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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. i had the exact same thought process. The brightbox would be great but weighs about the same as the compact again at least.
  2. I emailed Miko and they got sent and I never got charged? ! I think he may have marked em down. Not sure tbh
  3. I got em shipped from igig direct for, um, no tax (ssshh!)
  4. yeah, i reckon the simplicity wins tbh! Mark at bass direct has been AMAZING and quite prepared to help as much as he can so thats ace. My gut is saying the F1. The Hutlle is really great, but i reckon the markbass is just more 'me!'
  5. aarararararaghghghghg!!!!! Ive got the 9.0 and its great but i cant help thinking id be better off with the F1?? Id like to boost the low mid and cut the top, and the VPF is just so easy, compared to the shuttle. Im not sure the shuttle will be any louder either tbh. stuck now!!, Mark has kindly said he'll exchange but im so not sure and no band rehearsals for a fortnight so im doing all my figuring out off running it backline only at an open mic gig with the midget T (and at home in the half hour before the nipper gets in!) what to do!!!!! Grrrr!!!!
  6. would this fit any side socket jazz bass?, such as a certain white, cij 75ri four string for instance?
  7. Pretty much that really. I just don't feel I'm getting enough Billy Gouldness lol
  8. A bit of both I expect, I've no idea how they'll sit together but hey, lifes an adventure
  9. I'm swapping it out for Andy's Bergantino AE210. I'm missing tens too much and I've always wanted a berg. I'm very excited indeed!!
  10. Great post. Having just passive jazz basses does somewhat limit me tonally. I've done the active thing to death and come full circle. Although should funds ever allow I do fancy another go with an audere.
  11. I don't I'm afraid, the cover is brand new, less than two weeks old, used once it's got White piping. Cause the cab is with my guitarist right now I can't snap one off I'm afraid dude. Incdentally if anyone wants it and is able to collect from Swindon direct from my guitarist and this week I'll do it for £300 straight.
  12. It's not just the posting tbh as much as the packaging materials I'd have to either get to the cab, or the cab to. And then being in for a courier, it's not like I can drive it to work and get it collected from work hence the problem! I really shoulda learned to drive at 17 like everyone else! If something can be worked out I'll let you know, but I honestly can't see how tbh
  13. Just trying a different cab, but using the midget for shlepping around
  14. After a slight change of plans I'm going to sell my barefaced compact. It's an earlier one I believe, not sure of the weight but I thinks it's something like 30lbs? It's in pretty much spot on nick. The only mark really is four spots where I used some sorbothane feet on my amp which left visible marks on the finish. The cab is just as awesome and immense as you've heard and has produced nothing but bemused and impressed comments ! It's currently with my guitard in Swindon but I'll try n get it back asap! It's got a brand new roqsolid cover. I'm after £320 collected please, as I can't drive (yet!) and thus posting is tricky. I'm a bit short on pics but here's one of it under my midget t
  15. No it's always there. I did think about another wizard but thought I'd see what else comes up.
  16. Ok folks, you all know the bass, the infamous blue jazz, (look left if you don't) which at present is sporting a rather tasty wizard GAFfer in the neck which is a split coil humbucker for those 'I'm a p bass moments' The bridge pup is a US standard jazz. But I'm getting an awful clacky, 'quacky' upper mid which is quite unpleasent. Slapping really suffers for it. So I'd like something more 'scooped' sounding to take that bark back a bit but not at the expense of that treble bite. Possibly a humbucker to match the GAFfer? My first thought was a quarter pounder but whatcha reckon? It's gotta be passive and fit in the hole and not be uber money like nordy or something. Listen to lounge fly in my sig for an idea about the tones I use in that band, although that's by no means the best indicator but it's all I have online right now Cheers indeedy
  17. Cheers dude. Still deciding. If it's still about at payday I'll take a punt
  18. Ive had some reversed wires to the colours i took out before now from wizard
  19. Sounds cool I've managed another twenty minute and managed to eq my way back to near flat with an upper mid cut. Much less eq needed than the lm2
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