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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I still enjoy it and look forward to it every month. I'm simply grateful that it exists tbh. But i still say bring back 'my bass is' I know a certain blue jazz that would make a good one
  2. Great post, really enjoyed reading that. Sounds fab. Reminded me that my tutor at uni played guitar for steeley dan. In the studio I expect.
  3. Great write up. Thanks for that can't wait to get mine back
  4. [quote name='MythSte' post='369884' date='Jan 4 2009, 02:06 PM']*Starts Frantically writing to Mission asking if theres any hope of bass cabs!*[/quote] Trust me, that could end just as badly from my experience in hi-fi retail mission have, quite knowingly, turned out some awful plastic/chipboard tat! The amount of 702e's and 701's that disintegrated was unreal, mission banned us from asking about it in the end; they simply fessed up and said, 'yup. We spent the money on buying reviews so we could make these really cheap and sell a pile of em, ...what of it, shut up and sell em!' They were truly awful! I had several incidents where if you picked up the speaker by the port the whole front baffle would tear out the top of the cab, drivers n all :-) you could squeeze em and hear em creak too lol. But the blinded masses would wave their what hi-fi reviews and buy em all day long, usually returning several pairs refusing to believe the truth, ah Good times, anyway I digress. Sadly wharfedale have also been off form for a very long time now. Shame.
  5. I want this sooooo much and it's cheap and yet I'm totally broke with nothing left to sell :-( .... ( And no before you ask my jazz ain't for sale lol :-p )
  6. I did a small amount in '05 and we did it the stupid way. We went home every night! No matter where we were!! Yup. Glasgow and back to Leicester in a day, London and back in a day. Manchester and back, Bristol and back etc etc you get the picture!! Sometimes I'd get in at like five AM and by ten or eleven there'd be the big van outside again ready to go. The really nuts thing I'd also get up in time to play through the set before I left, especially if I'd made any errors. Yes the venues were very big so the pressure was on, but still. ! Luckily the gear was taken from venue to venue overnight for us in a big truck by the crew which helped enormously, just turn up and, oh look there's my amp onstage waiting for me, nice.
  7. i was really lusting over the PJB speaker cables but in the end sense prevailed and i went to OBBM and im well chuffed, i swear there was more volume and punch than the cheapo no brand speakons i A/B'd with too. and they look PHAT, yeah thats right i said Phat, like fat, but with a 'p'. and im 34 so i should know better, but thats how cool they look
  8. gafbass02


    i just loved the EHX micro POG, first pedal id buy back if i go back to seperates
  9. UPDATE: im stunned at the response and efficiency of Thomann, despite making lots of Clarkson style German efficiency jokes im really chuffed; Ive never felt so well looked after by a company before. Constant emails and texts and super fast and convienent delivery. My extension cab took one day to arrive and is just FAB cant wait to partner it with the new combo when it arrives. (Please God let it work!) They have already messaged me today once to say they got the old one and again to say they have shipped its replacement. So im sitting on a very tasty OBBM jack to female jack lead i ordered for it ( so i can sit the head on the top) and the extension cab and the case, now all i need is the combo!! When my BFB midget T arrives im gonna be a very stack happy chappy! (now i just hope my band survives!!..the bandleaders, Trev and Suze were a couple ...yo ucan guess whats happened so it could be dicey times for loungefly, b*st*rds, just when i get my rig sorted!!!!) Im hoping the promethean ext cab and the midget go well together cause imagine that as a lightweight powerhouse mini stack! sweeeeet!!
  10. thats great to hear, when i bought my little mark 2 in its very early days (as a product) i had an iffy one and the speed they reacted was so fast i ended up with two lm2's as they had replaced before i could even return!
  11. another status fan here, although my last status neck now resides with davemuadib, who also loves it, they really are top quality stuff
  12. 29 Aug 2010 12:30 Mychoone Festival Derbyshire, GB 11 Sep 2010 18:00 IVYLIVE Devon, GB 25 Sep 2010 12:00 Trash-Stock Festival - TBC Nottingham, UK 15 Oct 2010 21:00 2 Pigs Cheltenham, South West, UNITED KINGDOM
  13. yeah my bad, i only thought to do it in the car on the way! ah well. next Notts gig ill heads up more, were in Derby next sunday
  14. Very easy to deal with and pleasent throughout, i sold him a marcus jazz bass and he was very accomdating and polite Gaf
  15. With loungefly do come and see, we could use your thoughts!
  16. gafbass02


    One of the best of the bunch. I'm utterly devastated, I don't know what to say. All my deepest condolences are with Si's friends and family. You will truly be missed.
  17. Funnily enough it does put me off owning one, and did temper my enjoyment when I did, silly as it sounds! And I DEF would never buy one new entirely because of that forum and BP and his frenzied masses attitude(s) I'm sure he won't bat an eyelid, but I do sorta hope that one voice becomes many in that respect.
  18. Hopefully I'll get my new one turned around soon. Typically today I got my OBBM cable for it, and the cab should arrive anyday and my combo won't be here :-/ cruel world!!
  19. Nice, some nice basses too. Funnily enough last I looked I was the background on the fretfx information page. Cool when stuff like that happens innit!
  20. Probably would to be fair, but lots of us have easily spammed band myspace addys in sigs and all sorts, let alone the forum here,it could get very unpleasant very quickly, zealots remember, look at Waco!
  21. I expect they probably have seen it. Much as it pains me as the frenzied sycophancy genuinely disturbs me I'm reminded of Steve Irwin and the stingray (oh the irony!) and I can't help but think in the good name of basschat that maybe we should leave the ray unpoked and let the nutters carry on being nutters in their own backyard. Last thing we need is a forum war, nothing good can come from it surely? Wow, I'm getting old and boring!
  22. Lots of interest but nothing firm. If anyone takes em before Thursday I'll sling in the other two which makes em a HUGE bargain!
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