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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I use the custom wizard 'GAFfers' split coil humbuckers in a standard jazz sized casing. REALLY nice sounding pickups. Big and beefy sounding but well balanced across the board (and hum cancelling) in the neck location if you solo it you get a p bass sound almost spot on, and in the bridge they add real bite, almost ray like. A very good pickup indeed! (and no, I'm not paid to say so lol!)
  2. Nice job finding a shop with all those in lol! The little mark is a fab amp, i only moved from it to get that little bit smaller and lighter!! (the shuttle 3.0 is NUTS, its like i can see it in my hand, but i cant feel its there!!?! and its 300W!!?!?)
  3. fantastic bags, i love mine. If i hadnt got igigs now id snap your hand off. This is the only non igig bag i kept!
  4. Thanks mate. Since this thread wound up my main stack has become the shuttle with two bergantino ae210's and I can honestly say...'I'm happy with my amp"
  5. yeah its pretty cool to ay the least, i dont really want to sell but thats life!
  6. I'll pop up a pic later but for reasons far too long winded, woeful and complicated to go into here I'm moving on this shuttle combo. It's in excellent condition with just a couple of small paint chips on the head and the volume pot could use a blast of servisol. Everything you've heard about these combos is true, they sound fantastic and go far louder than they should possibly be able to for the size and weight! The fact that you can remove the head and use it to power a full size gigging rig is just spot on with the small can for lower volume gigs (and yes it can do that, with drums) or add an extension cab, something like a Promethean p110c and hey presto a 300w micro stack that almost carries itself! Here's the spec etc [url="http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid=2260&sid=610&cid=95"]http://www.genzbenz.com/?fa=detail&mid...=610&cid=95[/url] Pics later but it's a stonking bit 'o kit. sold
  7. OK folks the bass is here, ive opened it to photograph and set up and then its sealed again for shipping. Ive got the action crazy low and my scales refused to register its weight but id guess about 6-7lbs. The reason i bought it was simply cause i needed the lightest bass going and these are LIGHT!! I plugged it in to check the electronics and basiclly it sounds like a two band stingray. Thats really the best desciption i can give of the sound. Its bright and hi-fi with a tight, fast punchy bass and expressive 'mwah'y' midrange. No 'wuff' or slow note attack here. But its not lacking any bass extension, infact it sounded best flat to my ears. The reason its B stock is a teeeeeeny tiny mark in the wood by the strap button. Its still all tagged up and shipped in its schecter box. Very pretty flame with coachline and all is simply fab. Heres pics of the actual bass, ill do better ones come daylight, they are just camera phone £320 delivered
  8. Arrives today. Let's get this stunning bass (sadly) sold :-(
  9. Bass should be here in the next few days. I'll do £320..posted if it goes in the next week.
  10. Ooh my birth year jazz. Sadly out my price range forever. Ah well
  11. The wizard GAffer is a split coil humbucker in a jazz sized casing. Sounds beefy as all hell,its a fantastic pickup and has real edge and bite in the bridge but still, an MM bucker it aint.
  12. Bump for another pic of the old one. Still waiting for the new one to arrive. This is a real steal for someone.
  13. Yeah. There was also the guy at the end of the night who wandered up, glazed eyed and slurred "you're quite good" before wobbling off :-D
  14. lol, the stuff ive heard on last FM anyway, he has an ace tone (Yeah i know the 'i met jaco' line is apparently pretty popular in the US at least)
  15. I was playing 'house' bass at a loosely termed open mic (was really more of an impromptu scratch gig on the spot) this Fri in Cheltenham. Its a race weekend so the place was packed and i was just following the guitarists fingers and listening closely as i wasnt really familiar with the songs let alone the way he was playing them (drums off a keyboard too!) After a bit this mahoosive black dude looms over me and drawls in my ear in a deep US accent. "That's some incredible bass man, I used to play for 25 years and boy, you play like Jaco!" I was rather flustered!! after thanking him and lots of hand shaking he stayed put and watched me wing my way through the entire night. Each time I popped for a fag he'd have another gem for me. I can only recall, : "There was a lotta harmonics in there huh!" and something to the effect of "you're a lot like him but less crazy, cause man, that guy was wacko!!" He then shared a story about hanging out with smoking something illegal after a gig in NYC not long before his untimely death. I was pretty surprised mainly cause I only really heard Jaco for the first time about two years ago. Id heard OF him of course but have only recently listened to anything of his. I expect its like imitation through osmosis as the people I grew up listening to wear their own influences in their own playing. As a Flea fan I came to love Larry Graham and i really like Alain Caron and Rocco, and Marcus M and Vic W. All names id seen and ignored for years in bass magazines, and all found recently thanks to finding last FM on my iphone! A fresh set of ears and tunes to discover and im finally mature enough not to switch off to 'grown up' music lol I was really flattered and chuffed by the attention i got on Fri, not just off this one guy but by several others who (loudly and vocally which was pretty embarrasing, especially the guy who insisted on kissing me) singled me out and made the bass something that people noticed that night. Very interesting evening and one that i was very pleased with. Although it wont affect my NO:1 rule. (There is always a better player in the room, they just aint playing tonight) lol Hope this dosn't make me sound like a massive brag, i just needed to share as everyone else ive gushed to about it has just gone.............. "Jaco who?"
  16. Thanks guys, they really are that good. And very pretty too.
  17. I've not actually got this yet it's still on it's way but since it's purchase my circumstances have changed so I'll need to move it on. I've owned one of these before (the one pictured for now) and they are a stunning bass. The one I'm selling is a brand new B stock with a tiny mark I'll photograph as soon as it arrives. Here's the last one I had, they sound and feel fantastic and are very very lightweight indeed. A LOT of bass for the money! Active two band EQ with emg hz pickups and an S stek monorail bridge. They have a fantastic clean punchy tone perfect for slap and finger style 'burble'. I'm after £320 shipped or collected in the uk. ONO
  18. Hmm. No strap button on the headstock. It's clearly a fake. 4candles is gonna be p1ssed, look I'll take it off your hands quietly and cheaply.
  19. [quote name='sprocketflup' post='1015039' date='Nov 7 2010, 09:58 AM']I struggled at the Princess Charlotte in Leicester.[/quote] Not just you mate, not by a long shot
  20. Cheers sk8, Those aggies look interesting
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