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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. The p5110 is 500w into 4 ohms, each cab is rated at 8 ohms 250w. So just the head and cab or combo who'd only get you 250w. When I buy it again, and intend to I'll forget the combo (too heavy) and I don't like the little cable poking out the back affair, and instead go for two of the p110c cabs and the head...better and lighter!
  2. The promethean p110 cab is fab. Only 250w but very loud and punchy. And when it came time to sell I'd snap your hand off. I owned the promethean stack briefly and loved it. I'm using a midget T with a shuttle 9 as of yesterday (my compact is still at our guitards) I've only been able to use it in the house so far but I'm very pleased. I'd say though that when talking about 900w heads and 600w cabs at these small sizes it's still a very compromised sound at volume ime. It's not the same as running larger kit. BUT ive found It's loud enough and worth it once the load out comes round!
  3. Well the shuttle 9.0 arrived, if it dosnt work out next stop is the iamp micro!! I managed five minutes at bedroom volume into my midget t. At that low volume it needed a fair bit of treble boost and sounded very punchy and flexible. I don't find the switches too extreme at low volumes but we'll see. I do miss separate low and hi mid controls though. Only having a sweepable one sucks a bit cause I can't boost the low mid and cut the high. It's pick and choose! It felt loud so low on the dial although the preamp volume confused me, cause with the gain set low you loose load of volume anyway so it seems a tad redundant. Beautiful build, although goodness knows how I'm gonna get it to sit on top of the midget, on the handle side the handle is too high, and on the top it's too sloppy, and I found my sorbothane feet melted the finish !! Hmm maybe russ Andrews oak cone feet of something. A proper review will happen presently
  4. [quote name='jonthebass' post='961696' date='Sep 19 2010, 11:05 PM']Just as a follow up - I took Gaf's word for it and ordered some Gorgomyte from JJ in the States at Gorgomyte.com. Not only was the shipping super fast (less than a week!) but it is a great product. My '97 P bass's frets had gone green around the edges and it was in a pretty shabby state. After a going over with Gorgomyte the frets are shiny again and the fret board is nice and clean too! A big +1 for this stuff from me. Cheers, Jon[/quote] Hooray! Good times, it really is fab the fender custom shop use it now. No faffing around either, I'm out though i need some more! And JJ is a really lovely bloke, scared me a bit when he grabbed my bass and started rubbing the frets all those years back but immglad he did!!
  5. Great post and welcome I had a quick go on an out the box one last week and was very impressed, I couldn't play it for long as it wasn't set up at all, but I reckon it's a winner!
  6. Hey dude, I'd love that bad boy but sadly as usual I'm broked!! Cheers for the thought tho bud. Hope all is good with you (apart from drummers :-/ )
  7. I have had a schaller snap and fail tbh. Used em since all this was fields and it wasn't my oldest set. Just luck of the draw i guess.
  8. Sorry I'm bring dumb! I don't get what fizz out at 3k means? I'm using a compact and midget T if that's any help? My main priority tbh is portability as I've found that as I'm the only one who benefits from the amp sound onstage I'd rather sound less than perfect and have an easy load in/out/carry across town. Even backline only gigs i find that the bass tone tends to be less of an issue as opposed to volume and cut, and at practice volume, well I guess EQ can do pretty much anything at low volumes. So although in general I prefer that hifi punchy tone (albeit a compromise as my playing can go from fingers, to fingernail plectrum to slap in one song) that any sound I end up will always be' compromised pretty heavily. So I'm very much talking 'ballpark' here. Basiclly I don't wanna sound like the guy who wishes it was still 1976 with that godawful plunky farty sound! But not Marcus miller either, I guess check out loungefly in my sig, what I want is to sound as close as possible to that sound, as loud as possible, in a package that's as light as possible! Moon on a stick!
  9. Cheers trying ain't gonna happen which is a shame, I do like a nice clean sound to add to
  10. Interesting stuff. Cheers all Not sure where the mismatch is jtuk? As I've been digging around I've come across the ea iamp micro 550 which people on talkbass say is under powered but it's very very light n compact so tempting but I'm concerned about it being 50% for upright which just ain't in my funk rock world! Shuttle 9. Markbass F1 or micro 550? I'll amend the title, the shuttle 6 is a no!
