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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Im saying this from the perspective of an acoustic solo gig last night. 'Gold' spandau ballet, night before, acoustic duet, 'gold' again, Previous show, 'Placebo' tribute band, 'Bitter end' or 'Running up that hill'. Last gig with my 'punked up pop' band: 'Relax' Frankie goes to hollywood
  2. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1426981075' post='2724474'] Interesting - I was considering something like that a year or so ago for a group I was in at the time. I don't need it now for that group, but for other practice in the house it sounds like it could be a plan. Which one have you got? [/quote] we use the jamhub bedroom model, all i could afford, next time id go for one with the recorder built in
  3. Just bought an amp head off John, fantastic transaction as usual, buy with confidence from this top basschatter
  4. We rehearse in headphones using a jamhub. The effects boards for guitar and bass are set the same as for live, only with amp sim added, electric drums aren't great, but it's an amazing way to rehearse. Clear stereo environment, personalised mix, level control for each person etc. It means you can hear with total clarity what everyone is doing, no set up or strike time, it all lives set up in the basement, no lugging gear. A total revelation after so many years in grotty studio rooms battling ruined kit and paying for it!! If we are doing something new, we might poddle off to a studio for a live run through at the last minute before a gig, but by that point we've a pretty good idea what to expect. That's mainly for the drummer to shake down his part on an acoustic kit. I also host open mic nights, so there's the option to drag the guys along for a song or two to test stuff out a bit. When I do live rehearse I take my full stereo guitar rig, to check all the switching etc, but just one bass cab, that's pleeeenty with my powerful bass rig!
  5. I do this at most pub gigs. Works great and reduces the intense wallop of my 800w stack to something more useable.
  6. If you can come get it you can buy mine cheap.
  7. I have one of the original tan/basket weave sealed ones, and yep, it's fantastic!
  8. Oasis are stil current in the sense that I can't get through a single gig without one drunken chavvy bloke agressively demanding them all night, or host one open mic without one guy pretending to be them. :-/ Drives me nuts, which is why I finally 'relented' and arranged a completely different 'rock' version of the most requested song 'wonderwall' just to shut them up and to date a sense of mischief (Which I demo'd up on GarageBand on my iPad if anyone's interested) https://soundcloud.com/gafbass02/wonderwall-rock-ipad-demo
  9. I've played a lot of big stages and a zillion pub corners, I enjoy the freedom of a big stage, to leave the monitor/lighting/FOH guys to just crack on, and not being cramped I and tripping over stuff, but small stages have such great energy. Some video/pics of when big stages were the norm for me as opposed to being a festival thing like these days. http://youtu.be/BR8gDjHpN2o Great shot from set up [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/band%20pics/BirminghamSymphonyHall.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/band%20pics/BirminghamSymphonyHall.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/band%20pics/MA100_0008.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/band%20pics/MA100_0008.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/band%20pics/HAM100_0027.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/band%20pics/HAM100_0027.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/band%20pics/Styxukarmadillo.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/band%20pics/Styxukarmadillo.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/band%20pics/100_0047.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/band%20pics/100_0047.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Last year [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/FECD5C2F-6785-495F-9F80-0A9630DCE378.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/FECD5C2F-6785-495F-9F80-0A9630DCE378.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/63A1460A-97DB-4FF7-8C5B-60355C9AB09E.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/63A1460A-97DB-4FF7-8C5B-60355C9AB09E.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  10. I gave up too, still got all my 'bassist' mags, and BGM from issue one, but then, about six months ago I just gave up, it was getting worse and worse, more samey and less relevant. I was sad to stop after so long, but I've not missed it!
  11. I'm currently trying to stuff a new bands worth of arrangements, guitars parts and lyrics into my head. I literally haven't listened to any other music since around September!!! (Apart from the way BACK from gigs..my only exception!)
  12. Yet another here, I've gone from two trace Elliot 4x10's and a 4x5" bright box with a 400w trace head to two bergantino AE210's with an 800w digital head and its waaaaaay louder and punchier, and incomparably better tone, mostly I only need one cab!
  13. I've had this around here, a few in particular (seems to be a 'type'). Middle aged 'rock chicks' that want endless 'Bon Jovi' bands and classic Rock cover bands, cause that's waht they like. Because we play a sort of 'pop goes punk' type thing it's not their bag personally, so they just stopped booking us, despite the venues liking it and wanting us back. When I asked if we weren't getting booked purely because we weren't to their taste all vociferously denied it, and trotted out generic lines about full rosters etc, then carried on booking the same old same old. I was amused to see at least one of them has had nearly everyone she's worked alongside over the last few years finally cotton on, not sure if she's still doing it now. One told us (different act) the fee, told the venue wrong, then instead of fessing up, she got really psychotic after we queried it and showed her the message she'd send with the promised amount in and no matter how nice and dismissive of the matter we were, never contacted again, unfriended on fbook etc etc They all feel rather more like slightly unhinged wannabes/hangers on to me, but they seem to get so many venues sown up. Very irritating and unfair.
