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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. It's the cij jb-62 wal but just the body off reliable fender going for a black n gold/brass thang. The neck will be a squier for now till I can afford a nice one. (or till I've paniced and flogged it to get cash back ) having looked at the pics it looks like it has an internal bridge earth route unlike most 62ri's
  2. yeah no guard is an option, its already drilled but thats not too bad
  3. hopefully its staying!, i wouldnt take offers im afraid folks, but register interest just incase
  4. Bummer, i bought one all made up not long ago from there, but they seem to be gone now, would that entail soldering the two brass parts together?
  5. Im thinking about either see through or anodized gold? What are your thoughts, any pics to share?
  6. i SO hope it survives, i really enjoy it and always have. just thankful to have a bass mag tbh, the US one is just awful (imho of course!)
  7. basspartsresource have the neck one in but i need the bridge one that goes over the body surface and simply cannot find one to buy online anywhere, pleeease help!!!! where are they all??
  8. Ain't it. I sold a blx130 for £50 once too. I'm nuts me! I've had three of these blinders! Sadly I just bought something I can't afford so every penny counts.
  9. I love this little amp, i only just got it and only played for about an hour, but i just pulled the trigger on something i cant afford and MAY have to flog this to fund it! Let me know if youre interested and if i have to flog ill let you know. It'd be £140 posted, great nick, no manual.
  10. A vinyl trace blx80, a bit tatty but nothing drastic and works fine, no pics yet but you know the score, if you can come and get it its yours for £50! Cheltenham, sorry no postage ;-)
  11. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='629024' date='Oct 17 2009, 07:41 PM']personally, i'm gutted these basses exist. I think they're OK sounding, but the quality is patchy to say the least. And they aint cheap. Go to fleabass.com, 'if it isn't right, it won't hit the stores, we'll set every single one up'. BULLSHIT! My Childhood hero is a bellend.[/quote] This is pretty much where I'm at too. That and I love one hot minute, it's a real fave. Hated 'californication' and really really really hated 'by the way'
  12. I've got one and it's fab! It sets up well and sounds superb very loud and punchy. A few iffy frets but it's really good. However!!!! I bought mine to mod and NOTHING on it is a standard size, even the body is smaller and slightly off jazz shaped. I bought a load of cheap gold hardware from eBay and nothing fitted. Nor did any of the stuff I had off other jazz's. The neck has an extra fret too. So modding not as easy as it sounds. But for a beater bass then go for it!
  13. Thanks for the input folks. I've had a b2.1 before but found the wah wasn't for me. I've bought a used Gt6b again to see if the last seven years have given me more patience to program it! I'm also after different sounds nowadays and it was all I could afford! Got the studio 110 sorted too :-)
  14. lol i started on the HH Vs 100 too! theres one in a shop in cheltenham for like £90 which i nearly bought for the memories before slapping myself and realising that £90 seemed kinda steep for a memory trip!
  15. Hmm so the patch change volume is still an issue. Grr
  16. Good idea but at present they are powered off the board so id have to inroduce batteries or an extra mains adaptor at the back and still have to carry them to the gig anyway. Also the footprint of my pedaltrain would still be too big. I think i need something much less intrusive. Cheers for the input though
  17. I use a pedal board thats not crazy but is just too heavy and takes up a lot of room, but most of the stuff is pretty essential. It goes...... Samson Transmitter........digitech synth wah (needed for a song).....Zoom 506 (needed for a song)....LS2 (switches the zoom out the signal chain)..........wah (used in a song and segueway)......chorus (used a lot)......tuner......hartke VXL (always on for the preshape, drive channel is used LOTS)......compressor.......noise suppressor...AMP So nothing crazy or zany or extraneous, but its all mounted with a psu (gator gbus8) on a pedaltrain 2 and STILL weighs a ton and takes up lots of room when you play in a 6 piece. SOOO... multi FX perhaps? i tried a boss GT6B ages ago but hated it. I couldnt get near the sounds i liked from my zoom and more importantly the levels were all over the shop! I dont want to model amps, i have one! or any of that guff, i just want a smaller, lighter effect solution that allows me to add individual effects to my sound like stomp boxes do. Ideally some kind of global EQ so that i could replace the hartke would be great as that preshap setting is prety much crucial to my sound but im sure i could replicate it and set and forget with the right EQ. The critical thing is where the boss let me down, i just want the effect to come in at the same damn volume as my clean sound, everytime!, Not ok at home and then too quiet or too loud each time i have to unplug the thing. Real straightforward set and forget, like pedals, but less of a pain to lug about! So the zoom b9.1ut has come to my attention, but i cant try one out as i cant drive and my local shop dosnt have one, cant seem to find the things second hand either, so im staring down the barrel of a potentially very expensive mistake (like the boss) if i buy one, and its back to the same old business. Has anyone gigged this unit for any time?, can i just set an overall EQ and COMPRESSION and then just press a pedal for chorus, just chorus, not chorus and 1969 fliptop precision, room reverbed, output corrected wangeflobulator!! just one for chorus, one for drive, one for chorus+reverb, one for wah, one for synth, one for flange etc that just adds the effect to my sound as is at the same level [color="#FF0000"]everytime!??[/color] Help! Cheers all, sorry for ranting a tad lol
  18. thanks dude. It's pretty embarrasing that you saw us lol. I think I've improved a lot since then in playing, sound, dress sense and stage etiquette lol. (and band choice tbh!) [quote name='cetera' post='646079' date='Nov 5 2009, 11:03 AM']Ah yes, I was there down the front watching you mate! Being a big Styx fan I was at Nottingham, Birmingham AND Hammersmith Great shows! [/quote]
  19. For a long time it was replacing Reef on the bill of the 1996 run to the sun festival which was cool, and then playing supporting Dokken on the UK leg of their tour in 2005, but i reckon probably the greatest was subsequently supporting Styx on the UK leg of their tour a few months later and getting to play Glasgow SECC, and Birmingham symphony hall, Manchester Apollo, Rock city, Colston Hall and the Hammersmith Odeon/Apollo all in a week with our own crew and truck etc etc, very cool! Standing out front while people queued to get their albums signed by us was just crazy!, so was going back to work the following Monday!, no free towels, hours long soundcheck to noodle about, signs to 'Doublecross' dressing rooms and signs on the stage saying where you were and where you were the next night, no nice food, lighting briefings and fridges full of free beer, just customers shouting in my face as usual, talk about a massive come down! Cool though!
  20. Loads of times but I rarely get to see the darn footage! Was on MTV in the 90's and never saw that either. My videos in my sig but I was miming so that dosnt count lol
  21. [quote name='Linus27' post='641543' date='Oct 30 2009, 10:33 PM']BUGGER BUGGER and lots of other swear words. I have a mint 3EQ Stingray, exactly the same as this, in natural but I really want a a 2EQ. I don't suppose you fancy a swap? If not, the person that buys this, if you want to swap for a 3EQ then please get in touch. If this does not shift, I might advertise my 3EQ so I can buy this.[/quote] make it that '75 ri and you might have a deal
  22. Lol. The black does look better n the pics, I prefer the White in the flesh though. I gotta say having owned threebands, both piezo and non that the two band really does seem a lot better to me. I guess I see what all the fuss is about.
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