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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. It's not just the posting tbh as much as the packaging materials I'd have to either get to the cab, or the cab to. And then being in for a courier, it's not like I can drive it to work and get it collected from work hence the problem! I really shoulda learned to drive at 17 like everyone else!
    If something can be worked out I'll let you know, but I honestly can't see how tbh

  2. After a slight change of plans I'm going to sell my barefaced compact. It's an earlier one I believe, not sure of the weight but I thinks it's something like 30lbs? It's in pretty much spot on nick. The only mark really is four spots where I used some sorbothane feet on my amp which left visible marks on the finish. The cab is just as awesome and immense as you've heard and has produced nothing but bemused and impressed comments !
    It's currently with my guitard in Swindon but I'll try n get it back asap!
    It's got a brand new roqsolid cover.

    I'm after £320 collected please, as I can't drive (yet!) and thus posting is tricky.
    I'm a bit short on pics but here's one of it under my midget t

  3. Ok folks, you all know the bass, the infamous blue jazz, (look left if you don't) which at present is sporting a rather tasty wizard GAFfer in the neck which is a split coil humbucker for those 'I'm a p bass moments'
    The bridge pup is a US standard jazz. But I'm getting an awful clacky, 'quacky' upper mid which is quite unpleasent. Slapping really suffers for it. So I'd like something more 'scooped' sounding to take that bark back a bit but not at the expense of that treble bite. Possibly a humbucker to match the GAFfer? My first thought was a quarter pounder but whatcha reckon? It's gotta be passive and fit in the hole and not be uber money like nordy or something.
    Listen to lounge fly in my sig for an idea about the tones I use in that band, although that's by no means the best indicator but it's all I have online right now :)
    Cheers indeedy

  4. The p5110 is 500w into 4 ohms, each cab is rated at 8 ohms 250w. So just the head and cab or combo who'd only get you 250w. When I buy it again, and intend to I'll forget the combo (too heavy) and I don't like the little cable poking out the back affair, and instead go for two of the p110c cabs and the head...better and lighter!

  5. The promethean p110 cab is fab. Only 250w but very loud and punchy. And when it came time to sell I'd snap your hand off. I owned the promethean stack briefly and loved it. I'm using a midget T with a shuttle 9 as of yesterday (my compact is still at our guitards) I've only been able to use it in the house so far but I'm very pleased. I'd say though that when talking about 900w heads and 600w cabs at these small sizes it's still a very compromised sound at volume ime. It's not the same as running larger kit. BUT ive found It's loud enough and worth it once the load out comes round!

  6. Well the shuttle 9.0 arrived, if it dosnt work out next stop is the iamp micro!! I managed five minutes at bedroom volume into my midget t.
    At that low volume it needed a fair bit of treble boost and sounded very punchy and flexible. I don't find the switches too extreme at low volumes but we'll see.
    I do miss separate low and hi mid controls though. Only having a sweepable one sucks a bit cause I can't boost the low mid and cut the high. It's pick and choose!
    It felt loud so low on the dial although the preamp volume confused me, cause with the gain set low you loose load of volume anyway so it seems a tad redundant.
    Beautiful build, although goodness knows how I'm gonna get it to sit on top of the midget, on the handle side the handle is too high, and on the top it's too sloppy, and I found my sorbothane feet melted the finish !! Hmm maybe russ Andrews oak cone feet of something.
    A proper review will happen presently

  7. [quote name='jonthebass' post='961696' date='Sep 19 2010, 11:05 PM']Just as a follow up - I took Gaf's word for it and ordered some Gorgomyte from JJ in the States at Gorgomyte.com. Not only was the shipping super fast (less than a week!) but it is a great product.

    My '97 P bass's frets had gone green around the edges and it was in a pretty shabby state. After a going over with Gorgomyte the frets are shiny again and the fret board is nice and clean too!

    A big +1 for this stuff from me.


    Hooray! Good times, it really is fab the fender custom shop use it now. No faffing around either, I'm out though i need some more! And JJ is a really lovely bloke, scared me a bit when he grabbed my bass and started rubbing the frets all those years back but immglad he did!!

  8. Sorry I'm bring dumb! I don't get what fizz out at 3k means? I'm using a compact and midget T if that's any help? My main priority tbh is portability as I've found that as I'm the only one who benefits from the amp sound onstage I'd rather sound less than perfect and have an easy load in/out/carry across town. Even backline only gigs i find that the bass tone tends to be less of an issue as opposed to volume and cut, and at practice volume, well I guess EQ can do pretty much anything at low volumes. So although in general I prefer that hifi punchy tone (albeit a compromise as my playing can go from fingers, to fingernail plectrum to slap in one song) that any sound I end up will always be' compromised pretty heavily. So I'm very much talking 'ballpark' here. Basiclly I don't wanna sound like the guy who wishes it was still 1976 with that godawful plunky farty sound! But not Marcus miller either, I guess check out loungefly in my sig, what I want is to sound as close as possible to that sound, as loud as possible, in a package that's as light as possible!

    Moon on a stick!

  9. Interesting stuff. Cheers all Not sure where the mismatch is jtuk?
    As I've been digging around I've come across the ea iamp micro 550 which people on talkbass say is under powered but it's very very light n compact so tempting but I'm concerned about it being 50% for upright which just ain't in my funk rock world!

    Shuttle 9. Markbass F1 or micro 550?

    I'll amend the title, the shuttle 6 is a no!

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