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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I played one of these in Gloucester soundhouse the other week, sounded and played fantastic.
  2. [quote name='pandathe3' post='777302' date='Mar 17 2010, 12:54 PM']What mode do you mainly use it on. The synths are really thick and i've had no issues using them, but i never needed synth, i only have issues with the envelope sound (Which is what i want). Might need to try the envelope w/ octave down during next practice. See if it'll cut through more.[/quote] That's the mode I use it in, octave down if I recall it's 12, 10,10 O clock on the knobs, which also works well on the other setting too.
  3. I also must have missed this, but I'll def miss his useful posts about how amps and cabs work. I thoght his knowledge was an excellent resource to have on board. Ah well, I seem to recall something similar happening before with another pro.
  4. Incidentally I've just started to move over to using the zoom b9.1ut instead of my full board (getting old) and the filters on that are great, infact the whole damn thing is great. (only irritatin really is that when I bank up down before changing the patch name dosnt change until you swap fx. Meaning you have know the bank number you are aiming for)
  5. I just love my digitech bsw and never had a volume issue either, but then inrun a compressor last in my fx chain to even out any issues caused by the fx
  6. I use monster but tbh they are very big and a bit of a pain!
  7. Ive checked the dimensions and I think it's slightly different so I'll have to pass, cheers though boss
  8. Ahh, this makes me miss mine, I gigged the hell out of it and loved it and prob sold it far too cheap, but it was rather gig worn I'd snap this up if I had anything like the cash.
  9. If so I'll take it mate, lemme check the other dimensions and get back to ya asap
  10. Do you reckon this would fit over an older one, down to the bottom port? So it would cover it sorta mostly?
  11. I want one of those so mch it hurts. Even more so if they did the White ones as a four string. If you ever wanna move it on let me know
  12. said it before and ill say it again, never overlook the hartke vxl, punches way above its price ime/imho ;-)
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' post='769590' date='Mar 9 2010, 07:18 PM']Gaf i would seriously appreciate if i could maybe sometime try yours when your better...you being down the road and all. didnt get the chance to bore you with bass talk at the frog!!! [/quote] No worries dude
  14. Dude, seriously drop Andy at wizard a line and ask for a gaffer, seriously good split coil jazz pickup. I'm laid up with man flu but when I'm about your'e welcome to try mine out. But it might be worth seeing if he'll let you try one on approval.
  15. gafbass02

    Boring help

    Def +1 on trying out a zoom multi fx. It'll give you a great cross section of different types of effect to see what you are likely to want to explore further. I also think they sound great and I've had them for something like 13-14 years now. The crucial effect I won't leave the house without is compression, it's dull but a great help and comes packaged in zooms etc along with more exciting stuff like auto wah and flanger etc. Enjoy!
  16. My GAS list seems to be entirely squier at the mo (with the long running and never gonna happen exceptions of a sei flamboyant 4 or my old streamer or a walnut jazz) although I'll call this one exempt. That said can you put a badass on these new squiers? I heard the screw holes on the new hmv bridge dont line up?
  17. Yep, I don't like the colour combination either
  18. I've luckily never experienced this on any of the rays I've owned, but I always thought (dunno where from) that the magnetic pull was greater at the edge of the magnet?
  19. My mij 1990 jazz is my number 1. Never found anything to match it.
  20. my honey violin warwick streamer LX sold in debt and missed terribly ever since, i wanted one for so long. Ah well, one day.
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