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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. Cheers dude, just got in, four tracks nailed. Used the lm2 from the xlr no probs at all, coupled with my compressor, hartke vxl and noise suppressor I managed to get a cracking, well controlled signal that sounded fab, and crucially sounded like me. Pretty much the same as the live mic sound on the useless wooden toys stuff.
    Thanks again for all the help guys.

  2. The 2-tek was awesome. Required routing a big chunk out if I recall? Wasn't it endorsed by some chap? Loius someone? Johnson perhaps? I Vaguely it assciate with a Treker bass? (which I'm sure inspired the guy that drew the Warwick katana) but it coulda just been on the same page of a magazine.

  3. I spent a lot of time at Quad doing some session work a few years ago, great place. Im a Leicester lad too, all my life till i moved to Cheltenham just under two years ago.
    They say true Leicester folk navigate by telling you which Bruccianis things are near lol!

    Oh and i use a full Mark bass rig downsized from a Trace UBER stack too!

  4. Um, its looks cool! i just let my strings wear the grooves, not had a problem in 15 years or so of having a badass on pretty much every jazz ive owned. Only issue i have now is my new squier has the HMV bridge and i want a gold bridge and apparently the badass holes dont line up with the hmv.

    Hmm :-(

  5. I pride myself on an über quick, tidy and fuss free set upwhich distracts for a few minutes. After that it's smoke a lot lol. I know it's no good thing but I never really get nerves, never really have. Only about things like interviews rather than playing.
    I guess one important pre gig ritual I've stuck to since 17 is offer to buy the soundguy a beer!

  6. That's awesome thanks for posting it. I used Trace for years, some of you might recall the last stack I had. It really was amazing and just owning it was a teenage dream cone true. Sadly moving it was such a pain I
    Succombed to the markbass craze in about it's first week lol!

  7. I hate playing without, I find my old boss improves my tone and my control and crucially the response of the bass, where goes my bass goes my compressor pedals ( I gave two boss cs3's one in each pedal board, both have a sticker on saying 'talent booster!, so true though!)

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