sun Goes Down, too.[/quote] Two Solitudes is another good one - tasteful Drop D action.
  4. [quote name='12stringbassist' post='1298956' date='Jul 10 2011, 01:50 PM']I asked for tips on how to fix the problem. It developed into a shouting match, [i]which was never my intention[/i].[/quote] 12SB - was this on the Rick Resource forums? If so, it was exactly the reason I stopped posting there (well, that and I found this place). A lot of the members display an almost bizarre paranoia at any sort of criticism that might result in JH withdrawing his presence there. To me, it began to border on the pathetic. As for Ricks themselves, I've only ever had one - an '05 MG 4003. It was my main gigging bass for four years but I'm not sure I've ever felt completely at home with the feel of the neck. I got a Jazz in 2009 and the rest is history. The gubbins up at the picking end of a 4003 has always been a pain in the arse, but you kind of learn to compensate. Yes, it is pretty poorly designed, but bear in mind it was designed almost half a century ago - and the demand is still there for that design so there is no reason for them to change. They've been doing the 4004 for donkeys - it seems to eliminate most of the above problems with regard to tail lift, pickup design etc but I don't think they shift anywhere near the same amount of units as 4003's.
  5. [quote name='BottomE' post='1292302' date='Jul 4 2011, 03:35 PM']Jeez, another anti-slap thread. Yawn.[/quote] +1
  6. [quote name='Leemo' post='1256567' date='Jun 4 2011, 03:46 PM']I listed it last October so there is an ammended description there[/quote] Fancy sticking a linky to that page on this one?
  7. [quote name='toneknob' post='1288854' date='Jul 1 2011, 11:57 AM']Some of them are among the "without whom" I'd never have picked up the instrument in the first place: Geddy, Jack Bruce, JPJ, John Entwistle (missing are Tony Levin, Chris Squire). Have come to love PMac, Victa and Jaco since. I should really like Les Claypool but don't get it. (My Primus ticket is on eBay if anyone's interested). Flea, Cliff... not my thing either.[/quote] You'll never see CS making any sort of list in Rolling Stone. There's some sort of policy over there that almost tries to deny prog existed. Hence they've never been inducted into the R'n'R Hall of Fame (Jann Wenner again).
  8. They've had a hard paper round if they are in their mid-twenties.
  9. Is that really 9 years already?! Where'd that go?
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1277410' date='Jun 21 2011, 05:55 PM']I just thought that Yes had nothing left to say.[/quote] You mean you [i]listened[/i] to the lyrics?! As it is, Yes may well have agreed with you; their output from 75-80 is pretty different from Tales...
  11. I take it we're really talking about 4003's and 4001's since these are the two models with issues that people criticise - ropey bridge unit and uncomfortable body binding. RIC does a few other bass models ie 4004 (Weller's bass player is using one of these at the moment) that eliminate most of the above problems. They don't seem to have caught on hugely though. Biggest demand is for 4003's. Go figure! RM1999's, V63's, 4000's and nearly all the S models don't have the binding but have the ropey bridge. Foxton hasn't used Ricks for years, I think it was just dragged out of storage for that photoshoot. And Waters RM1999 was retired due to neck issues.
  12. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='1234821' date='May 17 2011, 08:17 PM']I was once shot down in flames - but it was worth it ......... when I pointed out on Rickresource that any JB bass is far superior in built quality than any original Rick.[/quote] You got a linky to that thread? I've been a member over there for about ten years but I stopped posting because the sheer level of RIC sycophancy (especially when JH posts) made me sick. A couple of the posters are decent (Ilan springs to mind), but if you dared challenge any established point of view on the bass threads, the shutters come down.
  13. [quote name='bremen' post='1259349' date='Jun 7 2011, 09:34 AM']Cheers doc! Bit disappointed by the story though - basically what happened was one of the singers moaned about the drums taking too long so he flounced off in a cream puff.[/quote] Cheers for correcting the linky doc. Can't please all the people all the time but the story tickled me anyway. Anyhoo, the drums generally ALWAYS take too long. Will need to take a gander at Travelogue. Not familiar with anything they did pre-Dare.
  14. Ah, that sucks. Remember reading an interview with him in Sound on Sound and his reaction when one of the backing singers in the Human League got a bit of ego on. Priceless. [url="http://<a%20href="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jul10/articles/classictracks_0710.htm"%20target="_blank">http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jul10/arti...tracks_0710.htm</a>"]Interview here if you're interested.[/url]
  15. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1258807' date='Jun 6 2011, 07:29 PM']That 'binding' looks like tippex[/quote] Ha ha, that's what I thought! BTW the screw holes for the machine heads are in the wrong place for a 60's/70's neck - the base plates were much bigger back then so you'd expect them to be farther out.
  16. EP launch at Captain's Rest. Think we lost it a bit in the middle pacing-wise but looked out and saw a sea of nodding heads most of the time so thought we must be doing something right...
  17. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1254633' date='Jun 2 2011, 09:23 PM']His original 4005 is now on show at the 'British Music Experience' exhibition[/quote] That sucks - it should be out there in the wild, being played. Bit worried about what condition it's going to be in after being an exhibit too.
  18. [quote name='OzMike' post='1252758' date='Jun 1 2011, 03:09 PM']But... a question ... in 'All Fired Up', that sounds like a double / acoustic bass to me, no?[/quote] Yup, It is. Quite enjoyed Carlos's playing when he was in the band, but most of the well known parts weren't written by him at all; Daniel Kessler wrote them. Gear-wise he didn't give much of a toss. Played an american standard jazz with no effects through an SVT and, as qouted by others, in Drop D most of the time. Paul Banks observed that he wasn't really into playing bass at all by the end, so I wouldn't be surprised if he's sold his gear and put the money into some avant garde film.
  19. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1250625' date='May 30 2011, 06:49 PM']I've never played a Ricky 4005, so have no comparism to one of those[/quote] I think the best recorded example of the 4005 would be "Going Down" - nice mellow growl. That's probably your best frame of reference. Anybody known the last time Mani actually gigged with it? He's pretty attached to his 3000's these days.
  20. [quote name='4000' post='1249726' date='May 29 2011, 10:21 PM']What about anyone who IS at their best as a result of intoxication?[/quote] Ah, right. That'll be me then so I've been told.
  21. [quote name='steve-bbb' post='1248140' date='May 28 2011, 12:27 PM']...ungainly mark king thrashing around ...[/quote] Has MK got that poor a reputation? I'm pretty familiar with L42 stuff and I'm not sure he's the slapaholic he's painted to be. In the very early days, quite possibly he was and that'll be where the perception comes from, but as the albums went on I wouldn't say the bass was that high in the mix really and I always found him to be one of those players that really reined it in. Live though, it may be another story I suppose.
  22. Nice bass. They must have changed to chrome knobs in '93 then as my P is from the year before and came with white strat type knobs.
  23. I play with the cover on my Rick - just never got round to taking it off, so I'm just used to playing it that way. I used to play with covers on my Precision (same one in avatar) but the bridge one came off after a couple of years when I realised I did a lot of palm muting and then the pick up cover came off when I started learning slap as the strings kept rattling off it. I do quite like them aesthetically though, and if you play finger stylee or with a pick, then its pretty do-able.
  24. I know there is a distinction between Cruise ships and ferries, but this thread reminds of a trip to Europe I made last year. Got the ferry between Newcastle and Ijmudin. Sea on the way over - flat as a plate. Bar band on most of the night. Trip back was awful. Ship was pitching and rolling badly. Looked out the back window of the lounge and one minute you saw only sky and the next only sea. The band were, rather impressively, still trying to play!
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