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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Um, 52!! At least 40 of which are since bassworld/talkbass/basschat/basstalk (remember that brief incarnation!) 11 amps I think. Looking forward to ceteras number heh heh
  2. Where there's a will there's a way.... (20 years in bands, 10 of which with a trace elliot stack, Now using markbass but still no driving licence!)
  3. Ive had two and as i plan on making it three as soon as i can!, and another classic vibe too, shoulda never sold em!
  4. welcome welcome to the jazz bass fawners!!!! Ive gone through over 50 basses of all types and come full circle to the good ol passive jazz bass. It just works y'know!
  5. Not a promo shot per se, but just one snapped off really quickly as we were leaving, by the organisers at the end of our recent session demoing for pro tools at the NEC gadget show live and I really like the way the shot came out..
  6. crikey!!! you could park a bus under there! I reckon its new neck time, sounds like its bowed in the middle which is an expensive job to fix
  7. Yup, funnily enough two of the three I have left from over 50 owned....Jap fenders!!
  8. Very true, in many cases people will state that it may indeed have the best say, neck for instance, but if the string spacing just isn't you or any one of a dozen other things then it's gotta go. I'm sure the basses I still have of the 50+ I've owned have none of the single best features, best body was a green status, best for slap was a Warwick etc but it's the getting one that's just the right mix that's tricky. And trust me, I've often often had to sell things I really don't wanna sell. :-D
  9. Yeah, me too. Great player and nice bloke.
  10. Doh. Ah well it's good to have goals lol
  11. Wwwwooooaahhh!! I just read this! You have the six string version of this???? You may (or may not) have spotted a few times me bemoaning over the last few years that there's two basses I've sold that just utterly gutted me to part with, and one of them was my black six string energy.(other was my streamer lx) :-( If you ever part with yours please drop me a line and I'd find a limb or relative to sell or something to raise the funds somehow someway lol!!!
  12. Freakin loved it mate! totally cool, esp that middle 8/outro top stuff!
  13. I ran an Ah400SMX with two 4x10's and a bright box for years, and often found the same thing, all the advice above is good! That said since I traded it for a smaller, lighter, punchier and unbelievably, louder markbass rig ive never looked back! (or had issues hearing myself, or had to wobble it down wet fire escapes at 3am!)
  14. [quote name='BassJase' post='804163' date='Apr 12 2010, 09:07 PM']Im venturing into the world of hats because of prementioned pate reasons (getting a bit baldy now I'm 34!) But this season I'll mostly be wearing bandanas as I'm going to live in China in a few weeks, playing 4 gigs a week, and it hits a warm 37 degrees usually there for the summer so it'll help keep the sweat outta my eyes![/quote] Sounds ace! ( just to rub it in, me 'n my hair are 34 in a couple of months too;)
  15. YES! i finally made it into this thread, heres a few of me with loungefly doing a dem for protools at the NEC gadget show live earlier this week.
  16. hi mate, its standard 34" scale and fairly heavy, i cant drive so delivery is a bit tricky tbh
  17. The fact that its so versatile from just the bass and my fingers, no need for onboard EQ, just a few pedals i like and my jazz basses and im happy ever after.,
  18. why thank you, its a handy temporary shelving unit actually lol
  19. bummer, that sucks, really sorry to hear that. Dont give up hope, getting bands of the ground is such a hard business but its worth it in the end, keep at it!
  20. Thanks for the cross help, I of course still just wanged em on super quick, only one is really off i think, but hey. Heres the result as promised, please excuse the blend of hardware colour, its in the middle of a hardware change over.
  21. When its me alone Ive always used the bassline from 'Goodnight though' by the wonderstuff, one of the first basslines I learned, it grooves, uses a decent range and I like it, I also like the fact that i still use it lol. I also do some high register stuff with harmonics, just to make sure they understand im not just a 'dum dum' bass player, and that i like the whole register of my bass to be heard, then i go through each effect like guitards do, so they also know im using 'em, they never ask! The whole band normally play the first song in the set and then a verse/chorus of anything extra needed, such as more keys or extra bv's.
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