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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I found I never used the piezo on mine, and it was bloomin heavy too. But an excellent bass, really good.
  2. Heres a pic to show the action at the body end. Most basses that come into my hands seem to have high actions?? Am I the only bassist in the world that likes a really low action??
  3. Okey dokey £60 delivered (neck off) poss trades for jazz bridge pickups/p/jbody/gig bags/interestingthings or just £50 cash collected the body is good it all works I just think the neck is too thick and needs tlc particularly after a gold gb7 (Warwick style) hipshot extender
  4. To coin a basschat cliche: tea-> keyboard :-D (well phone actually )
  5. Great news bud and great to hear from you. You take care of yourself :-D
  6. Rob gave, yup, you heard me GAVE me a status softcase and wouldn't even let me pay postage. The man is not only the backbone of basschat and a general legend but also bloomin nice too!
  7. I've just put an aged pickguard on it for kicks dunno if it'll stay.
  8. The bass was originally known as 'altus' however another manufacturer claimed they already owned the rights to the name so it became known as the 'FNA' or 'formerly known as altus' (sic) should really be fkaa. The really depressing news is my tatty one only went for £400 :-( although it was well used with some heavy wear.
  9. Dude could you share some more about that custom rf etc filter? I'm always curious about such things after working in hifi for years.
  10. Cheers metalmore, if you ever sell yours ask me first lol. I was lusting over that 10k one too.
  11. Thanks dude, stripes came today pics added!!
  12. Ive had huge Bacchus GAS for sooo long!!, Strangely i quite want one that looks like my fender..utterly pointless but i still want one lol!! oh the inscrutable GAS. Luckily im skint forever so it actually helps relieve the pain!
  13. If i hadnt just been simultaneously been shafted by my landlady and work id have snapped that jazz clean up! cant believe its not gone!
  14. Cheers guys, honestly the new neck really brought it to life, way better than either the original with it's ultra fine fretwire or the harder sounding graphite, it's just a perfectly symbiotic relationship, I may have got lucky :-D I'm not precious about it cause as I mentioned although the pics don't show it, its scratched and dinged up to hell, so if you are at one of my gigs and there's time I'm well happy to let you have a go. I don't think I was in the band then, I did play Bristol with ozzy once dunno where but it was opposite the train station I think, fairly quiet night. Other than that the only other time I played bristol was colston hall with doublecross supporting Styx in 2005, if anyone fancies slinging lounge fly a weekend Bristol slot I'd be very pleased! EDIT!! Just realised it's Gloucester not Bristol lol, nope def not me then, never played Gloucester.
  15. cheers dude, different band, the wizards of oz ;-)
  16. Hah hah. She is rather lovely! (and the singer heh heh) As it happens we're in need if some basschat assistance, it's on the myspace and I'll post about it in the morning, but in brief were down to the last 40 out of 2000 bands to open a Spanish festival :-D which was a nice surprise, now we need votes!!
  17. initially it was cause of a dead spot that i couldn't shift. i tried everything inc fatfingers, hence the damaged headstock. i sold it on here to a school or something , id love it back for sentimental reasons , but its long gone . i switched to graphite and then decided blocks and binding was the way forward and never looked back!
  18. Heh heh. One thing about it the pics don't quite capture is it's slightly, um, 'cuddlier' than any other jazz I've had. It's more curvy and rounded with less angular curves, more organic shaped, even than the other Japanese jazz's I've had. Funnily enough the guitarist magazine review from back in the day claimed quite the opposite. Incidentally it's made of basswood.
  19. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='819966' date='Apr 26 2010, 09:26 PM']I love that bass!! :wub: reminds me of my own Daphne Blue (thats what it said the colour was on the can) Custom Jazz bass. In my eyes you cant beat a maple neck, pearloid pickguard and light blue jazz bass like this and my own jazz :blush: . There should be more of them [/quote] Lol yeah, I've eyeballed yours a few times heh heh
  20. Lol. Wouldn't dare go on stage like that now!! Waaaay too tubby! I wish there were more old live ones but so many were taken on film rather than digital so I've not scanned em in.
  21. I thought you might enjoy these pics of me 'n my fave bass ever; my 1990 MIJ jazz in sonic blue. Its had so many different forms and mods over the years and despite the pics (mainly iphone so not great) its actually really battered, worn chipped and dinged and looks great! Its my third ever bass and the one i had a picture of stuck in my school folder when i started out as my dream bass that i aspired to own one day. As it happens a year later i found mine going cheap in a local used guitar place which burnt down shortly after!, at a time when i could just scrape together the cash if i sold my other bass, the guy was very relectant to do me a deal but i managed it and legged it home to clean off the gunk which had lowered the price by £50 to something i could afford! Funnily enough not long after i met a guy who had gone in to buy it just after me! After over 50 other basses and three necks, two preamps, two sets of tuners (poss three) god knows how many other tweaks and hardware changes shes still my number one, despite a lengthy flirtation with warwick! (even then she was always onstage tuned up ready to go. heres a link to a set of pics of me 'n JB as its known from over the last 18 years we've been gigging together! I even played her at my wedding! The pics are in this flickr album here.................. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34605698@N04/sets/72157623937813540/"]http://www.flickr.com/photos/34605698@N04/...57623937813540/[/url] Hope you enjoy taking a peek!
  22. Sold John my MIK P bass, Top top top bloke to do business with! Very cool and easy going, deal away!
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