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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. Is it wrong to get a bit excited over a strap? I'd love one but I adjust the strap on the fly from song to song so I have the 'buckle' at the front so I can slide, slide down. Which depressingly precludes me from anything other than the cheap black webbing straps I've used for so long. I have a comfort strapp kicking around tho.

  2. Hmmm very different sounds imho. The compact has no tweeter and dosnt really do much treble (imho, ime) thus it's best when partnered with a brighter cab. Unless you like a more retroish tone in which case it's spot on. It's very very loud and fills a room with the whole of it's range, unlike other cabs where I've often found either the bass or treble carries but not the whole sound.
    While the compact has quite enough treble on it's own for I'd imagine the majority of players if you are a slapper (ooer!) or of the more hi-fi tone persuasion then it's not a stand alone option. I use mine to great effect with a promethean tweeter equipped 1x10 and my midget T is inbound. Coupled with another cab it makes your sound MAHOOSIVE!! And to me, therein lies it's true ability.
    :-) The RS 210 is a fab punchy cab with a lovely sweet tweeter and is a great size and weight. Not as light as the compact but a better stand alone alrounder for many I'd guess. If I tire of my compact it's where I'm heading next :) The BFB super twelve T seems like an excellent all rounder too. If it's got the power and room filling capacity of the compact which i suspect it does, coupled with manageable portability and a tweeter too! 4ohms too, which will pull the maximum wattage out your head. But not cheap.

  3. I really fancy one of these. Only slight problem is I'm very into minimising the amount of kit and it seems it would be a hefty extra bit of gear and one I can't really afford tbh but I really want to get one :) I bought some auralex foam off alex for a tenner, not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet.

  4. A legend of epic proportions. Saw a thread I'd posted about DI boxes and pm'd me to GIVE me one. Yup. You heard me, GIVE me one. !! (a di box;)
    That's proper basschat right there!
    Top gent and I'd say a pretty safe bet!!!
    Thanks Cliff.

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