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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. They totally are 500w, I'm a spazz!! This is now sold pending
  2. Pics to follow but you know how they look. £370 posted with the proper markbass gig bag and a monster speaker cable. Good but not perfect nick. But totally perfect working order, I've really looked after it and never thrashed it. It's set internally to pre eq DI. Pics hopefully later today. These really are a fantastic, very very versatile amp with BAGS of power (400w) Never had any problems with it and nothing but compliments :-D £370 posted with bag and monster cable cable.
  3. I was devastated to sell that, sadly I'm in no position to buy it back. But it looks nice, I never even opened the box!
  4. I've insisted that silver hi-fi clearly sounds better for years now. In particular the brushed aluminium kind.
  5. God I've wanted one of these since the early 90's. Uber uber skint now though typical
  6. Thanks, I'd prefer it if the badge on the midget was the other way round, but apparently that's a no can do.
  7. Did it!! I tried pulling out the spikes, but it's just the plastic rectangular cap that slides off one pair and then over the other pair right?? Amp still works anyway.
  8. Holy crap! Sorry to hear that dude, sobering stuff !
  9. Cheers. That's the pics I saw but diagrams scare me!! So I just pull the plastic plug out and stick em in the next hole over as it were? ;-) Cheers dude
  10. Cheers. It was blimmin scary! I think the MMR may have brought it on. She's not so bad during the day but very tired and clingy and fragile, and kinda bad at balancing! Trouble is it's actually contagious so she has to stay home with me, (childcare have a younger baby) which is costing me a fortune :-( (clue to the promethean return!!) nothing exciting! That's why my post count has gone up rather this week, I'm trying to filter out ceebeebies (Cerrie is hot though!)
  11. I know there is a 'jumper' I'm guessing not the woolley kind? I've seen some pics, do I just unplug the black plastic bit and put it in some other holes? Do I need to solder? Will it kill me? Will I kill it? Will it suck once I've done it? Can i put it back? Help! (very slowly and using small words and big pictures etc!!)
  12. Hah hah. Due to my daughter coming down with croup it's still here, as I've not been able to go and get packaging materials. :-( hoping to get it shipped thurs or fri.
  13. I only played through one once as a teen and it's stayed with me ever since. I'd love to own one.
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='948824' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:15 PM']Is it just me who reads this word and gets an unfortunate vision of greasy, bespectacled, long-haired, black t-shirt boys intently engaged in a long game of warhammer?[/quote] Hah hah. No not just you! It's also the name of the toys from that film where the toys all tried killing each other (toy soldiers?)
  15. That's this Friday folks :-D come come come!!!
  16. Yeah they are split fellas indeed Prob a lot cheaper I'd guess
  17. I must admit I don't get it either. I've played some HUGE places and not needed the power I had cause of the monitoring, and at a normal sized venue I'm near enough to amp to either not need monitors, or just a smidge. Even at backline only gigs the most I used was the old trace stack vs 2x100 watt Marshall heads and 4 4x12"'s in a very long pub. And that was with a pretty loud band. In Balance of Silence, (loud metal) the trace was still overkill T The BFB recently proved it could fill a room easily too in a six piece albeit loungefly so not full on rawk much less DOOM!
  18. I use the rather excellent wizard 'gaffer' which is a humbucker in a jazz sized casing, sounds immense for rock and solo'd at the neck can sound like a huge p bass sound, kinda like green say American idiot sorta tone and solo'd in the bridge adds a nice ray-ish snap. Stick two of em in a bass and BOOM. Sweet :0)
  19. I get mine straigt from gorgomyte.com. It's about a tenner I think
  20. I had the VS100 with an intact from panel but knackered valve sound into marshal bass 4x12 as my first rig. Loved it.
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