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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. Dave and I are going to be having a bit of a cab-off with a barefaced/markbass/tc thing going on. Maybe we should think about making it a sort of mini-bash? But with guitar n drums so we get the whole cutting through a mix thing?

  2. True, assuming the engineer isn't one of 'those' engineers, you know the ones .. (a discussion for another place lol) Still not had a chance to really crank my compact yet but I'm def warming to the tone.

  3. The thing that's worrying me about using the compact is the fact that if I'm adding treble on the EQ with a little mark two that's fixed post DI that treble boost is just gonna come out the foh

  4. Yeah whenever I can tbh but nowadays there is a guitard between me n the side so it's a no go. Putting my amp at the side caused Don Dokken to go flying off in a backstage comedy rock star rage at his bassist Barry Sparks when they used our backline when we supported them on tour in '05. It was pretty funny "the bass was crushing my skull!!" (a trace ah400smx set to two) heh heh.

  5. I've been thinking of a rig idea which I reckon would suit me perfectly on any size stage, and believe me I've covered em all. But it seems obvious so I'm probably talking pants.
    Using the barefaced cabs as an example would this work?
    Imagine a set up where you have behind you a standard head/cab set up, let's say a compact and little mark 2. All good, when I go towards the backline/drummer there's my sound all nice n fat. But when I'm on a big stage or the onstage sound is cluttered when I move forward to sing/change fx/ show off I no longer get as good a sound, my rig is too far back to feel. ..ok ask for bass in the monitors? But honestly that dosnt often happen and causes issues and often sounds awful. So what if I had, at the front my 2nd cab? Let's say a midget/t but with a kickback cut away so its angled up at me right at the front by my fx. So wherever I move on my side of the stage, front or back my tone is there. The front, kickback cab would ideally have fitted a volume attenuator knob so i don't p1ss off the guitard on my side too much and would have to work well off a longer than average speaker lead of course.
    From recent gigs and festivals this sort of arrangement would really suit me. In my 'glory days' in double cross I used to use a laney kickback 2x10 combo at the front on a line out from my trace stack. Although to be fair we were lucky enough to play some huge places with perfect monitoring so it became less nessecary but recently at festivals etc where my amp is 20ft behind me but the monitors are all vocals I'd have loved this set up.
    Can/could it work? Should I just shut up?

  6. I really like em. I've used loads of cables and currently own Monster, elixir and zaolla amongst others and I can safely say my preferred brand is monster. I've never had em splay a socket and they are dead quiet with a slight low mid hump and a nice punchy sound by comparison to my other cables. Infact every cable in my set up is monster inc speaker and patch leads. But i bought em back when the pound was much stronger. That said I will most likely try obbm next time.

  7. I swear by compression and won't take a bass anywhere without one. I find they add punch and make playing more effortless and allow me more touch sensitivity making the whole thing more responsive and alive. Funnily despite having owned many compressors i always go back to the good ol boss cs3 it just works for me.
    If you check out my band lounge fly in my sig that's my sound and I don't think it suffers from it at all :-D

  8. Hi mate first off a big welcome to you. :-D you can contact members by clicking on their username which should open the option to send a private message.
    This cab is withdrawn for now as I'm still unsure what path I'm gonna take with my rig. But I'm now mulling selling my bigger version of this the markbass std102hf.

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