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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. There two Japanese standards too. There's the standrard ones and then there the japanese made 'us' versions which have the us hardware and pickups, and sometimes a different body wood.
  2. <- Look left for 1990 mij sonic blue
  3. Yeah me too lol. Funny little things guitarists heh heh. I loaned Barry Sparks my old trace rig when we supported Dokken way back in '05 on some dates and he was really really appreciative and thoughtful with it. So was his tech. We stayed in contact for a while.
  4. I've got the zoom b9.1 and it's fantastic. It comfortably replaced my huge separates board and is better than the boss in everyway imho, ime. Instant switching, a separate loop, two way pedal, valve preamp, better sounds, easier to use. Just newer and better. And can be had for £250. I've only scratched the surface of mine but I'll sing it's praises all day. And i was all about separate pedals (ive owned three gt6b's too!)
  5. What a cool idea, i looked back through my pics to check You can just spot my genz/berg rig here: half the markbass rig an oldy youve all seen before but its got my old trace rig in: set up for a video shoot:
  6. [quote name='Shaggy' post='1010563' date='Nov 3 2010, 11:29 AM']+1, the standout act for me (the one time I went to see the Ramones they cancelled to play TOTP instead ) Bellowhead good, but [i]have[/i] to be seen live. Great bass (tuba?) Off -topic, but did anyone see "Whites" on just before, and notice the bassist in the backing band had a Wal Po 1? Couldn't hear it mind[/quote] Yep clocked it :-D
  7. I liked the thunderbird and the cut away upright. The White jazz sounded great too. Couldnt place it. The headstock looked a bit SX! Shucker maybe ?
  8. Thought the same thing, it sounded all wrong. Horrible guitar sound too. (was that Dave Bronze on bass?) they all looked very bored.
  9. If it was the black fretless jazz I missed ending I'll buy it for ya
  10. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1006946' date='Oct 31 2010, 06:54 AM']I'm sure I'm not the only one to think this but I [b]still[/b] miss Bassist![/quote] Yep another +1000 here.
  11. [quote name='silentbob' post='1006285' date='Oct 30 2010, 02:04 PM']+1 on both of those, the Faith No More track on Judgement Night is awesome.[/quote] I thank you, fnm and boo yaa tribe no less
  12. Hmm beaten to blues brothers and the matrix so I'm going with the crow. (judgement night was cool too)
  13. Im a four string guy cheers tho dude. It's back up while sisterabdullahs warmoth is going. £425
  14. Sorry dude. My two jazz's follow me to the grave lol. Darnit. Might relist the midget while this is still going
  15. Oh dear god! :-0 ive wanted a jazz like that for donkeys! I've not got a geddy anymore either :-/ I'll swap a Barefaced midget t plus cash or a 15 month old daughter straight swap! Or the wife, any of those is fine!!
  16. With two cases one battered one fine posted for £25
  17. Just got these from here but don't need em so off they go, photobucket won't let me upload a pic but they are good nick, no screws and all working fine £50 the pair posted....bargain!!
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