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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. My six string progressive came too. Despite being apparently flawless with a very pretty figured neck, When I got it it was dead and just made pops and bangs. Then I put a battery in it! Now its fine
  2. We are a well established act based in Cheltenham. We operate two different acts with the same personnel, one a covers act that does rock versions of pop classics and a different 'tribute' band, which is a placebo tribute band. We are looking for a new bass player to cover, ideally, both. Although if one is preferred over the other we could work around that. We are only interested in someone who is able to commit to learning a large set and turning up to weekly rehearsals already prepared. We rehearse in our own space, which costs nothing. Transport is very much preferred, as is having a rig decent enough to gig with. Would suit a 'rock based' player more than funk/jazz/metal/60's etc. Ideal age range is mid 20's to early 40's. We only take paid gigs and play regularly, with the intention to push the tribute act hard in 2016 Apologies for the obtuse advert, please contact for more details, but please bear in mind we are looking for an experienced, capable bass player who is prepared and ready to lean and help us maintain our busy gigging schedule and grow the act forwards. Someone who was around in the 90's would fit especially well Wink
  3. Getting a code from a body shop is s good shout, I'm in Cheltenham, just in the middle of a halfords rattle can respray at the minute, but it's just black
  4. Cheers all, it's really a passing whim and probably not worth the effort/hassle/cost. No worries.
  5. Cheers folks, I was really wondering if there was a place that could scan in the colour of the bass then knock up a spray can, like B&Q do, but they only do regular paintbrushy paint, no spray, it's only a sterling sub, so a nitro finish isn't really needed, just spray gloss of the right colour.
  6. I'd like to refinish the headstock on my sterling sub to match the body (mint green) but I don't know how I'd get the colour. B&Q proudly advertise colour matching, but not in a spray can, halfords need a car paint code, anyone have any ideas of where I could get a matching colour spray can?
  7. Where's warwickhunt at, I think he needs to see this! I really like it
  8. Same here in Cheltenham. Either folky acoustic guys, endless blues solos or 15 year old starting 'deathcore' bands :-/
  9. I've owned around a hundred basses and fifty guitars, and I've come to realise in recent times that I'm just as happy with more budget stuff. I used to insist on 'boutique' kit, but I just found the quality or tone or feel not always what it should be for the price. Cases in point, a Harley Benton 335 copy has become my main gigging guitar! It's replaced my amazing fender, it just is very very good; and the sterling sub bass I recently bought is easily one of the most incredible musical instruments I've ever played at any price. Much better than any I played in shops prior to buying this one sight unseen. It kinda blows away my current stingray tbh. (I've owned five or six)
  10. Hahah, it's still gotta be salvageable. Could be a genuine deko write off job, it's sort of how my luck works!
  11. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1443021763' post='2871547'] I'm with you, before coming here the weight of an instrument had never crossed my mind, but if you try to sell a bass here it'll likely be the first question asked by potential buyers, often ahead of "how does it sound?". I think it's like buying cars, there's a cultural expectation of certain things be so, and if they're not, that we are somehow not getting good value for money. There are of course a whole lot of other factors in music gear that are equally at odds with logic! [/quote] This. At least until I did come across one bass that was so stupidly heavy that I finally actually did give it a second thought.
  12. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1444146087' post='2880655'] First time I've seen a progressive sixer go up... looks like a great deal for someone [/quote] Pulled the trigger on it last night and I've just had order confirmation on it, so fingers crossed...
  13. Awesome!!! This takes me right back!!
  14. Ive got the alchemy app, but I'm not sure it's a good plan live. Sounds great though. In all honesty the sounds don't have to be amazing here, having had keys players with triton, trinity, and Kronos keys in recent times I'm sure it'll be appalling by comparison. But for the very occasional spot sounds banged out by the 2nd guitarist in a placebo tribute band playing smaller venues I don't think it's too big a deal till we can find an actual keys player.
  15. That's a pretty cool idea! I just bought a cheap Casio from Amazon, I can always return it if it's too awful!
  16. Cheers all. I had a keys player with an sy22 in the 90's. It's pretty much the only thing on here I've recognised! I'll keep an eye on eBay, half the time I've no idea what I'm even looking at. Guitars and basses I know inside out and beyond, but this stuff: nothing.
  17. "My computer thinks I'm gay" Too many friends, Placebo.
  18. Thanks all, it's a complicated minefield for sure! I'll see what shows up, simple and compact and cheap is king over flexibility or sound quality here. It's only a few signature parts played very simply in an amateur tribute band that may or may not work out
  19. I've literally no idea about any of this! I just need to press a few keys and have a couple of one finger piano or strings sounds come out! I've messaged that seller, thanks for the heads up on that, I wouldn't have even known what it was!! Sooooo far outside my comfort zone on this!
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