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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. Despite being 99% fingers and thumb I often practxe with a pick on certain tracks and styles at home. A for fun and B it's another string to the bow as it were. I love dropping the bass low and picking through placebo, gnr etc
    I've only ever used blue sharkfins though I drag the serrated edge up for a real grindy sound.

  2. I use monster cables throughout, leads , patch leads and speaker cables. I reckon I need to hit up our very own obbm next time though only heard good things!!

  3. Argh! Tricky! I really appreciate the request for advice Rob. This is my old ray he's got so I know exactly how good it is and it's bloody marvellous and should appreciate a lot when the Market recovers. I'd err on the side of the vigier. It's a new string to the bow and I think sometimes vintage basses are a bit iffy to gig lots, and it may start to need tlc. Also knowing how much you like the pimp ray you have if the old one dosnt work out the chances of finding another piezo matching headstock sparkle ray arent too high. The original retail on that sucker was 1700. Then again if I found a '76 jazz in sonic blue with maple, I'd prob sell my soul to Satan and not look back !! Also why us the bass much cheaper than usual?, sometimes a worry.
    Yup I reckon I'd steer vigierwards. But hopefully whichever you choose will work better for you than your luck has lately lol!

  4. [quote name='captain black' post='361769' date='Dec 23 2008, 10:31 AM']+1 for the MXr blowtorch. Good for hysteria.
    Gaf, what settings did you use on the Pandora? might give it a try.
    Either way I know that Chris wolstenholme is a serious pedal freak and owns a multitude which he uses in all sorts of combinations (when recording). It's just a case of getting it as close as you can with what you've got or you'll spend a fortune chasing down the exact sound.[/quote]

    It's just called fuzz but I dunno if it was programmed by it's original owner, it's the old red pandora. Everyone just looks at me gone out when I play it as it sounds so close. I've yet to rtfm tbh but I'll try and figure out the settings for ya.

  5. [quote name='Machines' post='362929' date='Dec 24 2008, 04:22 PM']I've been a member there longer than I have here but probably only have about 20 posts to my name. I find it a bit clicky if you don't have a) an old Fender or :) an exotic US made custom bass (this of course is my perception). They are definitely very easily offended and have little sense of humour.[/quote]

    ...what he said...

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