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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Cheers guys. Thanks for the offer on the bc rich. Sadly it's cash I need so can't trade sorry.
  2. Sorry bud I already bought the replacement. Now just have to pay for it as it were.
  3. Not even got this yet! just bought it from Higgie but i now have to sell the bass it was going on! £40 posted?
  4. They are fab. That's the original bridge. I have a badass on the way to go on it but obviously that will also now have to go straight up for sale too. Gutted :-(
  5. My oh my oh my :-0 !!!! I need that! As you probably know I'm very into my sonic blue jazz. Which did look pretty much like that several mods back lol. That is roight proper lush!
  6. Nice one !! I was asking about one in the ubox and there was three basses in a month I asked about all with warped necks!! Must be the humidity lol
  7. I think I asked about that moon and recieved a very polite email saying the neck was warped. Btw dude I'm playing the frog n fiddle on Sat if you're about.
  8. I was drunken morose and feeling sorry for myself while out with the band for entirely predictable reasons, ;-) so I went home early to mope. So even though I was pretty smashed I'm fairly sure it wasnt me.
  9. Lol I used one of the jazzes on the recording. Forget which though. Of course the tatty p isn't actually a fender either so that could confuse some folk lol
  10. looks like the choice is made. After a meeting today i think ill be wearing black and it was suggested the tatty P, so looks like thats the one! (ill take the blue with me though ;-) Thanks for the input and ill let you know when its done!
  11. Cover the badass my, um, ass:-) the blue seems to be the popular choice.
  12. [quote name='EntropicLqd' post='579281' date='Aug 24 2009, 05:23 PM']It won't matter. No-one ever videos the bass player in my experience except in passing shots.[/quote] some good answers here guys, thanks however this one pretty much nails it lol!
  13. Lol I did actually have to wear nail polish recently for this band! Made it to 33 without wearing it before though.
  14. I'm going to see where it's being shot tomorrow and I should have more of an idea about clothes and lighting, bluescreen etc. I generally don't get involved much past turn up and play lol!
  15. Lol naturally. It's the one I usually take to restaurants lol. Lots of support for the blue J. Hmmm my mind changes every ten minutes.
  16. The sound is already on the track so ill just be miming along, tbh i cant recall which bass i used on that track, i think its either the blue or white jazz, prob white.
  17. [quote name='Clarky' post='578995' date='Aug 24 2009, 01:00 PM']The Blue one. Great colour, its a different model to the one Hoppus plays and its your sig bass[/quote] Its pretty much my sig lol, im 'That guy with the blue bass' have been for years lol!
  18. Shoots on this coming Sunday, the song is fairly aggressive but still pop, were shooting in a posh restaurant, prob in a similar theme to our recent pics and stuff, heres a comparison shot of the basses.
  19. gafbass02


    dont wanna sell this, only just got it, but my xbox 360 just did the predictable and i need to get some cash together for other reasons too, so this has to go, sadly some other basses may have to follow it too! Im not sure how id deliver so collection is preferred but i need to seel so PM me and we can perhaps figure out some delivery thing with the neck off The body is two beautifully figured pieces, which if they matched would be even nicer!, the back its pretty obvious but not the front. On the plus side the top half is really lovely and flamey and this is thge best playing and sounding of these ive owned or played ( ive had a few of these now!!) This also has a nice n stable neck hurrah! great nick as you can see, and fitted with a hipshot, I know these go at £160ish normally but i reckon the hipshots gotta be worth a little extra so £180? and ill include the original black plate and the pearl one.
  20. i tried to make it a poll, but my total lack of know-how ended with a fail! If a mod wants/can add one then go for it!! i suck!
  21. Ok so im shooting a video with loungefly this weekend for our song 'lap it up', and of course rather than 'what shall I wear' or 'aaarrgh my skins really bad at the moment!' My first thought is 'What bass am I gonna use?!?' Now my sonic blue jazz is the bass most people have associated with me over the years so i feel like thats the one i should use, but its the colour, I LOVE it but im worried as the song is a bit punky I could come of all, 'I wanna be Mark Hoppus'. ( I have taken the animal sticker off though) So then i thought my black n gold Geddy, it looks nice, its kinda shiny, but black is a bit dull. So the white jazz?, or Aria for some retro coolness, or the tatty 'relic' P bass replica, which i think might look cool, but is it too 'done'? and then its covers on/covers off time? You see my dilemma, so im putting the word out lol, which do you guys (and gals) reckon?
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