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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Thanks everyone for the brilliant advice. Especially Alex and Frank to whom I'll reply by pm once I'm off my phone and at a keyboard. Upshot is I think I'm gonna hang onto my 102hf and sell the traveller and my line 6 studio 110 and get a midget as I reckon that'll give me a good mix of power (102hf) for most gigs and portability (midget) for the others. I'm sure I can run both when I absolutely need to although I rarely need that much poke these days Now to shift the 102p bet that takes an age! Always does when you need the cash lol
  2. Yeah but at at 49lbs and a no doubt huge price tag it's a non starter I'm afraid. My thinking of a bfb compact and midget stack was flexibility with extreme portability and power. Sort of what I have now but more carryable but tbh it's looking like it'll be too big a compromise on power. So I'll have to pipe dream of the day I can just buy a midget separately to my rig I reckon.
  3. I took a peek at the bergs btw. But at 31lbs I'd be no better off cheers for the thought though.
  4. I've put my name down for the midget tour. I'm not really a vintage kinda guy tbh think tommy c flea Billy Gould and you're nearer the mark. Interesting that we think it won't be as loud. Looks like a long wait for just a midget might be on the cards then.
  5. Tricky one this as I can't drive to test stuff out and don't earn enough to take gambles on anything. I really could use a tiny, powerful cab I can carry over distances so I started looking at the barefaced midget. But to fund it I'd have to sell one of my current cabs. I'm currently using passive jazz basses and a streamer lx into a zoom b9.1ut through a little mark 2 into markbass 102p and STD 102hf cabs. Which is very very loud. Handy in a six piece rock band (see sig for a better idea of that) as I'm not the only non driver space is often limited and I ften do gigs where I need to carry my gear into town etc. A little reading on the web has made me think about switching to a barefaced compact and midget setup which is seemingly as loud and even more flexible and would allow me that nice n easy carry for open mics etc. The thing that's worrying me though is power, put simply am I going to have enough to replace my markbass cabs? Will the midget alone ever be enough on it's own? - As the traveller is now so I can gig with either cab. Handy as the bigger one often stays in the studio. If I sell my markbass cabs to fund it and it's a bad choice I'll be utterly stuck! (teaching assistant on £500 a month, so cash is a big deal!) Whaddya reckon folks? Gamble or stay until I can afford a midget alone to add to my set up and problem solved?
  6. Yes please I'm very interested in one of these. I'm in cheltenham
  7. I've wondered this myself and had conflicting reports. Anyone know the score with little mark 2?
  8. Funnily enough Dave I think I've got one of those in the basement too. Welcome to give it a whirl
  9. [quote name='Toddy' post='871564' date='Jun 19 2010, 10:22 AM']Its like this,,,,, playing music in front of people is a prevlidge,, and you never know when its going to end,,,,,, so every gig is important... Playing/Touring is a catalyst for your personality,,,, if your unhappy or in a bad place it will make it worse,,, if your up for it,, you will have a great time,,[/quote] I love this. Sooo true
  10. Ahh great basses. Takes me back... have bump on me.
  11. I've got a zaolla too which sounds very different to my monster stuff. Much brighter and airy sounding
  12. Selling a set of active MEC warwick P and J pups fully working with no issues other than worn logos, prob more worn than this pic shows. after £45 posted for the pair. Great for beefing up any passive bass or a project. go on, add some class. Very Hi-Fi punchy tone.
  13. cheers dude, i kinda do but im gonna have to go sale only now sadly
  14. I've used monster cables for years but when they die I'll be onto obbm I reckon
  15. And I look forward to recomending you again and slapping Dave for even thinking of doing that heh heh! Birthday drinks this Sat Dave
  16. Funnily enough I've always thought of my blue jazz as being like the falcon. Something that started out bone stock and just got modded and modded and used and dented and banged up and bits stuck on and taken off and is now just a part of me, just like Han and his beloved old YT-1300 freighter we all know as the falcon :-)
  17. The Sonic blue Jazz of course!
  18. saved it sold it bought it sold it! ibanez sixer number 3 jonny brooke theres so many more!, ive owned 52 now i think!
  19. shine nice ray lush aria vmj number 2 classic vibe J tokai TB had troubles
  20. mik squier P 86 j bass special with graphite neck, now dave muadibs lush but black aint me better pic of my fna
  21. Heres one of my trusty jazz, that's in my avatar, but theres tons in my flickr, including some moody new live shots and various stages of the basses life from standard(ish) to today, if you wanna take a peek: loads here: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34605698@N04/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/34605698@N04/[/url]
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