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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. cool cheers dude, i still have no idea but there it is!, look, theres Suze just above my post!, Hi Suze!

    There will be an EP available in a couple of weeks with the video on and itll be on itunes too, the first one is already on there.
    This is my last attempt at an originals band before mustang sally in pub corners lol!

    And the blue one stays with me!!!!! :)

  2. lol, just to reiterate ive had LOADS of pms about pedals which will take ages to reply to, so what ill do is when my new board comes and ive tried the pedals on it and i know whats def up (although its 99% certain to be all of the above) ill contact people in the order they contacted me to be fair.


    btw still no enquiries about the boards themselves!

  3. It was done entirely by us, shot in a day and edited over a week, so not as good as some, but damn good for a first go i reckon!

    Really hope you lot enjoy it, please be polite!

    No idea how to make it appear on the screen here (if anyone does please feel free!!)

    [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnThxCeCJfg"]SO HERES THE LINK![/url]

    EDIT: A huge thanks for the nice comments, seeing as so many of you liked it I thought I'd mention that the 'lap it up' cd which includes the video is finally available. :->

  4. Due to a change in band set ups etc im having an fx rethink, so im waiting for a new pedal board to come, so register interest now! lol

    Gator pedal tote PRO, the big one in soft bag, not powered but has mounting spot for gator gbus 8 £45 posted

    boss ls2 £40 posted

    Boss CE5 chorus ensemble---tatty with middle p[art of the dual concentric knob knocked off, works fine though £25 posted

    JSH wah wah pedal, battery only, £15 posted

  5. lol, i think its the Mrs' came free with a magazine apparently!
    I think youre right Mike, the SBR80 and the elite 2 are the same bass it turns out, although i was told the gold and pearl combo only came on the sb elite!?
    Those crazy matsumoko folks!, what will they dream up next!

    Hopeful Bump for the aria, although i know it took a while to sell before, and and unbump for the P cause im gonna hang on to it, cause its just too fab to sell even for debts!

  6. I love this bass, i only just got it from our own Mike Brooks, but the credit card bill has started to get silly again after a few recent issues so its gotta go already!, GUTTED!!!

    I bought it as an SB-R80 but it turns out to be an SB elite 2.
    Its from 1983 and has some nicks and dents but is set up low and fast and plays like a dream and sounds fab, quite like a jazz meets stingray sorta sound.

    Id like to get back as much of what i paid as possible, which was £275 delivered. Sadly i simply cannot post this bass, i just have no way of doing it so its gotta be collection only, which i know is a pain. To this end i will offer a reduced price for a nice and easy collection!

    more pics available, the bottom marker is slightly red coloured dunno why! Its quite scruffy in places with scratches and marks and non original tuners, but on the whole is an utterly FAB bass that i love to bits. Stupid credit cards.

    [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=53845&hl=aria"]heres the original thread[/url]

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