  14. Odd one this, I'm playing guitar/vocals in a 'Placebo' tribute band, the bassist is using my epi tbird and rig. We rehearse in headphones using a jamhib, and hadn't managed to 'live' rehearse the whole band with keys before this moment, so these two songs are the first time we all played 'loud' together! It's a sort of 'live rehearsal' on weds eve rather than a full gig. Fun was had! We debut March 14th http://youtu.be/jf3EIufHd6I
  15. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1422379170' post='2671920'] Would love to go to one but the thought of randomly going up and jamming with randomers is a bit daunting. [/quote] Just pop along to listen/chat/see what happens a few times first
  16. I host a couple, having taken over both from the previous hosts for reasons mentioned. One would play half the night, and only let his mates play the other half. The other would play half the night, then get drunk and play over people. I run them slightly differently from each other as the pubs and landlords are different, but the thing that is the same is that everyone gets a go, irrespective of skill or how often they come. In fact I'll prioritise a new face over a regular and expect the regulars to understand that we need to encourage new blood. I may start a night off, but if there's people waiting to play then I dont, it's not the Gaf show! I always take a bass and am happy to accompany anyone who needs bass, or to find them a more suited player/guitarist/drummer etc. lately the landlords have started to advertise them as an opportunity to audition for the payi g gigs they do, which so far has worked out pretty well for all concerned. Every player gets a free drink and the nights are truly friendly and supportive with a fabulous atmosphere, Ive worked hard to build up a good vibe and feel very proud to be in a position where I'm deemed good enough to host them.
  17. My epiphone ej200ce has been a stunning gigging guitar, two or three at least a week for a year now, I've never had so many compliments about a guitar tone before, even from non muso punters.
  18. Hahah. Yep, I'm under 60, and oddly, it still cuts the new fangled mustard!
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1421215324' post='2658465'] I have to back up a little here, so you are saying that the Zoom B1Xon which is a $76.00 multi effects processor is no different than what I get from my pedals. Not that price means anything, but $70.00 wouldn't cover the cost of one of my pedals. I am having a hard time with how this inexpensive $76.00 Zoom B1Xon can provide the same or better "mojo" than my pedals. But like some of you guys say, I'm old and probably don't know anything. Any of you older guys want to chime in on this? [b] [size=3]Zoom B1Xon Bass Effects Pedal with Expression Pedal[/size][/b] List Price: $89.47 Price: $76.00 Blue [size=4][font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000][b]Blue's Pedal Board [/b][/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Line 6 Wireless Relay[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Korg Pitch Black Tuner[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]MRX Bass Octave[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Boss OB3 Overdrive[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]MRX Phase Shifter[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]Boss Synth Bass[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Dedicated Delay[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]EBS Multi-Comp Compression[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Chorus[/color][/color][/font] [font=Arial][color=#0000FF][color=#000000]T.C. Electronics Hall Of Fame Reverb[/color][/color][/font][/size] [/quote] I used to use a huge pedal board, which I built and honed over many years, (including an old zoom 506 in a separate loop-giving me access to some of it's great sounds, but without the tone suck and noise) At one point I had an almost entirely EBS board, owned a range of boutique and vintage pedals. Then for practicality's sake I switched to a boss gt6b. Hated it. But I tried the zoom B9 which was £350 at the time. Amazing. I never looked back, the quality of the sounds was superb, with careful editing, I recreated all my pedal board sounds by A/B'ing carefully both at low and high volume. The switching is instant and the flexibility fantastic, it's my rehearsal/studio rig as well as live thanks to the amp sims, which I can use when not using an amp, but keep all my fx settings intact. It's done probably over 500 gigs, and I just bought a back up unit for it, so I own two. On guitar I use the guitar version, and receive a great many compliments on my tone! (I run guitar in stereo live too) If I'm travelling light, I can take either the zoom B2 and sound pretty similar, or my Zoom G1xon, which I mainly use on acoustic to be fair. I've been gigging pretty constantly for 25 years, owned over 75 basses, a ton of guitars, amps and god knows what else, played various HUGE venues etc, worked as a sound engineer, hi-fi sales guy, lighting guy, etc etc, I know my tones and tone goals in general and how to achieve them, but I'll always loudly vouch for the quality of the later generations of zoom FX Heck, some of their old stuff had good sounds, you just had to program them well. Good stuff y'know.
  20. There's a few, but two of particular note. A honey violin Warwick streamer LX, and a '92 stingray in natural. Utterly gutted about both in particular to this day.
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