  11. [quote name='mart' post='960757' date='Sep 18 2010, 08:54 PM']It wouldn't look the same if you flipped it over, seeing as how the Stage 1 is a neck-through whereas the LX is a bolt-on. ;-)[/quote] But it does have a much flamier back :-) ... Why do they DO that?!
  12. [quote name='silddx' post='958490' date='Sep 16 2010, 04:22 PM']After you've had a quick run through the tricky bits you always get wrong on the night, packed up your gear, loaded it in your car or got it on the bus, unloaded it and set it up at the venue after waiting nearly three hours for the sound guy to arrive because you turned up at the time the venue told you soundcheck would be. Then tearing down so the other three bands can soundcheck. Setting it up again except you've got half the room you had before because two of the bands need to leave their keyboards on the stage. Not hearing yourself properly in the monitor mix and being blinded by one of the spots on the low pub ceiling which you can't get out of the way of because of those f***ing keyboards. Playing your gig knowing those eight friends who promised to turn up have not done so AGAIN. Finding stinking stale beer all over the arm of your expensive stage jacket as you realise the support band's guitarist knocked his pint over while you are coiling your cables. Having to get your gear off stage straight away instead of being able to enjoy a pint (which you had to pay for because the band don't get free drinks) and people telling you your tone is immense and you are the next Alain Caron. Hauling your gear to the bus stop for the long journey home where you have half an hour to enjoy a glass of wine while taking the strain off your back and feet and reflecting on the few parts of the evening's performance you CAN remember, before going to bed and setting the alarm for 6 hours' time to get up for your day job. Be honest, do you REALLY get a massive enough buzz playing in front of people for an hour to make all this worth it? What do you REALLY get from it? Do you think you have a choice? Music chose YOU remember, you have to do it anyway don't you?[/quote] This is exactly how I'd say well over 90% of my gigs over the last twenty years have been. I've also given up asking friends, I just got sick of the 'six o clock soundcheck textathon' "sorry mate can't make it". Tbh I'm really not sure why I still do it. This summer has seen some four-six hour drives plus hanging around and kit moving all to play for twenty minutes to a nearly empty field/marquee. For free! I suppose I do it because I really enjoy playing bass to others. Hence I play In an open mic house band every thurs for like three hours solid learning songs I've never heard of by ear/(power) chord watching on the spot infront of a busy pub and again all for free, just cause I like to play. I guess I always feel I'm collecting memories and I feel lucky that I get to do stuff that most people can only ever dream of. We've all met people that doing a karaoke once on holiday is their one claim to fame they endlessly bang on about, well at least I can endlessly bang on about selling 10,000 albums or supporting some famous bands in some huge venues or simply bore people to death with endless gig stories. ;-D I can't lie though, lounge fly im not finding easy at the mo for various reasons, and it WILL be my last originals band, after this it's covers all the way!
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='960557' date='Sep 18 2010, 05:07 PM']If it's my blue Fender Jazz then that's the one.[/quote] Same
  14. Cool, cheers dude. I'll do some calling on Monday, cheapest price I can find is bass direct at the mo, but that's slghtky more.
  15. I've done quite a bit of research and have shifted myself from the 6 to the 9 having read that the 6 seems underpowered (I'm coming from a little mark 2) so I def don't want to loose volume. Also I'm really want clean power, I prefer to add drive myself. Crucially the amp HAS to be lighter than the LM2 (!) I like a punchy tone that's quite hifi. Think Bill Gould (meets cass Lewis!) The 9 is really more than I can afford but this amp will gave to last a loooong time! So should I grit my teeth for the 9 or will the 6 do ? I've heard it lacks bass (bad!) I prefer to eq less to save power but my barefaced cabs seem to prefer being eq'd. Any thoughts folks?
  16. Lol no not stolen I took em on my old phone! It's an amazing bass, I've bought it twice!! I've just had to accept I'm a jazz man!
  17. After yearsof carrying spare everything for everyone I now take one bag, it's a double igig which carries two jazz basses, amp head, two long leads, two short leads, speakons and power lead. And a DI or compressor pedal if there's a chance I may have to lend my amp. That's it. A multitool is attached to the straps on the bag and my pedal board has an extension lead attached and another one in the front pocket. One or Two cabs in covers, done. ;0)
  18. My 1990 mij had strap thing on headstock, but I'm sure the bridge was non spiral. Has the earth strip but no tug bar.
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