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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I sold a blx130 a few yeas ago for that money d'oh!
  2. bump, gator board may need to be collection tbh as ths postage would pprb negate the sale cost!
  3. Perfect mate! I'd be all over that like a rash. It's exactly what I'm after. I'd provide the original fender soft bag in came with from new. The only invisble mod is the full shielding job whch left her nice n quiet and hum free. And of course the hipshot detuner. The hardware other than the badass and wilkinson tuners was all drop straight in original fender parts. The pickguard was imported from basspartsresource who sell a specific geddy replacement. :-D
  4. Ok so after some dicussion with Mrs Gaf i've been given the all clear to try and get my hands on a stingray again! only im rather skint! So im rather reluctantly offering up my Geddy for trade with some cash from me as well. Its in top nick with just one small dent in the finish by the bridge that i cant snap and has only seen two gigs. Its had a full copper shielding job and has all gold hardware, wilkinson tuners a hipshot detuner, gold badass bridge etc The pickguard is tort and id also provide the original white and a white pearl too. If postage was involved it would have to be neck off as i have no box big enough! Its an amazing bass in top nick thats seen little use as i tend to favour my blue jazz. Its got no issues, the action is very low with little in the way of noise or buzz. Its only about a 11 months old from new. Im not selling, as im more than happy with this it look, plays sounds and feels just lush!, and looks much better in the flesh than the pics to be fair, so im just offering it as trade bait for either: a stingray in any colour, pref natural or white least faves burst or black, but all's possible. Only thing is its gotta have a maple neck. Or A MIJ '75 ri jazz in natural with the pearl blocks. Or just possibly a lakland JO in black or white with maple board. Or flame maple streamer stage 1 like i once had. But mainly a ray! (not sterling..ugly things, sorry!) Really wanna keep this UK only if at all poss though sorry!
  5. at the risk of being seen condoning violence.... Dude that's awesome!! :-D [quote name='cetera' post='617623' date='Oct 5 2009, 04:28 PM']A few weeks ago at our gig in Stourbridge there was one p*ssed tw*t who kept falling into the people around him, shouting out ridiculous & incomprehensible heckles and generally being a nonce. After the show I went into the audience (still in full 'Gene Simmons' KISS gear...) to chat to some friends and he fell into me..... bad move... lol! So, I lifted him off his feet by his throat and pinned him roughly (choking) to the wall while giving him an earful of my thoughts on his behaviour! That must have looked hilarious for those around me.... a 6ft 3 bloke in 7" high monster headed boots, lycra, studs and make-up pinning a drunked half way up the wall by my studded fist! Still, he won't do that again.... and I doubt we'll see him again either!! [/quote]
  6. Hi all. Its Gaf here from lounge fly We are looking for support slots with decent established bands at the mo and would appreciate any help any of you could offer. Feel free to contact us through our myspace or PM me if you reckon we're the sort of band that would work well with you or someone you know. We're happy to play on the cheap ( .I.e just some travel costs if poss but it could all be discussed y'know. ) So please drop me a line and give us a shot! I know we're an unknown quantity to you guys but I'd appreciate the hand y'know. Cheers all Gaf :-D
  7. Had a fight onstage with the keyboard player as a youth! It was over my stage volume and started in the last song. We yelled at each other as we left the stage, carried on in the dressing room and as 400 plus people yelled for more we yelled at each other back onto the stage, where he punched me and I picked up the drum stool to belt him back only to be scooped up by our massive lighting guy and told to PLAY!! Same venue there was a fight with thecsupport band once who wanted a bigger cut cause 'we already had good gear'?!!??! And I had a bit of a set too with my ex's new fella who started giving me grief over her unaware shoulde as I played. I lept off the stage (transmitter) and had a bit of a ruck/shouting match before she dragged him out. Didn't drop a single note !!! :-D I'm calmer now!
  8. Been a few, run to the sun festival in 96 was fun. Glasgow SECC was huge but for utter can't believe I'm playing hereness was playing at hammersmith Apollo (and the singer fu*king up our title track there of all places!!)
  9. Always makes me chuckle! I miss looking up at the stage before i play and seeing my towering trace stack glowing green. Markbass just ain't the same for that!
  10. Apologies for the bumpage but seeing as lots of you guys seemed to like it I thought I'd mention that we now have the CD's ready which also have the video on. Probably easiest to contact the lovely Suze through myspace if you fancy one, not sure how much they are but I'm sure it's less than five quid. :-D It took ages to get em cause we had to send the first lot back :-(
  11. That is indeed the one. Let me know if yu want it. The pog is now sold pending
  12. you can indeed tidy the power cables down through the slot at the top, but not the patch leads etc, the crazy pog price is for a quick sale, if it dosnt go quick ill come to my senses!
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='614112' date='Oct 1 2009, 06:57 PM']do I have to be played by Owen Wilson? His nose looks like a Ritter[/quote] Thats the funniest thing ive ever seen on here!!!!!! class
  14. Small board gone. Rest still going including the very cheap pog!
  15. No no no!! ;-) seriously try gorgomyte. Its made by jimmy johnson the Styx guitar tech. Ever since he showed me the stuff I've been a huge believer in it and would be happy to push it on people. It really is that good! Warwicks look especially good when cleaned up with it. Maple boards need a bit more care or a good clean after but it's so cheap from the states and I just can't recommend it enough. Seriously all of you give it a whirl, you'll be bowled over! Apparently it's what the fender custom shop use too :-D glowing recommendation y'know!
  16. In 'doublecross' on the tours with Styx and dokken we were properly looked after. Fed and a never ending fridge of beer, a neve ending fridge of soft drinks and a third endless fridge of water. The man would just come and restock every so often. We always took a rucksack to fill with as much as we could and then divvied up later. We were also given fresh towels everynight before and after and also on our amps which was nice.
  17. Im prepared to drop the price and take a certain amount of a hit for a nice easy collection ;-) obviously not gonna sell a lush '83 matsumoko bass for nothing but maybe worth pm'ing me offers if you can def come and pick it up. :-D
  18. It's lush and if I can find a way to keep it then I'm sooo gonna! It is indeed a through neck
  19. all pm's now replied to (i think??!?!) Sorry for the delays guys, i couldnt get on for a while, ive edited the post to reflect the current situation and dropped prices and added some pedals
  20. Hah hah. I remember the first time I got my lm2 and did the same thing! I thought 'this can't possibly have enough power, lets just turn this knob up and £&&@@"""@&£!!!!?,;(£&@' 'Ok it does, how the hell am I gonna fix all the stuff that just fell of the shelves ???' Convinced!
  21. Hi mate. How strange I did reply, very odd. it's pending a sale at the mo I'm afraid. Sorry dude
  22. Hah hah nice one! Proud to have been of service ;-) Glad you like it guys. I'll sneak in a sneaky exclusive here actually for the eagle eyed basschatters that stumble on this thread. The pickup I used is a wizard on my one of my jazz's although tbh it's not quite as edgy and punchy on the recording as it is in person. It's designed to nail a p bass tone from a jazz style pickup, and I think it nails it pretty well. I'll leave it at that for now though as it's not yet available so I'll just say more to come in time from Andy when he's ready. I got to name it too which is cool, and I'm as pleased with the name as I am with the tone ;-)
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