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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Since moving to multi fx I no longer need my bundle of excellent monster patch leads. So I figure it's time to let em go. I've always run an all monster set up patch leads, speaker cables and instrument cables and have always found em the best. And no I've never had a stretched socket (ooer!!) and yes I do think they sound deeper, cleaner and way punchier and are dead quiet, hence my large investment in em! Never had so much as a crackle from a monster cables ( which I have from zaolla!) Up for grabs are the ones off my gigging board they are the bass patch leads. There's six all together and I'll do the lot for £50 posted. If you fancy them but really need eight I'm prepared to part with two more for an extra tenner. (keeping a few back, just incase, can't quite imagine never going back to pedals lol) They give your board a real pro touch and more importantly make people go 'phwoar!!' when they look at your board!
  2. Yeah it's going for swap but I used it on fri anyway and it's just amazing. I'm so getting the extension cab too just for kicks!
  3. Didn't notice the hiss either.
  4. Thanks mate. Awesome avatar. :-) This bass is now pending so I've amended the title. And as I'm feeling sorry for myself I'll just mention I'm in bed and have been ALL day with a huge migraine :-( But I see my (eldest) daughter for the first time in three years tomorrow so. That's good :-)
  5. Gigged it tonight, backline only in stereo with my LM2 and compact. ... ..... Christ!!! LOUD !! Pleased Gaf
  6. It's a horrible place full of vile sycophants. Actually put me off owning a ray! I had a massive fall out with BP a few years ago.
  7. [quote name='Jigster' post='923662' date='Aug 13 2010, 11:47 AM']enjoyed the history of your necks - so to speak - out of interest where did you source the current maple/block neck? cheers[/quote] Thanks mate. It was basspartsresource I think. Imho I'd go ahead and get the respray. Sonic blue is always popular
  8. Oh go on then ;-) .......... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=85975&st=0#entry819916"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...t=0#entry819916[/url]
  9. Im at cafe rene in gloucester tomorrow with lounge fly. Ill be using promethean and lm2 and bfb compact if anyone fancies a nose.
  10. It definitely sounds like a preamp section/gain issue. Theres no fx loop on the amp tho, shame. Cheers though bud Against my better judgment ill be (CAREFULLY) using the amp and my LM2 BFB compact at cafe rene in gloucester tomorrow night (FRI 13th AUG) if anyone is curious.
  11. Ive managed to get a little more time with it and although its still bad enough that im still gonna try another ive worked out a few other issues that were contributing, a series of factors that have only caused this issue with this amp, but its still very noisy BUT i feel i should also say it sounds awesome, way better than the markbass imho. Very cool bit of kit indeed, despite a bit of hiss (on this one)
  12. this really has to go folks, if you can collect consider making me an offer i might just accept
  13. I've tried all possible combinations of little mark 2, bfb compact, promethean head, promethean cab. This hiss is generated by the promethean head only, not the tweeter and it also hisses through the compact. Trust me, after 20 years experience with many, many bass amps including a hissy laney R5 combo not to mention working as a sound engineer for many years and ten years in Hi-Fi I'm pretty sure this is excessive. When you turn it on it's one of those, 'whoah, what's that!' moments. I'm just gonna swap it and if the next one does it then I figure it's just what these amps do. Live I'm sure it won't be any worse than a gained up Marshall stack hissing between songs. But for home practice or studio use on this particular unit it would be a problem. Hopefully on another it won't.
  14. Right. Everyone round mine :-D we should all have a listen over a cuppa.
  15. Interesting stuff folks. I think my lm2 is class D too? But that's quiet as a mouse. I'm gonna take em up on the swap I reckon and try another, but just one more, like pringles! The hiss is constant although the gain control affects it although it's still doing it through another cab and the lm2 dosnt hiss through the promethean cab so not the tweeters fault. It's def originating somewhere in the input gain stage. Ah well I'd like to see that article Chris. Cheers
  16. To save me further hijacking WoT's new amp day thread I thought I'd post here. My promethean hisses a lot and although thomann have said they'll swap I don't want to send it off if it's just how these amps are. So I filmed this on my phone real quick and stuck it on YouTube for now. (my first ever video!) I won't leave it for ages but I just wanted to garner opinion/comparison to others experience, my LM2 is dead quiet. IVE NOW DELETED THE VIDEO, IT WAS ONLY A TEMPORARY MEASURE TO ESTABLISH WETHER MINE WAS THE NORM AND IT APPEARS NOT TO BE THE CASE!
  17. No that's a quite different sound good thinking though boss, buts it's def good old hiss. Ah well I'm not too concerned strangely, having kids has chilled me out on such things! And davemuadib is happy to lend me a cab to assist my compact at fris gig should it need assisting. (sorry for threadnapping WoT!)
  18. I think the gain control is the culprit. The hiss increases enormously when the gain control is at one o clock- typically my perfect peaking point. Infact in the tiny turn between 12 and 1 there is a huge increase in gain sounds like at least three db and with it the hiss. Ok, oddly the hiss gets louder if I turn my bass volume right down???? I do have quite a bright sound so maybe it's just a fact of using a cheaper head compared to my lm2. Incidentally I plugged my lm2 into the prometheans cab and all quiet so it's not the tweeter. Update: I emailed thomann to ask about it and with typical ruthless german effciency I got a reply saying (adopt german accent) it's faulty here is a ups docket it will be collected and returned to us at once etc. Blimey! A bit different from the music shop in Cheltenham that made me set up a bass in store before I bought it because they wouldn't give me a refund if it was buggered!! (it was buggered, I didn't buy it, shoulda charged for setting it up lol)
  19. Hmm concerning. Mine is really quite hissy even when just sitting there with nothing plugged in and everything flat no vol or gain :-/
  20. Well it came but child and another massive pain in the a$$ have prevented me from much more than a fifteen minute fiddle (ooer!) Initial impression is that it's fab, seems loud and sounds great. Not as well built as my little mark 2 but I'm grateful for a graphic again being a trace boy at heart. Now to the cons .. The speaker cable from the cab is very short meaning you can't sit the amp on top of the cab, useful for stacking I've already messaged obbm about a male-female speaker lead. Once the warranty had expired I'd fit a jack plate tbh. The really irritating con is the HISS it's as someone once described the cmd102p 'like a nest of hissing vipers'. I know WOT didn't find any hiss on his which has me concerned, although it may be due to our vibe preference, if the vibe control is on the vintage side it's fine, but on the modern side it really hisses a lot! That along with the normal background tweeter hiss that's present it's quite noisy in operation. It also hisses through my bfb compact (sounds even better though, really suits it) and hisses when nothing is plugged in even with all knobs flat and vol and gain down. I'm sure when playing at volume it won't be a problem and I'm being picky but i dont want lots of hiss between songs. We'll see on fri as I have a backline gig. The tiny little tweeter has me eyeballing my bfb compact and a powerdrill though, that would make that cab just perfect!! (I can hear Alex's palm hitting his face from here hee hee) I'll update as I get time with it and to turn it up etc Running it in stereo from my zoom b9.1 with my lm2>bfb sounded sweeeeeeet.
  21. Thanks dude. :-) following advice I've upped the price a bit but ONO applies.
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