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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I hate people using my rig and try to say no, but am just a big soft muppet. I ALWAYS make em use a compressor though, even if it means going through my pedal board, its my cabs i worry about more, and ill never afford new ones if they blow em.
  2. I recently went over to the zoom B9.1ut, im amazed theres not more people shouting about it, cause its really amazingly good, a few niggles but isnt there always!, a simply amazing bit of kit.
  3. sadly on reflection i think i may have been :-(
  4. Mine would have to be the ones ive owned/have, with sonic blue at the top of the pile, (although i LOVE antigua, just cant afford it!)
  5. my streamer lx in honey violin, and a walnut jazz body i never got to build, utterly utterly gutted
  6. I'm on my 50th bass and there's lots I let pass that I miss but I'm most gutted about an '88 black six string status energy and my honey coloured Warwick streamer lx and the walnut body I had to sell in bad circumstances at Christmas without ever even seeing, I still have loads of bits to go on it :-( both basses were sold in a panic to clear debt and both utterly missed everytime I go in the spare room where my now very small bass collection lives. If the Warwick ever came up I'd snap it up. Gutted.
  7. I really really miss my old honey coloured one too. :-(
  8. You can do better than that bud, I say step away and hang on a bit longer
  9. Dude, feelin every word of that. I've been there and done that and had the guilt. Sounds like youre pretty sorted on it though, I reckon you'll enjoy the change of tac
  10. [quote name='PauBass' post='755881' date='Feb 24 2010, 10:26 AM']I love that tone! For me that's the perfetct example of how some overdrive can really enhance your sound.[/quote] Thanks mate. Appreciated, it's a p bass in the video but the recording was done using my jazz bass on the neck pickup which was a prototype of the wizard 'gaffer' i've mentioned in a few threads. It's supposed to make a j sound like a p. The hartke is an underrated gem of a drive pedal but does need taming with compression as it also boosts the level too much.
  11. Check out my video link in my sig for an example of overdrive blended with clean from a hartke vxl just to add grit and grind. It's on all the way through but imho really adds to the bit where the bass carries the verse. I use it in this way in a few tracks with lounge fly.
  12. Review asap, poorly kid has kaiboshed any free time!
  13. It's such a great look, def on my 'things to do one day' list.
  14. Or a wizard gaffer like my Jazz has, thump, bump wallop, just like having a P but none of the trouser dribble.
  15. Curious about the delanos too. They look the biz
  16. They are basiclly the reason I moved from active basses and loads of different basses to entirely playing my simple passive jazz's. They transformed the sound of my jazz basses into something so spot on I really feel I'm sorted. .. Till I can afford another pair to go in each bridge location also! ;-) (my friend Dave, .. Davemuadib on here has one in the bridge on a jazz bass special and it really burbles in a somewhat stingrayis. Sorta way, can't wait to hear a bass with two!)
  17. Ill have a review up soon but wizard have just started making the rather amazing 'gaffer'. Which is a split coil p bass style humbucker in a jazz casing, I have two, one in each jazz neck location, and they sound huge!! Solo'd they turn my jazz into a big, fat snarly p bass (think jj burnel, green day) roll back the tone and it nails that vintage tone beautifully. I've also found that if you get the balance with the bridge just right it really adds depth and bite to the both pickups on full core tone. Can't recommend it enough for any jazz. Don't think they are on the website yet, although will be soon, but if you call or email wizard and ask for a gaffer Andy will sling you one. They are silent and look nice too with raised poles and a nice rounded edged casing.
  18. Please don't make me take a huge hit on this!! It's my wifes birthday and it REALLY gas to go and £130 posted is a great price!
  19. great units, but its my third one now and ive decided to have a rethink and try another approach! pleeease buy this!! its £130 delivered
  20. Another one for the H+H camp here, mine was a H+H vs100 bass amp into a marshall bass 4x12, i paid £150 for the lot if i recall, I also used a rocktek phaser, dod compressor and a Kaman GTX53 bass. Ahh those were the days
  21. I really want to get one of these to replace my seperate pedals, but i need to know if i can set up a basic sound with eq and compression on say two banks worth of patches and then add flanger, filter, chorus, reverb, synth etc to each patch. So it functions like seperate pedals if you get me, so A1 would be clean, A2 would be the same but with chorus, A3 the same with filter, A4 the same but with flanger etc etc. Doing it this way is there any effect i would be unable to run at the same time as the EQ and compressor which would stay on all the time? Any other issues people have come across gigging one of these?, Ive read everything i can find using the search function, but nothing to answer any of these questions! Cheers in advance.
  22. Ooo this would be perfect for my rock school after school club I'll take if I may if it's still going?
  23. I use monster throughout my rig, patch leads, speaker cables the lot. Not had a problem yet and bought em cheap from the us when the rate was good. They are solid, sound meaty and punchy and look cool. I also have a very short elixir and a long zaolla too. Tbh I can hear differences at home for sure, but by the time I'm playing with a band, no chance! But it was all part of my quest to reduce the nightmare hum I had in one house.
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