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Posts posted by gafbass02

  1. Funnily enough the same thing happened to me recently after something like 17 years playing and I'm not normally a timing case (a few live recordings in the wooden toys link in my sig not too bad timing I hope) but just lately my timing sucks!! I listened back to a take and was mortified, dunno what's happened to me. That said When I redid the take I turned the bass down in the cans which really helped. I think was zoning on too much on the bass rather than the bass In relation to the track.

    I always say bass is easy to play, but it's hard to play well!

  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='344603' date='Dec 3 2008, 07:12 PM']If you haven't used a Bass Xciter, gentle reader, then for £30 I'm happy to recommend you try one.

    Not suitable for metally / thrashy / punky stuff (IMO) but superb for blues / jazz / classic rock.

    No money changed hands in connection with this product endorsement.


    And soon will be mine muhahaha (as soon as I get out the bath...iPhones rock!)

  3. [quote name='umph' post='343941' date='Dec 3 2008, 12:12 PM']just power by batterys or use a decent power supply to filter out any electrical interference[/quote]

    I'm using a gator gbus but I get noise with or without fx through headphones or amp and on all basses unless I touch metal and even then there is still some noise. I shielded all my basses which helped but still buzzy.

  4. That is the one thing more than anything else in the world that makes me soooooooo angry! It's mainly old school pillocks who trot out that 'feel the bass' tat. I was recently mixed by someone who had once announced to me that the bass should be "below the drums right at the bottom of the track". It really bites my monkey.

  5. I do enjoy it, but have found I let myself get sorta labelled as the really fast slap guy, and now I'm getting older I'm really enjoying more groove, but have found the label can be hard to shift. That said I do some pretty average and predictable octave slapping on a song in my funk band 'useless wooden toys' so maybe not as cured as I think I am..

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